The Neurodivergent Brain

Month: May 2024

  • Organic OS

    Organic OS

    Unlocking the Brain’s Potential: Overcoming Limits and Learned Helplessness

    The Brain as an Organic Computer System

    The human brain, much like an organic computer system, operates using electrical impulses to communicate and process information. This comparison highlights the similarities between human intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI). Both systems process information, learn from experiences, and make decisions. While AI uses algorithms and neural networks, the human brain utilizes biological neurons and synapses.

    Electrical Communication and Learning

    Neural Signals

    The brain’s communication relies on electrical impulses known as action potentials. These impulses transmit information between neurons, similar to how electrical circuits function in a computer.


    Chemical messengers called neurotransmitters play a crucial role in facilitating communication between neurons, akin to data packets transferred within a computer system.

    Fight-or-Flight Response: Activating High-Performance Mode

    1. Threat Perception and Amygdala Activation:
      • Scene: Imagine encountering a situation that triggers a strong emotional response, like a threat or intense anger.
      • Amygdala: This almond-shaped structure deep in your brain acts like an alarm system. It detects the threat and instantly sends distress signals.
    2. Hypothalamus Signals the Adrenal Glands:
      • Hypothalamus: Acting as a command center, the hypothalamus receives the amygdala’s alarm and activates the body’s stress response.
      • Adrenal Glands: Located on top of your kidneys, they release adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) into the bloodstream.
    3. Adrenaline Surge:
      • Adrenaline Release: Adrenaline floods your bloodstream, acting like a turbo boost for your body and brain. This hormone is responsible for the sudden increase in physical and cognitive performance.
    4. Physiological Changes:
      • Heart Rate and Blood Pressure: Your heart pumps faster and harder, increasing blood flow to muscles and vital organs, much like revving an engine to high RPMs.
      • Respiration: You start breathing faster, bringing more oxygen into your body, akin to stepping on the gas pedal.
      • Muscle Tension: Your muscles tense up, preparing for action, similar to a car ready to launch at the starting line.
    5. Cognitive Enhancements:
      • Heightened Alertness: Your senses become sharper, akin to switching on high-definition mode.
      • Faster Thought Processes: Your brain’s processing speed increases, like overclocking a processor for short bursts of speed.
      • Improved Short-term Memory: Normally slow short-term memory can temporarily improve, much like adding more RAM to a computer.
    6. Prefrontal Cortex Involvement:
      • Enhanced Decision-Making: Initially, your prefrontal cortex (responsible for rational thinking and decision-making) can work better, helping you make quick decisions, similar to supercharging a thinking mode.
      • Potential Impairment: However, intense anger or stress can overwhelm the prefrontal cortex, leading to impulsive decisions, like a computer overheating if pushed too hard for too long.

    Transitioning from Baseline to High Performance

    1. Baseline Performance:
      • Normal Operations: Under regular conditions, the brain operates in a balanced, energy-efficient mode. Cognitive functions work at a level that supports daily activities without undue strain.
    2. Emergency Activation: High-Performance Mode:
      • Activation: When necessary, the brain can switch to a high-performance mode, enhancing physical and cognitive abilities to handle immediate threats or challenges.
    3. Training and Optimization:
      • Practice and Learning: By consistently engaging in challenging activities and deliberate practice, individuals can enhance their baseline performance. Over time, what was once a high-performance state can become part of the normal baseline.
      • Neuroplasticity: The brain’s ability to form new connections means it can adapt and improve, much like upgrading and optimizing software on a computer.

    Societal and Self-Imposed Limits

    Societal Constraints

    Society, including family, doctors, educators, and cultural norms, can impose limits on what individuals believe they can achieve. These expectations shape perceptions of ability and potential, often restricting opportunities and discouraging individuals from pursuing their full potential.

    Self-Imposed Constraints

    Individuals can internalize societal limits, developing a mindset that restricts their perception of their capabilities—a concept known as a “fixed mindset.” By adopting a “growth mindset,” individuals can challenge these constraints, believing that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

    The Phenomenon of Learned Helplessness

    Discovery and Studies

    Learned helplessness is a psychological phenomenon first identified by Martin Seligman and Steven Maier in the 1960s through experiments with dogs. They discovered that when animals were subjected to inescapable stressors, they eventually stopped trying to escape, even when the opportunity was presented. This behavior indicated a state of learned helplessness.

    In subsequent studies, Seligman and others found that learned helplessness also applies to humans. When individuals experience repeated failure or lack of control over their environment, they may develop a sense of helplessness, believing that their actions are futile. This mindset can lead to decreased motivation, poor performance, and even depression.

    Relevance to Brain Potential

    Learned helplessness illustrates how powerful the mind’s influence can be on behavior and performance. It demonstrates that perceived limits—whether imposed by society or internalized by individuals—can significantly impact one’s ability to achieve their potential.

    Overcoming Learned Helplessness and Cognitive Barriers

    Cognitive Behavioral Techniques

    Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective in combating learned helplessness. By challenging negative thought patterns and encouraging positive behaviors, CBT helps individuals regain a sense of control and agency over their lives.

    Growth Mindset

    Adopting a growth mindset is crucial in overcoming learned helplessness. Believing that abilities can be developed through effort and perseverance encourages individuals to take on challenges and persist despite setbacks.

    Learning and Cognitive Disabilities: Finding Workarounds

    Understanding the Challenges

    Learning and cognitive disabilities can present significant challenges, affecting baseline and high-performance states. These can include difficulties with implied knowledge, processing speed, memory, and other cognitive functions.

    Where there is a will, there is a way. If you want it bad enough you will figure out a way. Sometimes you have to invent your own adaptive technology to make things work for you. I use tech as much as possible to get the job done. There is no shame in finding work arounds for your brain parts. Sometimes life sucks and sometimes it doesn’t. Just keep on pushing forward.

    1. Assistive Technology: Tools such as speech-to-text software, digital organizers, and specialized apps can help manage and overcome specific challenges.
    2. Structured Learning: Breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps can make learning more accessible.
    3. Visual Aids and Mnemonics: Using visual aids and memory techniques can help reinforce learning and improve recall.
    4. Routine and Predictability: Establishing routines can reduce cognitive load and help manage day-to-day tasks more effectively.
    5. Support Systems: Engaging with support groups, tutors, and therapists can provide the necessary guidance and encouragement.

    Empowerment Through Knowledge and Practice

    Understanding the brain’s potential and the impact of learned helplessness empowers individuals to challenge their perceived limits. Consistent practice, continuous learning, and a healthy lifestyle can help unlock this potential, allowing individuals to achieve higher levels of performance.


    The human brain, like an organic computer system, has immense potential that can be harnessed through learning and practice. The fight-or-flight response illustrates how the brain can switch to a high-performance mode in critical situations, demonstrating its inherent capabilities. While societal and self-imposed limits can restrict this potential, understanding and challenging these constraints can lead to significant improvements in performance and capability. The concept of learned helplessness further emphasizes the importance of mindset and belief in overcoming limitations. Even with learning and cognitive disabilities, individuals can develop strategies to work around these challenges and optimize their performance. By embracing a mindset of growth and continuous learning, individuals can optimize their brain function and achieve a higher level of performance in various aspects of life.

  • World IQ Decline

    World IQ Decline

    The Impact of Social Media on Cognitive Abilities: A Cognitive Trade-Off Perspective


    In recent years, there has been growing concern about the decline in global IQ scores. Simultaneously, an increase in visual-spatial IQ has been observed, particularly among younger generations. This phenomenon coincides with the rapid rise in social media usage, leading researchers to explore potential correlations. This article examines the relationship between social media consumption, specifically the act of scrolling through feeds, and changes in cognitive abilities using cognitive trade-off theory.

    The Flynn Effect and Its Reversal

    The Flynn Effect refers to the observed rise in IQ scores throughout the 20th century, attributed to improvements in nutrition, education, and healthcare. However, recent data suggest a potential reversal of this trend, with some studies indicating a decline in IQ scores in the 21st century (Bratsberg & Rogeberg, 2018). This reversal coincides with the proliferation of digital technology and social media, prompting investigations into their cognitive impacts.

    The Decline in Global IQ

    Lynn and Harvey (2008) proposed that dysgenic fertility, where more intelligent individuals have fewer children, contributes to the decline in IQ. Additionally, environmental factors such as technological advancements and lifestyle changes impact cognitive development (Flynn, 1984). Recent research indicates that technological factors, including social media, may also play a significant role (Twenge, 2019).

    The Rise in Visual-Spatial IQ

    Despite the overall decline in IQ, visual-spatial abilities seem to be improving. Visual-spatial IQ refers to the capacity to understand, reason, and remember the spatial relations among objects. This improvement can be attributed to increased exposure to visual stimuli, particularly through digital media. Green and Bavelier (2003) demonstrated that action video game players exhibit enhanced visual-spatial skills, indicating that engagement with dynamic visual environments can boost these abilities.

    The Cognitive Trade-Off Theory

    Cognitive trade-off theory suggests that the brain reallocates resources based on environmental demands and usage patterns. As individuals spend more time on social media, they engage more frequently in tasks that involve visual processing and less in tasks that require verbal and logical reasoning. This shift may explain the increase in visual-spatial IQ and the concurrent decline in overall IQ. The theory posits that the brain’s plasticity allows it to adapt to the most frequently used skills, potentially at the expense of less utilized cognitive functions (Carr, 2011).

    Social Media and Cognitive Processing

    The increase in social media use means that users are constantly exposed to new visual information. Scrolling through feeds requires rapid processing of images and videos, enhancing visual-spatial skills. However, this comes at the expense of language and logical reasoning skills. Social media platforms, designed to capture attention through engaging visuals, lead to frequent and prolonged use, reshaping cognitive priorities (Ophir, Nass, & Wagner, 2009).

    Diminished Language Skills

    Engaging heavily with social media impacts language abilities in several ways:

    • Abbreviated Communication: Social media platforms encourage brief, concise communication, often limiting complex language use and the development of rich vocabulary. Studies show that the character limits on platforms like Twitter can restrict expressive language use (Berkowitz, 2017).
    • Reduced Reading and Writing: Time spent on social media detracts from time that could be spent reading books or writing extensively, activities that enhance language skills. According to a study by Neuman and Celano (2006), decreased time spent reading traditional texts correlates with lower language development.
    • Superficial Processing: The rapid consumption of information leads to more superficial processing of content, reducing opportunities for deep linguistic engagement and critical thinking. Research by Jackson et al. (2006) indicates that multitasking with media can impair cognitive control and deeper information processing.

    Brain Systems Involved

    Several brain systems are involved in the cognitive changes associated with increased social media use:

    • Visual Cortex: The primary visual cortex (V1) and associated visual processing areas are heavily engaged during the consumption of visual content on social media. This increased activity can enhance visual-spatial skills but may divert resources from other cognitive functions (Haxby et al., 2001).
    • Prefrontal Cortex: Responsible for complex cognitive behavior, decision-making, and moderating social behavior, the prefrontal cortex is less engaged when social media use prioritizes rapid visual processing over deep, analytical thought (Miller & Cohen, 2001).
    • Language Centers: Areas such as Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas, which are critical for language production and comprehension, may receive less stimulation with the abbreviated communication style prevalent on social media (Friederici, 2011).

    Confirmation Bias and Information Overload

    Social media platforms often reinforce confirmation bias, presenting users with information that aligns with their existing beliefs. This phenomenon restricts the cognitive capacity for critical thinking and the assimilation of new, contradicting information. As individuals are bombarded with information that supports their biases, they lose the ability to process new information critically and adjust their beliefs accordingly (Sunstein, 2009).


    The interplay between social media usage and cognitive abilities is a complex and evolving topic. While social media enhances visual-spatial skills, it also contributes to a decline in overall IQ by reallocating cognitive resources away from verbal and logical reasoning. Understanding these changes is crucial as we navigate an increasingly digital world. Further research is needed to explore the long-term implications of these cognitive shifts and to develop strategies for balanced cognitive development.


    1. Lynn, R., & Harvey, J. (2008). The decline of the world’s IQ. Intelligence, 36(2), 112-120. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2007.03.004.
    2. Flynn, J. R. (1984). The mean IQ of Americans: Massive gains 1932 to 1978. Psychological Bulletin, 95(1), 29-51.
    3. Green, C. S., & Bavelier, D. (2003). Action video game modifies visual selective attention. Nature, 423(6939), 534-537.
    4. Carr, N. (2011). The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains. W.W. Norton & Company.
    5. Ophir, E., Nass, C., & Wagner, A. D. (2009). Cognitive control in media multitaskers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(37), 15583-15587.
    6. Berkowitz, J. (2017). Character limits: the role of social media in shaping public discourse. Journal of Communication, 67(2), 342-365.
    7. Neuman, S. B., & Celano, D. (2006). The knowledge gap: Implications of leveling the playing field for low-income and middle-income children. Reading Research Quarterly, 41(2), 176-201.
    8. Jackson, G., et al. (2006). Information overload and cognitive processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 32(3), 545-555.
    9. Haxby, J. V., et al. (2001). Distributed and overlapping representations of faces and objects in ventral temporal cortex. Science, 293(5539), 2425-2430.
    10. Miller, E. K., & Cohen, J. D. (2001). An integrative theory of prefrontal cortex function. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 24, 167-202.
    11. Friederici, A. D. (2011). The brain basis of language processing: From structure to function. Physiological Reviews, 91(4), 1357-1392.
    12. Sunstein, C. R. (2009). 2.0. Princeton University Press.
    13. Bratsberg, B., & Rogeberg, O. (2018). Flynn effect and its reversal are both environmentally caused. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(26), 6674-6678.
    14. Twenge, J. M. (2019). The Sad State of Happiness in the United States and the Role of Digital Media. World Happiness Report 2019, 87-103.
  • The Human Mental Block

    The Human Mental Block

    Cognitive Inflexibility in Humans: Understanding Mental Blocks

    In a world where new information constantly challenges our beliefs and perceptions, the ability to adapt and integrate this information is crucial. However, many individuals exhibit a phenomenon known as cognitive inflexibility, where they struggle to accept or process new data that contradicts their existing mental framework. This mental block is not limited to any specific group but is prevalent among non-divergents as well. Understanding the mechanisms behind this cognitive rigidity can shed light on why some people are resistant to change and how this impacts their interactions and decision-making processes.

    Exploring Cognitive Inflexibility

    Cognitive inflexibility refers to the difficulty in adapting one’s thoughts and behaviors in response to new or changing information. This mental rigidity often manifests as a steadfast adherence to previously held beliefs, even in the face of contradictory evidence. Several cognitive biases contribute to this phenomenon:

    1. Confirmation Bias: One of the most well-known cognitive biases, confirmation bias, is the tendency to favor information that confirms one’s preexisting beliefs while disregarding or downplaying contradictory evidence. This bias can lead individuals to interpret new information in a way that reinforces their existing views, creating a feedback loop of self-affirmation.
    2. Cognitive Dissonance: When confronted with information that conflicts with their beliefs, individuals may experience cognitive dissonance, a state of mental discomfort. To alleviate this discomfort, they may reject or rationalize the new information, rather than adjusting their beliefs to accommodate it.
    3. Mental Set: A mental set is a framework for thinking about a problem based on previous experiences. While this can be beneficial in familiar situations, it can hinder the ability to approach new problems with fresh perspectives. This rigidity in thinking patterns makes it challenging to adopt new strategies or solutions.
    4. Schema Rigidity: Schemas are mental structures that help us organize and interpret information. However, when these schemas become too rigid, they can prevent individuals from integrating new information that doesn’t fit within their established framework. This inflexibility can lead to a distorted understanding of new experiences.

    The Impact of Cognitive Inflexibility

    Cognitive inflexibility has significant implications for both personal growth and social interactions. On a personal level, it can limit one’s ability to learn and adapt, reducing the capacity for critical thinking and problem-solving. In social interactions, this rigidity can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, as individuals are unable or unwilling to consider alternative perspectives.

    Moreover, cognitive inflexibility can contribute to the polarization seen in many societal debates. When individuals are entrenched in their beliefs, they are less likely to engage in open, constructive dialogue, leading to a fragmented and divided society.


    Understanding cognitive inflexibility and the mental blocks that contribute to it is essential for fostering personal growth and social harmony. By recognizing these cognitive biases and actively working to overcome them, individuals can enhance their ability to adapt to new information and perspectives. Encouraging open-mindedness and critical thinking can help break down these mental barriers, leading to more informed and harmonious interactions in both personal and societal contexts. Embracing flexibility in thought is not just a cognitive exercise but a step towards a more inclusive and understanding world.

  • Please share this site

    Please share this site

    Please share this site

    If you can, please share this site in your country. I would like to reach as many neurodivergents as possible. The faster people read it, the sooner they will feel better and start to think better. You know it takes a long time to change our routines, so the sooner we start the faster we will get there. I would also love to hear from you! Verbal or non verbal- send video- draw a picture- however! I would love it.

    Thank You!!

  • Occam’s Razor

    Occam’s Razor

    Interfering with Nature: The Consequences of Early Intervention on Human Civilization

    Occam’s Razor, a principle attributed to the 14th-century logician and Franciscan friar William of Ockham, asserts that the simplest explanation is often the correct one. This principle has been a foundational tool in science and philosophy, guiding thinkers to avoid unnecessary complexity when formulating explanations. Applying Occam’s Razor to the discussion of autism and ADHD, we find that these neurodivergent traits are not anomalies but integral parts of human nature, designed for specific purposes.

    Throughout history, human civilization has advanced through natural processes, adapting and evolving to meet the challenges of each era. However, in recent decades, there has been an increasing trend to interfere with these natural processes, particularly in the realm of developmental disorders such as autism. Early intervention strategies, especially Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), have been widely adopted with the intention of helping autistic individuals adapt to societal norms. While these intentions may be well-meaning, it is crucial to consider the broader implications of such interference on the natural course of human development and civilization.

    The Natural Pace of Development

    Human development, both individual and societal, has always progressed at a natural pace. This natural progression is essential for the harmonious evolution of our species. Each stage of development, whether in childhood or in societal advancement, serves a specific purpose in preparing for future challenges.

    Natural Development:

    • Individual Growth: Each child develops at their own pace, with unique strengths and abilities. This diversity is essential for a resilient and adaptable society.
    • Societal Evolution: Societies evolve through the contributions of diverse minds, including those who think differently, such as autistic and ADHD individuals. These contributions have historically driven innovation and progress.

    The Impact of Early Intervention

    Early intervention strategies like ABA aim to modify behaviors in autistic children to align with societal norms. While this may seem beneficial on the surface, it often disregards the natural development and unique strengths of these individuals.

    Consequences of ABA:

    • Suppression of Natural Abilities: ABA often focuses on eliminating behaviors deemed undesirable, potentially suppressing the unique abilities and strengths of autistic individuals.
    • Time-Altering Effects: By interfering with the natural development of autistic individuals, we may be altering the course of human advancement. The unique contributions of these individuals, which could drive significant progress, are at risk of being diminished.
    • Generational Impact: The widespread use of early intervention strategies affects not just individuals but entire generations. The long-term impact on society’s ability to innovate and adapt is a concern.

    The Role of Autistic and ADHD Individuals in Civilization

    Autistic and ADHD individuals have played a crucial role in the advancement of human civilization. Their unique ways of thinking, problem-solving abilities, and intense focus have led to groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.

    Contributions to Society:

    • Innovation and Creativity: Autistic and ADHD individuals often excel in areas requiring deep focus and attention to detail. Their contributions to science, technology, and the arts have been invaluable.
    • Problem Solving: Their ability to approach problems from unique perspectives allows for innovative solutions that others might not consider.
    • Natural Diversity: The diversity of thought and ability within the human population is crucial for a resilient and adaptable society.

    The Broader Implications

    Interfering with the natural development of autistic individuals through strategies like ABA can have far-reaching consequences for society as a whole. It is essential to recognize and respect the natural pace of development and the unique contributions that neurodiverse individuals bring to the table.

    Respecting Natural Processes:

    • Holistic Approaches: Instead of focusing solely on behavior modification, holistic approaches that nurture the strengths of autistic individuals should be adopted.
    • Valuing Diversity: Society must learn to value and integrate diverse ways of thinking and being, recognizing that these differences drive progress and innovation.
    • Long-Term Perspective: Understanding that the short-term gains of early intervention may come at the cost of long-term societal advancement is crucial.


    The natural progression of human development and societal evolution is a complex and delicate process. Interfering with this process through early intervention strategies like ABA can have unintended consequences, potentially altering the course of human advancement. By recognizing and valuing the unique contributions of autistic and ADHD individuals, we can ensure a more innovative, resilient, and adaptable future for all.

    Do you see?

  • Designated Drivers of Humanity

    Designated Drivers of Humanity

    Autism and ADHD: The Essential Elements of Human Civilization

    Autism and ADHD have long been viewed through a lens of difference, often misunderstood and misrepresented. However, these neurodivergent traits are not anomalies but essential components of human evolution and society. By applying Occam’s Razor—the principle that the simplest explanation is often the correct one—we can see that autism and ADHD are intrinsic parts of nature, designed for a reason. These conditions have been present for centuries, contributing significantly to human civilization through invention, design, and creativity.

    The Role of Autistic and ADHD Individuals in History

    Historically, life was less chaotic. There were no 24-hour news cycles, constant connectivity through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, or the relentless pressure of social media. In such an environment, the unique traits of autistic and ADHD individuals flourished. These individuals often spent their lives studying a single subject, driven by intense focus and passion, ultimately sharing their findings for the betterment of society.

    Contributions through Centuries:

    • Innovation and Creativity: Many of the world’s greatest inventors, scientists, and artists displayed traits associated with autism and ADHD. Their ability to hyper-focus allowed them to make groundbreaking discoveries and create works of art that have shaped human culture.
    • Problem Solving: Autistic and ADHD individuals often possess exceptional problem-solving skills. Their different way of thinking enables them to approach problems from unique angles, leading to innovative solutions that others might overlook.
    • Attention to Detail: The meticulous nature of many autistic individuals has led to advancements in various fields, including mathematics, engineering, and the arts. Their ability to notice details that others miss has been crucial in making precise and accurate contributions.

    Modern Challenges and the Need for Balance

    In today’s world, the constant barrage of information and social expectations creates a challenging environment for autistic and ADHD individuals. The pressure to be social and constantly connected can be overwhelming, detracting from their ability to focus on their passions and make meaningful contributions.

    The Modern Landscape:

    • Overstimulation: The modern environment is filled with stimuli that can be overwhelming for neurodivergent individuals. This overstimulation can hinder their ability to concentrate and innovate.
    • Social Pressure: The expectation to be social and extroverted is contrary to the natural inclinations of many autistic and ADHD individuals. This pressure can lead to stress and burnout, reducing their ability to contribute effectively.
    • Need for Supportive Environments: Creating environments that reduce overstimulation and allow for focus and creativity is essential. This includes quiet spaces, flexible work arrangements, and a culture that values diverse contributions.

    The Designated Drivers of Humanity

    Autistic and ADHD individuals serve a crucial purpose in human civilization. They are the drivers of progress, continuously creating and inventing. Their contributions are not just valuable but essential for the advancement of society. If we were all designed to be social butterflies, humanity would lack the depth of knowledge and innovation that these individuals bring.

    The Bigger Picture:

    • Integral Part of a System: Just as a body needs different organs to function, society needs diverse minds to thrive. Autistic and ADHD individuals are integral to this system, providing the innovation and problem-solving skills necessary for progress.
    • Humanity’s Success: For humanity to be successful, there must be those who dedicate their lives to research and creation. These individuals ensure that we continue to advance, adapt, and overcome challenges.


    Autism and ADHD are not disorders to be cured but natural variations to be celebrated. By recognizing the essential roles that autistic and ADHD individuals play in our society, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment. Embracing these differences and providing the right support can lead to a more innovative, creative, and successful human civilization.

  • Autistic Toddler Regression

    Autistic Toddler Regression

    Cognitive Trade-Off in Autism: A Necessary Adaptation

    In children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a phenomenon often referred to as “regression” can be observed, typically between the ages of 15 to 30 months. During this period, some children may lose previously acquired skills, particularly in language and social interactions. However, this “regression” should not be viewed as a simple loss of skills but rather as a cognitive trade-off necessary for the brain’s adaptation and development.

    Brain Development from 9 to 24 Months

    During the first two years of life, a child’s brain undergoes significant changes:

    1. 9 to 12 Months:
      • Motor Skills: Development of crawling, standing, and initial steps. Fine motor skills improve, allowing for better object manipulation.
      • Cognitive Skills: Object permanence is understood. Imitation and early problem-solving skills begin to emerge.
      • Social and Emotional Skills: Strengthening of attachment bonds, increased interaction with caregivers, and early social communication attempts.
    2. 12 to 18 Months:
      • Motor Skills: Walking becomes more stable. Fine motor skills continue to develop, enabling tasks like stacking blocks or scribbling.
      • Cognitive Skills: Rapid vocabulary growth, though not uniform across all children. Increased exploration and curiosity.
      • Social Skills: More complex interactions with caregivers and peers. Early signs of empathy and understanding of social norms.
    3. 18 to 24 Months:
      • Motor Skills: Running, climbing, and improved coordination. Fine motor skills include drawing shapes and using utensils.
      • Cognitive Skills: Further language development, though some children may show variability. Improved memory and recognition skills.
      • Social Skills: More sophisticated play, including pretend play. Increased independence and assertion of preferences.

    The Concept of Cognitive Trade-Off

    The term “regression” suggests a loss of previously acquired skills. However, it is more accurate to describe this as a cognitive trade-off. Here’s how it works:

    1. Resource Allocation:
      • The brain has a finite amount of resources (neural energy, attention, etc.) to allocate toward various developmental tasks.
      • During periods of intense growth, such as the development of motor skills or sensory processing, the brain may prioritize these areas over others, such as language.
    2. Sensory Overload and Filtering:
      • Children with autism often experience the world differently, with sensory information being overwhelming and unfiltered.
      • To manage this influx of information, the brain may divert resources to developing coping mechanisms, such as sensory processing strategies, at the expense of language skills.
    3. Neural Pruning and Connectivity:
      • Neural pruning is a natural process where the brain eliminates excess neurons and synapses to increase efficiency.
      • This process is critical in focusing on the most important skills for survival and adaptation at a given developmental stage.

    Cognitive Trade-Off in Action

    During the so-called regression period:

    • Language Skills: Children may appear to lose language skills as their brain focuses on other critical areas.
    • Motor Skills and Sensory Processing: These may develop more rapidly as the brain works on filtering and managing sensory input.
    • Social Skills: Interactions may change as the child prioritizes understanding and navigating their environment.


    Understanding “regression” as a cognitive trade-off rather than a loss can shift our perspective on autism. It highlights the brain’s adaptability and prioritization in response to the unique needs of a developing child with autism. By acknowledging this, caregivers and professionals can better support children’s development, focusing on creating environments that minimize sensory overload and encourage balanced growth across all areas.

  • Social Genocide

    Social Genocide

    Beyond Bias: The Systematic Disregard of Autistic Individuals and Its Dire Consequences

    Autistic individuals often face systemic discrimination and mistreatment, far beyond mere bias. This mistreatment spans various aspects of society, from law enforcement and legal systems to education and everyday interactions. Such pervasive disregard not only undermines the dignity and rights of autistic people but also poses severe consequences for their safety and well-being. This article explores the widespread mistreatment of autistic individuals, the roots of this issue, and the urgent need for societal change.

    Irregular Connectivity and Communication Challenges

    Autistic individuals have irregular neural connectivity, leading to difficulties in processing information, especially when it is ambiguous or implied. The world communicates not only verbally but also through written and non-verbal cues that can be unclear and confusing for autistic individuals. This irregular connectivity can result in missed steps, confusion, fear, and anger. When society expects autistic individuals to navigate this ambiguous communication effortlessly, it unfairly places the blame on them when they struggle.

    The Reality of Systemic Disregard

    Law Enforcement

    • Fear of the Unknowns: For autistic individuals, the fear of unknowns can be overwhelming. When faced with high-stress situations, such as interactions with law enforcement, this fear is magnified. Autistic people may struggle to understand and respond to rapidly shouted instructions, leading to dangerous misunderstandings.
    • Example: In high-pressure scenarios, such as a police officer demanding compliance with shouted commands, an autistic individual may not be able to process the instructions quickly enough. This can lead to perceived non-compliance or resistance.
    • Consequence: Such misunderstandings can result in unnecessary use of force, injuries, or even fatalities. In police interview rooms, the inability to understand the nuanced questioning can lead to false confessions or the dismissal of genuine concerns.

    Legal Systems

    • Communication Barriers: Autistic individuals often face significant communication challenges, which are frequently misunderstood by legal professionals. This misunderstanding can lead to a lack of proper legal representation and support.
    • Example: An autistic person seeking legal help may struggle with traditional communication methods, resulting in their concerns being ignored or misunderstood by lawyers.
    • Consequence: This can lead to unjust legal outcomes, prolonged distress, and a

    lack of recourse for autistic individuals facing legal issues.

    Healthcare and Services

    • Sensory Sensitivities: Autistic individuals often have heightened sensory sensitivities, which can make everyday tasks and interactions challenging. When these sensitivities are not understood or accommodated, it leads to significant distress and neglect.
    • Example: In healthcare or service settings, an autistic person may need specific accommodations for sensory sensitivities. Without understanding and support, their needs are often dismissed, leading to inadequate care.
    • Consequence: This neglect can result in deteriorating health and well-being, as well as a lack of trust in essential services.


    • Implied Instructions: Autistic students often struggle with implied instructions and expectations, leading to misunderstandings and unfair academic penalties. Educators may not recognize the need for explicit, clear instructions.
    • Example: Autistic students may answer questions in a way that reflects their unique thinking patterns, which can be misinterpreted by teachers.
    • Consequence: This results in lower grades, academic failure, and a lack of opportunities for further education and career development.

    The Role of Early Intervention and ABA

    Early intervention programs and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) have been widely promoted with the intention of helping autistic individuals. However, these programs often contribute to the problem by perpetuating harmful biases and teaching autistic individuals that their natural behaviors are wrong.

    • Misguided Intentions: While early intervention aimed to support autistic children, it often focuses on making them conform to non-autistic norms, leading to internalized shame and a lack of self-acceptance.
    • Harmful Messaging: Early intervention campaigns have driven home the message that autism is a tragedy, something to be feared and mourned. Media portrayals often show families devastated by an autism diagnosis, reinforcing the idea that autism is inherently negative.
    • Corporate Endorsement: Large corporations have supported and perpetuated these narratives, spreading the message that autism is something to be feared and urgently addressed. This has led to a widespread societal belief that autistic individuals are fundamentally flawed or broken.
    • Consequence: These approaches can lead to long-term psychological harm, making it harder for autistic individuals to advocate for themselves and navigate societal systems. The narrative that autistic kids are problematic and do “weird” things contributes to stigma and exclusion.

    The Urgent Need for Change

    The systematic disregard of autistic individuals is not just a matter of bias; it is a violation of human rights. If autistic people cannot rely on essential services like law enforcement, legal aid, education, and healthcare, their safety and well-being are in jeopardy. This widespread mistreatment must be addressed to prevent further harm and ensure that autistic individuals can live with dignity and respect.

    Social Genocide Through Systemic Discrimination

    Social genocide, or sociocide, involves the systematic destruction of a group’s social structures, identity, and way of life through systemic discrimination. For the autistic community, this form of genocide manifests in the pervasive efforts to “cure” or eliminate autism rather than understanding and supporting autistic individuals. Autistic people, though not a race, represent a unique neurotype within the human species. Society often focuses on the comorbidities and perceived quality-of-life issues associated with autism, driving research and interventions aimed at eradicating autism rather than improving the lives of autistic individuals. This approach denies autistic people the opportunity to live fulfilling lives and to be accepted as they are. It is hypocritical that in an age of cancel culture, which claims to advocate for justice and equality, society simultaneously contributes to the social genocide of the autistic community by promoting stereotypes, exclusion, and harmful “cures.” This contradiction underscores the urgent need to shift the focus from elimination to acceptance and support, recognizing autistic individuals as valuable members of society who deserve to thrive.


    Autistic individuals are valuable members of society who contribute in many ways, yet they face systemic mistreatment that undermines their humanity. It is crucial to recognize and address this issue, demanding change from all societal sectors. By raising awareness and advocating for autistic rights, we can work towards a society where autistic individuals are treated with the respect and understanding they deserve. The future of autistic children depends on our commitment to this change.

  • Input Processing

    Input Processing

    I found this book at the thrift store today, and it even had the good parts already underlined in pencil for me. Its a great book!

    States of Consciousness

    States of Consciousness, a classic by world authority Charles T. Tart, is a basic understanding of how the mind is a dynamic, culturally biased, semi-arbitrary construction and system. A systematic exploration of how and why altered states can come about and their possibilities. As a student of h…

    Unlocking the Secrets of Consciousness: How Charles Tart’s “States of Consciousness” Illuminates Autistic Sensory Processing

    In Charles Tart’s “States of Consciousness,” the concept of “Input-Processing” is one of the major subsystems of consciousness. This subsystem automates the selection and abstraction of sensory input, allowing us to perceive only what is considered “important” based on personal and cultural standards​​.

    Input-Processing Subsystem: Importance and Function


    The Input-Processing subsystem is crucial because it helps manage the vast amount of sensory information we receive, ensuring that we are not overwhelmed by irrelevant data. This subsystem filters incoming sensory stimuli, highlighting what our brain deems significant while disregarding the rest. This process is highly automated, operating below the level of conscious awareness most of the time.

    Importance in Daily Functioning

    1. Efficiency in Perception: By filtering sensory inputs, the Input-Processing subsystem allows us to focus on what is immediately relevant, enhancing our ability to respond effectively to our environment. For example, while walking down a busy street, this subsystem helps us notice traffic signals and pedestrian movements rather than being distracted by every single sound or visual stimulus.
    2. Cultural and Personal Relevance: The criteria for what is considered important are influenced by both personal experiences and cultural norms. This means our perceptions are tailored to what we need to function within our specific cultural context, aiding in social interactions and adherence to societal norms.
    3. Adaptation and Survival: On a more fundamental level, the Input-Processing subsystem is essential for survival. By quickly identifying and prioritizing potential threats or opportunities, this subsystem helps us navigate our environment safely and efficiently.

    Parallels to Autistic Perception

    In autism, sensory processing can often be atypical, leading to differences in how sensory input is filtered and prioritized:

    1. Hyper- and Hypo-Sensitivity: Many autistic individuals experience either heightened sensitivity (hyper-sensitivity) or reduced sensitivity (hypo-sensitivity) to sensory stimuli. This can mean that the Input-Processing subsystem may either filter out too little, resulting in sensory overload, or too much, leading to missed important cues.
    2. Different Criteria for Relevance: The standards for what is deemed “important” sensory input can differ significantly from neurotypical norms. Autistic individuals might focus intensely on details that others might overlook and find overwhelming stimuli that others can easily ignore.
    3. Impact on Daily Life: These differences in sensory processing can significantly impact daily functioning. For instance, in a noisy environment, an autistic person might struggle with overwhelming auditory input that their Input-Processing subsystem cannot filter out efficiently. This can lead to anxiety, stress, and a need for sensory accommodations to create a more manageable environment.

    Teaching and Understanding: A Precursor to ABA

    Tart’s exploration in “States of Consciousness” predates the development of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and offers insights into sensory processing that can be seen as inadvertently teaching how to experience the world in an “autistic” way. By delving deeply into how sensory input is processed and filtered, Tart’s work can help neurotypical individuals understand and perhaps even adopt certain aspects of autistic sensory experiences as a means of self-discovery and personal growth.

    Finding Oneself Through Sensory Awareness

    Tart’s systems approach suggests that by understanding and manipulating our sensory input processing, we can achieve altered states of consciousness that lead to self-discovery. This is akin to experiencing the world as an autistic person might, with heightened awareness of sensory details and a different prioritization of stimuli. Such an approach can broaden one’s understanding of consciousness and the human experience, offering a path to deeper self-awareness and personal insight.


    Tart’s detailed exploration of how the mind processes and filters sensory input provides valuable insights for understanding autistic sensory experiences. Recognizing the variability in sensory processing and the potential for overload can help appreciate the challenges faced by autistic individuals. This understanding can inform strategies to create supportive environments that minimize sensory distress and enhance well-being. Tart’s work essentially teaches elements of autistic sensory processing as a method for finding oneself, predating ABA and highlighting the importance of sensory awareness in personal development.

  • Cognitive Trade-Off Theory

    Cognitive Trade-Off Theory

    Cognitive Trade-Off Theory and Neurodivergence: Autism, ADHD, and Dyslexia

    Cognitive Trade-Off Theory suggests that the human brain’s evolution involved compromises where certain cognitive abilities developed at the expense of others. This theory posits that the brain’s capacity is finite, and as certain areas become more developed, others may not reach the same level of sophistication. This concept has been explored to understand various cognitive traits and their evolutionary benefits and drawbacks.

    Tetsuro Matsuzawa and His Research

    Tetsuro Matsuzawa, a renowned primatologist at Kyoto University’s Primate Research Institute, has conducted influential studies on chimpanzee cognition. His research primarily focuses on the cognitive abilities of chimpanzees, particularly in memory and learning tasks. One of Matsuzawa’s famous experiments involves the “numerical memory” tasks with chimpanzees, where these primates demonstrated remarkable short-term memory capabilities, often outperforming humans in tasks that required rapid memory recall of numerical sequences.

    Key Findings:

    1. Numerical Memory: Chimpanzees, especially young ones, displayed extraordinary abilities in recalling and sequencing numbers.
    2. Trade-Offs: While chimpanzees excelled in specific memory tasks, they lacked other cognitive abilities that humans possess, such as complex language skills and abstract reasoning.

    Applying Cognitive Trade-Off Theory to Neurodivergent Conditions

    Cognitive Trade-Off Theory can help explain the distinct cognitive profiles observed in autism, ADHD, and dyslexia by suggesting that their unique strengths and challenges result from evolutionary trade-offs.


    Cognitive Trade-Off Theory suggests that the intense focus and systemizing abilities in autistic individuals come at the expense of social cognition. The evolutionary advantage of being highly detail-oriented and systematic could have been beneficial in early human societies for tasks like tool-making or tracking, where precision and focus were crucial. However, these traits might have developed at the cost of social communication skills, which require a different type of cognitive processing.


    In ADHD, the ability to hyperfocus and think divergently could be viewed as advantageous in environments that require rapid problem-solving and adaptability. Historically, these traits could have been beneficial in situations requiring quick decision-making and creativity. However, the trade-off for these abilities is difficulty in sustaining attention on routine tasks, which require a different kind of cognitive endurance and organization.


    The strengths in visual-spatial reasoning and holistic thinking observed in dyslexia can be seen as beneficial in tasks requiring these abilities, such as navigation, architecture, and certain types of problem-solving. Evolutionarily, these skills would have been valuable in tasks involving spatial awareness and innovative thinking. The trade-off is seen in the difficulties with phonological processing and reading, which are more recent developments in human history.


    Cognitive Trade-Off Theory offers a framework for understanding the unique cognitive profiles in autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. By recognizing these conditions as having evolved strengths with corresponding challenges, we can appreciate the diversity of human cognition and promote a strengths-based approach to support and education.

  • Autism By Design

    Autism By Design

    The Role of Self-Organizing Neural Activity in Autism Development

    A recent study published in Nature Communications and covered by Medical Xpress demonstrates the brain’s remarkable ability to self-organize during early development. This international research collaboration between the University of Minnesota and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies reveals that the cortex can transform unstructured inputs into organized patterns of activity independently.

    Study Overview

    The researchers focused on the developing cortex of juvenile ferrets before they gained visual experience. Using advanced techniques such as optogenetics (to control neuron activity with light) and calcium imaging (to visualize neuron activity), they observed how the cortex self-organizes into modular patterns.

    Key Findings

    1. Self-Organization of Cortical Activity:
      • The cortex can create structured activity patterns from unstructured inputs, a process that happens within the brain itself without needing external information.
      • These patterns have a characteristic size and shape, suggesting a natural preference for certain organizational structures.
    2. Local Excitation and Lateral Inhibition (LE/LI) Mechanism:
      • The study supports the LE/LI mechanism, where local excitation (neurons stimulating their neighbors) and lateral inhibition (neurons suppressing more distant neighbors) lead to the formation of these patterns.
      • This mechanism allows for a balance between stability and flexibility in brain activity.
    3. Independence from External Inputs:
      • Even when visual inputs were blocked, the brain continued to form these patterns, indicating that they are a product of internal brain processes.
      • Blocking internal connections within the cortex stopped the formation of patterns, showing that these internal connections are crucial.
    4. Similarity to Spontaneous Activity:
      • The patterns seen with controlled light stimulation were similar to those observed during spontaneous brain activity, suggesting a common underlying process.

    Implications for Autism

    These findings provide insight into the fundamental processes of brain development and suggest a new perspective on autism:

    1. Autistic Brain Development:
      • The study implies that the brains of autistic individuals might be “programmed” to develop certain patterns of activity differently or more intensely.
      • This could explain why autistic individuals process information and perceive the world uniquely.
    2. Natural Pace of Development:
      • Allowing autistic brains to develop at their own pace, without external pressure to conform to typical developmental timelines, might support better integration and functionality.
      • This aligns with the idea that autistic individuals may benefit from environments that reduce stress and accommodate their natural developmental trajectories.
    3. Educational and Therapeutic Approaches:
      • Educational strategies could be tailored to support slower, individualized learning paces, fostering a more inclusive and effective learning environment for autistic students.
      • Therapies that enhance natural developmental processes, rather than forcing conformity, could be more beneficial.

    Challenging Misconceptions

    The Medical Xpress article discussing this study mentions “…. that any perturbations to these small-scale interactions can dramatically change the function of the brain, which may impact sensory perception and possibly contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders like autism.”

    As an autistic individual, this research suggests the opposite. It shows that the brain has an inherent plan for development, and deviations from typical development could be more about environmental impacts than a fundamental flaw in the brain’s design.

    However, this article turned the focus from a cool brain discovery to another autism cause study, which it wasn’t. Using Autism as click bait not only feeds the bias surrounding autism but its terrible read as a Autistic person.

    Imagine living in a world where everywhere you turn EVERYONE believes the same awful things about a condition they know nothing about and then they want to make sure there is no more of you in the future! Its gross.


    The study underscores the importance of understanding and respecting the natural developmental processes of the brain. For autistic individuals, this means recognizing and supporting their unique developmental needs. By creating environments that allow autistic brains to develop at their own pace, we can promote better integration into society and enhance their overall well-being.

    In essence, the findings suggest that the brain’s ability to self-organize is a critical aspect of development. For autistic individuals, this natural process might require more time and a supportive environment to unfold fully. Embracing this perspective could lead to more effective educational and therapeutic strategies, ultimately fostering a more inclusive society.

    Research team demonstrates cortex’s self-organizing abilities in neural development

    Published in Nature Communications, an international collaboration between researchers at the University of Minnesota and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies investigated how highly organized patterns of neural activity emerge during development. They found the cortex of the brain can transform unorganized inputs into highly organized patterns of activity-demonstrating self-organization.

    Mulholland, H.N., Kaschube, M. & Smith, G.B. Self-organization of modular activity in immature cortical networks. Nat Commun 15, 4145 (2024).