Mindscape Neurodiversity Institute

Chat With Me

  2 Minutes Read

Gaming is something that helps me socialize in a controlled environment made by me. I started gaming with my daughter while she was in high school so we could spend time together because our relationship was evolving and it was challenging for both of us. The way connected was by gaming together side by side. She is so much better at gaming (and everything else!) then I have ever been, so our both my sons, but I don’t. My motor skills and impairments make gaming difficult at times for me, but I like it because its challenging and forces me to use parts of brain I don’t normally use. It also forces me to socialize because as you will see, sometimes in order to gain points or defeat a creature you have to ask for help. There is no way around it, because I have tried! You have to ask and speak to strangers in game to move forward. Trust me, you will want to move forward just out of pride. Plus, other players will not help you if you can not ask nicely. Other gamers can also report you for bad behavior as well. So it is in your best interests to learn how and why to speak kindly. Its also the right thing to do is follow proper game etiquette and always respect other player’s boundaries.

Without Further Adieu..

I am going to try and upload to Youtube as well as Steamlabs with twitch. Live streaming is still really brand new for me and I sometimes have difficult understanding text without a face attached to understand context. I also have difficulty multitasking if attempting to understand or problem solve. I become hyper focused and do not notice anything like chat Hello’s and such and why I don’t allow myself to game because I get so lost in it. I apologize, this is why it is my code red mechanism because I really, really like it. I usually only play World of Warcraft, but I might try new ones you suggest if they aren’t too hard.

OK so don’t laugh at me too much , I have an expressive face and sometimes a potty mouth.

* I’m proud of myself for doing this, because I have difficulty with being perceived.

Mindscapeneuro – Twitch

Gaming is my coping mechanism.

mindscapeneuro1 / Streamlabs

mindscapeneuro1’s official website powered by Streamlabs

2 thoughts on “Chat With Me”

  1. Your articles are brilliant! Curious, how much you know about AuDHD …. I am a high masking austic w/ ADHD. I’m just learning about interoceptive awarness and how it is greatly hindered or diminished by the combo of these 2 neurotypes. I have also learned that my SMS (stress management system) has a very defined threshold of overwhelm. When I experience too many high-stress events simultaneously, I experience a sort of alexithymia (emotional blindness). In ADHD, the anterior cingulate doesn’t activate …. it is designed to moderate and supress emotion . Dr Barkley says the ACG generally supresses and fine tunes the emotion so that the expression remains in keeping w/ your long term goals. Those that do not have a functional ACG ate characterized as having low frusteration tolerance, quick to anger, more easily excitable. They show their emotions more raw. I would love to have a discussion or see any articles about the AuDHD Experience …. the internal strife, the viceral tug of war. I’m a walking contradiction.

    1. Its fine.Oh my goodness! It just occurred to me that I did not really talk this on this site. I guess my brain just assumed that if you had both like myself , that you would just combine the information. Sometimes I really wonder what’s going on in my brain. I’m going to save your comment to research (yay, I love to research!!) and explore this further. Thank you so much for your compliment! How does one describe having both? I have dyslexia too, so its a whole thing – We as Autistics are very unique, we all have different presentations of Autism at different times and when its combined with AdHd, well, its party upstairs. Like living in two different worlds almost. Adhd however, really has helped me get over hurdles (impulsiveness) and I am very grateful. I have a very low frustration tolerance and yes to anger and excitable. Now I am aware of it internally and I feel it bubbling up and will compartmentalize it as a system and to disregard that feeling. It is as if I have an internal HR office inside my brain now. Lots of rules and regulations to operate as if everything’s is fine. I’m going to research this further. Thank you for engaging my curiosity!

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