The Neurodivergent Brain

About Me

Christina Avelar

Hi! My name is Christina.

Hi Friends! For this I am just going to put in in bullet points and will add to it as I think of things.

I found out I was Autistic and AdHd at age 46. I also have Dyslexia (found out a few months ago) , Vestibular Dysfunction, Audio Processing Disorder, visual processing disorder, and who knows what else. Ill be honest- all of the above is my normal. I don’t know anything else and have lots and lots of compensation methods and tools galore!

  • I was a colicky baby, cried all the time. The only thing that could soothe me was a ride in the car.
  • When I was a toddler I drank “a poison something” from under the kitchen sink. Had to be medevac via doorless Army helicopter to base hospital
  • My preschool (age 4) thought I was deaf because I didn’t respond to my name.
  • I liked to run away (elopement )in stores. A few times I got lost.
  • My mother described me as never wanting to be touched or talked too. She didn’t worry that I would walk away with a stranger because I never talked.
  • My non talking, or minimal talking went unnoticed. In fact being “seen and not heard” was rewarded. (it was the 80’s)
  • I did average in school.
  • I grew up in a low noise, structured home with lots and lots of routine. Bedtime,eating, chores…..was consistent and enforced.
  • I make a lot of mistakes constantly and was punished constantly. I lived in a authoritative household.
  • Unfortunately grounding me to my room did not bother me. My mother always complained sending me to my room did nothing, because I liked it.
  • I read a lot in my childhood and watched A LOT of TV. I have always been fascinated by people.
  • My father had a library of national geographic magazines and historical books. I spent a lot of time reading those and a lot of maps. I love maps. We camped every weekend and fished when I was a kid. My job was to clean the salmon that were caught that day.
  • I spent a lot of time with my grandparents growing up. My grandfather loved geology and loved answering why questions. He was infinitely patient.My grandmother was quite the lady and very social. She never minded me being around her when she was with her friends. My grandfather taught me cribbage and like to watch me beat his friends at the game.
  • My grandfather introduced to me to my first novel at age 9. John Saul a suspense thriller. He read all the time and everywhere. I was the same.

Ok – enough past stuff- I get to missing my grandparents.

  • I have chickens and ducks. I built a pond filtration system using recycled water barrels.
  • I have three kids. My daughter who is 26, Otto 10, Axel 8.
  • I am married. My husband has funded this project with his business, I am so grateful.
  • I have 10 Chameleons, 5 Panther Chameleons and 5 Veiled Chameleons. I have a snake, bearded dragon, and false chameleon.
  • I was attending college and was going to go to UNLV. I was becoming to overstimulated trying figure out instructions, stupid stuff. Teachers kept giving me a hard time like I was manipulating them. So I quit. I choose when I am overstimulated not others choose for me. I also will not change my words to sound non autistic anymore. I am autistic. I write autistic. I think Autistic. I won’t apologize for that.
  • I have had trouble with my kids school. Axel has Dyslexia and ADHD like myself, and Otto Autism. Teachers and staff are just ignorant.

A few of my favorite things and pictures


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