The Neurodivergent Brain

Contact Me!

A World Map of Our Visitors

My favourite thing about building this site is viewing site analytics and seeing all the places you live. Please feel welcome to send me your pictures of the world so I can add them here. I love learning about your lives and everything that encompasses them. I have loved maps as much as National Geographic Magazine my entire life; there is so much to explore and learn about. I hope you take the time to tell me your story. I would be honoured to hear it.

I’ll be adding to this globe every day. I hope that one day, it will be filled from top to bottom. Thank you again for visiting; I am glad you are here.

Click Here to visit the Google Earth Page of visitors.

I wish I could be there in person to hear your stories and see the beauty of your country with you as my guide.

Write to Me!

Send questions, comments, suggestions, words of affirmation, whatever! Thanks for being here, and don’t be afraid to say hi!

I collect corny souvenirs, unusual gadgets, trinkets, and handmade things. If you send me a postcard or socks you made (Legally, of course) and provide a return address, I’ll send you something back. It doesn’t matter if you live in the US or overseas; I’ll figure out a way! I love looking at the postal stamps of the journey whenever I get something from overseas.

Christina Avelar
2381 E Windmill Ln
Ste 3 #2000
Las Vegas, NV 89123