Tag Archives: autistic brain

Autism Fear

Understanding Fear in Autism: A Neurological Deep Dive


Fear is a universal emotion, but for autistic individuals, fear can manifest in particularly intense and complex ways. The unique wiring of the autistic brain creates an environment where fear is more persistent and far-reaching than it may be for neurotypical individuals. This blog explores how the autistic brain processes fear, why it may acquire fear more rapidly and severely, and how these neurological differences impact day-to-day life. By understanding the root causes of these differences, we can develop better support systems and environments for autistic individuals.

The Role of Irregular Neural Connectivity

Autistic individuals often experience the world as unpredictable and overwhelming, which contributes to an intensified fear response. One of the key neurological traits of autism is irregular neural connectivity. Research shows that in autistic brains, there is over-connectivity in local areas (leading to an overload of information) and under-connectivity across larger regions (impairing integration of complex information)​(Columbia Irving Med Ctr)​(The Journal of Neuroscience).

This means that rather than filtering out unnecessary stimuli, the autistic brain processes a vast array of sensory inputs simultaneously, making it difficult to focus on what’s relevant. When faced with new or unfamiliar situations, the brain struggles to determine what is threatening and what is benign. As a result, the world can feel unpredictable, leading to persistent fear, which can manifest as anxiety, agitation, or even physical symptoms like stomachaches​(NeuroLaunch.com).

Unpruned Synapses and Sensory Overload

One of the more striking neurological differences in autism is the presence of excess synapses due to reduced synaptic pruning during early brain development​(

Columbia Irving Med Ctr). Synaptic pruning is a process that typically eliminates unnecessary neural connections, making brain function more efficient. In autistic individuals, this process is less effective, resulting in a surplus of connections that overload the brain with information.

This sensory overload creates an environment where fear responses are amplified. The autistic brain is constantly bombarded with more sensory input than it can efficiently process, making it difficult to distinguish between real and perceived threats. This constant flow of information heightens the fear response and contributes to a state of hypervigilance.

Theory of Mind and the Impact of Uncertainty

Another key factor in how autistic individuals experience fear is the impaired development of theory of mind (ToM), which is the ability to understand the thoughts and intentions of others. Neurotypical individuals often rely on social cues and the intentions of others to gauge safety in their environment. For example, reassurance from a friend can help calm fears.

In contrast, autistic individuals often struggle with theory of mind, making it difficult to rely on social cues for reassurance. Words of comfort may feel insincere or unreliable because the autistic brain doesn’t process others’ intentions in the same way. As a result, fear and uncertainty are more likely to persist, even in situations where others feel safe and calm​(NeuroLaunch.com).

This lack of trust in social cues adds an additional layer of vulnerability to the autistic fear response. When faced with unknown situations, the autistic brain is left without the ability to rely on external social reassurance, deepening the sense of threat and danger.

Routine and Consistency: The Lifeline to Reducing Fear

Given the neurological factors at play, it’s easy to see why routine and consistency are essential for autistic individuals. Predictable environments reduce the number of unknowns the brain has to process, allowing for a sense of safety. When routines are established, the autistic brain can rely on familiar patterns, reducing the cognitive load of scanning for potential threats​(The Journal of Neuroscience)​(NeuroLaunch.com).

Without consistency, however, fear can become a dominant emotional state. The autistic brain, already prone to overload and uncertainty, feels vulnerable when faced with changes in routine. New or unexpected stimuli add to the growing list of potential threats that the brain is processing, leading to fear-based behaviors such as avoidance, meltdowns, or shutdowns.

Evolutionary Perspective: Autistic Brains as Survival Specialists

From an evolutionary standpoint, these traits may have provided autistic individuals with unique survival advantages in early human societies. Heightened sensory sensitivity, vigilance, and attention to detail would have been invaluable in environments where detecting subtle changes or threats was crucial for survival.

While modern society has shifted away from these direct survival needs, the traits associated with autism may have once served an important purpose in early human groups. Autistic individuals might have been more likely to spot danger before others, contributing to the safety and survival of their communities. Their ability to notice details and resist conformity could have helped prevent groupthink or poor decisions in critical moments​(Neuroscience News)​(NeuroLaunch.com).

The Impact of Endless Possibilities: Fear in Everyday Life

One of the most difficult aspects of fear in autism is the brain’s tendency to imagine endless potential scenarios, often focusing on worst-case outcomes. Because of irregular neural connectivity and heightened sensory processing, the autistic brain struggles to narrow down possibilities to a manageable set. Each scenario feels equally real, adding to the sense of unpredictability and fear.

The fear of the unknown—whether it’s a change in routine or a new environment—can feel all-consuming. Without a clear sense of which threats are real and which are imagined, the brain remains on high alert. This is why autistic individuals often resist change or new experiences; it’s not just a preference, but a protective mechanism to reduce the overwhelming sense of fear caused by too many unknowns.

Conclusion: The Reality of Autistic Fear

For autistic individuals, fear is not a fleeting emotion but a deeply rooted neurological response driven by irregular neural connectivity, sensory overload, and impaired social processing. The autistic brain is wired to process information differently, often leading to heightened and prolonged fear in situations that neurotypicals might find manageable.

However, by creating environments that emphasize routine, consistency, and predictability, we can help reduce the overwhelming fear response that so many autistic individuals experience. Understanding these neurological differences is the first step toward providing better support and accommodations that foster a sense of safety, allowing autistic individuals to thrive.


  1. Belmonte, M. K., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2004). Autism: Reduced connectivity between cortical areas?. Brain, 127(1), 1811-1813. Retrieved from: Journal of Neuroscience​(The Journal of Neuroscience)
  2. Tang, G., Gudsnuk, K., Kuo, S. H., Cotrina, M. L., Rosoklija, G., Sosunov, A., … & Sulzer, D. (2014). Loss of mTOR-dependent macroautophagy causes autistic-like synaptic pruning deficits. Neuron, 83(5), 1131-1143. Retrieved from: Columbia University Irving Medical Center​(Columbia Irving Med Ctr)
  3. Neurons With Too Many Synapses: A Hallmark of Specific Forms of Autism. (2021). Neuroscience News. Retrieved from: Neuroscience News​(Neuroscience News)
  4. Autism and Fear Response: Understanding Connections. (2023). Neurolaunch. Retrieved from: Neurolaunch​(NeuroLaunch.com)

Autism Evolution …..

How Autistic Individuals Are Evolutionarily Wired to Challenge Social Norms and Ensure Survival

In a world that rewards conformity and social harmony, autistic individuals stand out as natural nonconformists who offer a different and vital perspective. This difference isn’t just a social quirk—it’s rooted in how the autistic brain is wired. Unlike neurotypicals, who are driven by social rewards and often motivated to avoid conflict, autistic individuals often lack the same social reward system, giving them a unique ability to challenge societal norms, question hierarchies, and push back against potentially dangerous group decisions.

By exploring the neurological differences in autism and comparing them to trauma-based impairments, we begin to understand how autistic brains are wired for vigilance and innovation. Autistic people provide essential insights, resist harmful conformity, and advocate for justice in a way that is both evolutionarily advantageous and necessary in modern society.

The Difference Between Autistic and Neurotypical Social Motivation

The primary neurological difference between autistic individuals and neurotypicals lies in how each group processes social reward. Neurotypicals tend to be highly motivated by social cues—seeking approval, avoiding rejection, and adhering to group norms to maintain social standing. This is driven by brain areas such as the ventral striatum, which is associated with the pleasure of social interactions, and the amygdala, which processes emotional responses​(The Journal of Neuroscience)​(Neuroscience News).

However, in autistic individuals, these brain areas function differently. Autistic brains are less responsive to social rewards like praise or acceptance. Instead, they are often motivated by internal interests, logic, and a sense of fairness. This fundamental difference means that autistic individuals are more likely to challenge the social status quo because they aren’t driven by the same need for social validation​(Neuroscience News).

This lack of reliance on social reward frees autistic individuals from the pressures of conformity, allowing them to:

  • Speak up when something seems wrong.
  • Resist going along with harmful or unethical norms.
  • Focus on facts and fairness rather than social games.

Evolutionary Advantages: The Role of Nonconformity in Survival

In early human societies, where survival depended on making decisions in uncertain environments, it was vital to have individuals who could think independently. If everyone in the group simply went along with the leader’s decisions—whether those decisions were logical or not—the group could be at risk of failing to adapt to new challenges. Autistic individuals, who are less susceptible to social pressures, likely played a crucial role in ensuring the survival of early human groups by challenging unsafe practices and offering alternative perspectives​(Neuroscience News)​(NeuroLaunch.com).

  1. Challenging Dangerous Norms: Conformity in groups can sometimes lead to groupthink, where people follow a decision even if it is flawed, simply to avoid conflict. Autistic individuals, because they are less influenced by social dynamics, are often the ones to point out flaws or challenge the norm, even when it’s uncomfortable. This was likely essential in preventing harmful decisions from going unchallenged in early human groups, helping to ensure the safety of the collective.
  2. Spotting Systemic Flaws: Autistic people are known for their attention to detail and their ability to recognize patterns that others might miss. In early societies, this might have translated into an ability to spot changes in the environment—whether it was shifts in animal migration patterns, subtle changes in weather, or the early warning signs of danger. Today, this trait helps autistic individuals detect systemic flaws in organizations, processes, or social systems​(The Journal of Neuroscience)​(Neuroscience News).
  3. Innovation and Problem Solving: Autistic individuals often resist following traditional paths or solutions that don’t make logical sense. Their tendency to think outside the box and question existing practices may have driven innovation in early human societies, where novel solutions to problems were crucial for survival. Whether it was finding new ways to hunt, gather resources, or build tools, autistic individuals’ unique wiring for independent thought allowed them to see solutions where others might not​(The Journal of Neuroscience)​(NeuroLaunch.com).

Resistance to Social Hierarchy: Speaking Truth to Power

Social hierarchies, while useful in some contexts, can also create environments where questioning authority is discouraged. Neurotypicals, motivated by social reward, might avoid challenging those in power out of fear of losing status or being ostracized. Autistic individuals, however, often feel less tied to these social hierarchies, which allows them to speak truth to power without the fear of social rejection​(Neuroscience News)​(NeuroLaunch.com).

  • Less Concern with Social Judgment: Because autistic people don’t rely on social validation for self-worth, they are often more willing to challenge authority figures or dominant societal norms when they feel something is wrong. This makes them powerful advocates for truth and justice, particularly in situations where others might be too concerned with their own social standing to speak up​(Neuroscience News).
  • Pushing Back Against Unsafe Systems: Autistic individuals are often the ones to raise concerns when systems, processes, or practices are unjust or unsafe. This resistance to social hierarchy helps ensure that harmful norms are questioned and, if necessary, changed to protect others. In modern society, this trait makes autistic voices essential in advocacy, reform, and innovation​(NeuroLaunch.com).

The Mirror of Trauma: Similarities and Differences

Interestingly, many of the traits we see in autistic individuals—hypervigilance, resistance to conformity, difficulty with social reward systems—are also present in individuals affected by trauma. Both groups share heightened awareness of potential threats and a strong sense of self-preservation. However, while trauma brains develop these traits as a result of negative experiences, autistic brains are wired this way from birth​(Neuroscience News)​(NeuroLaunch.com).

This suggests that autistic individuals are naturally wired to operate in a heightened state of awareness and independent thought, offering insights and protection to the groups they are part of. While trauma survivors might develop these traits as a coping mechanism, autistic individuals offer these traits as part of their neurological makeup, playing a vital role in balancing the social dynamics of a group.

Conclusion: The Evolutionary Role of Autistic Individuals

Autistic individuals bring a unique and essential perspective to both historical and modern societies. Their lack of dependence on social rewards, coupled with their ability to challenge norms and think independently, has allowed them to serve as crucial members of any group—whether it’s questioning harmful practices, spotting unseen dangers, or pushing for innovations that others might be too risk-averse to consider.

In modern society, these traits make autistic individuals indispensable in areas such as advocacy, leadership, and social reform, where independent thinking and resistance to conformity are vital for progress. Understanding and embracing these differences helps not only in supporting autistic individuals but in recognizing the essential role they play in ensuring the safety, innovation, and ethical integrity of society as a whole.


  1. Belmonte, M. K., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2004). Autism: Reduced connectivity between cortical areas?. Brain, 127(1), 1811-1813. Retrieved from: Journal of Neuroscience​(The Journal of Neuroscience)
  2. Tang, G., Gudsnuk, K., Kuo, S. H., Cotrina, M. L., Rosoklija, G., Sosunov, A., … & Sulzer, D. (2014). Loss of mTOR-dependent macroautophagy causes autistic-like synaptic pruning deficits. Neuron, 83(5), 1131-1143. Retrieved from: Columbia University Irving Medical Center​(Columbia Irving Med Ctr)
  3. Neurons With Too Many Synapses: A Hallmark of Specific Forms of Autism. (2021). Neuroscience News. Retrieved from: Neuroscience News​(Neuroscience News)
  4. Autism and Fear Response: Understanding Connections. (2023). Neurolaunch. Retrieved from: Neurolaunch​(NeuroLaunch.com)

Learning in Layers Autism style

Understanding the Autistic Brain: Learning in Layers and the Necessity of Routine

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by unique differences in social communication, behavior, and cognitive functions. One key aspect of understanding these differences is recognizing how the autistic brain learns and compensates for impairments. This post explores the concept of learning in layers, the critical role of routine and consistency, and the impact of environmental stability on the autistic brain’s ability to process and retain information.

Learning in Layers: Building Understanding Incrementally

Learning in Layers is a crucial concept for understanding how autistic individuals process information. This approach involves breaking down learning into smaller, manageable steps and building upon each layer incrementally. Here’s why it works:

  1. Structured Learning: Autistic individuals often thrive in structured environments where tasks are broken down into clear, sequential steps. This method reduces cognitive load and allows for gradual, cumulative learning.
  2. Incremental Understanding: Each layer of learning builds on the previous one, ensuring that foundational knowledge is solid before moving on to more complex concepts. This helps in retaining information and making connections between different pieces of knowledge.

The Role of Routine and Consistency

Routine and consistency are vital for the autistic brain to effectively learn and apply the concept of learning in layers. Here’s how routine supports learning:

  1. Filtering Out Unnecessary Data: A consistent routine helps the autistic brain filter out unnecessary data. When the environment and daily activities are predictable, the brain can focus on learning and retaining new information instead of being distracted by changes and new stimuli.
  2. Building Reliable Patterns: Repetition solidifies learning. When routines are followed consistently over time, the brain starts to recognize patterns and builds reliable neural pathways. This consistency is crucial for information to stick and become part of the long-term memory.
  3. Avoiding Setbacks: Inconsistency can disrupt learning. For instance, following a routine for three days and then changing it on the fourth day can cause setbacks. Each time there is a change, the autistic brain may need to start over, making it difficult for learning to progress smoothly.

The Impact of Environmental Stability

The human brain, particularly the autistic brain, seeks balance and symbiosis. It functions like a learning machine, much like a computer that needs precise conditions to operate correctly. Environmental stability is crucial for maintaining this balance:

  1. Minimizing Cognitive Load: A stable environment reduces the cognitive load on the autistic brain. When there are fewer unexpected changes, the brain can allocate more resources to processing and retaining new information rather than managing the stress of unpredictability.
  2. Fine-Tuning the Environment: Consistency allows the brain to fine-tune its understanding of the environment. Over time, the brain becomes more efficient at navigating familiar settings, which further supports learning and adaptation.
  3. Enhancing Memory Retention: Stable routines help reinforce learning. When the same activities and patterns are repeated consistently, they are more likely to be encoded into long-term memory, making it easier for the autistic individual to recall and apply learned information.

The Consequences of Disrupted Routine

When routine and consistency are not maintained, the autistic brain can go into a state of fight-or-flight for self-preservation. During these periods:

  1. Fight-or-Flight Mode: The brain perceives the inconsistency as a threat, triggering a stress response that focuses on survival rather than learning.
  2. Impaired Learning: No meaningful learning happens during this time because the brain is unable to process new information effectively. The focus shifts entirely to managing the perceived threat.
  3. Increased Anxiety: The lack of routine and predictability increases anxiety and stress, making it even harder for the brain to function normally and return to a state where learning can occur.


The autistic brain, like any human brain, strives for balance and symbiosis. It functions as a learning machine that requires precise conditions to operate optimally. Understanding the importance of routine and consistency in the context of learning in layers is crucial for supporting autistic individuals. A structured, predictable environment helps the autistic brain filter out unnecessary data, build reliable patterns, and retain information more effectively. By minimizing disruptions and maintaining a stable routine, we can create an optimal learning environment that allows the autistic brain to thrive and develop its full potential.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learning in Layers: Breaks down complex tasks into manageable steps, building understanding incrementally.
  • Routine and Consistency: Essential for filtering out unnecessary data and reinforcing learning.
  • Environmental Stability: Reduces cognitive load, enhances memory retention, and supports fine-tuning of the brain’s understanding of its surroundings.
  • Fight-or-Flight Mode: Disruptions to routine can trigger stress responses, preventing effective learning and increasing anxiety.
  • Balance and Symbiosis: The autistic brain, like a computer, needs precise conditions to operate effectively, highlighting the need for consistency and stability in the learning environment.

By recognizing and implementing these principles, we can better support the learning and development of autistic individuals, helping them navigate their world with greater ease and confidence.

The Role of Routine and Consistency in Learning for the Autistic Brain: A Theoretical Analysis


This paper explores the hypothesis that routine and consistency are crucial for the autistic brain to effectively learn and compensate for impairments associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We propose that learning in layers, supported by a structured and predictable environment, enables autistic individuals to build understanding incrementally. Additionally, a higher Intelligence Quotient (IQ), indicative of greater cognitive processing speed and capacity, allows for more effective compensation of autism-related challenges. However, during periods of fatigue, illness, hunger, or sensory overload, the cognitive resources available for compensation diminish, leading to more pronounced autistic symptoms. This paper provides a theoretical framework to understand how routine, consistency, and IQ influence the ability to manage autism-related impairments.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by a range of social, communicative, and behavioral impairments. Routine and consistency play a vital role in the learning process of individuals with autism, allowing for incremental learning and reducing cognitive load. This paper examines the relationship between learning in layers, routine and consistency, and the ability to compensate for autism-related impairments. We propose that a stable environment, combined with higher IQ, facilitates better compensation due to enhanced cognitive processing capabilities. Conversely, factors such as fatigue, illness, hunger, and sensory overload reduce the brain’s capacity to leverage these cognitive resources, exacerbating autistic symptoms.


This theoretical framework is based on established principles of neuropsychology and cognitive science, incorporating concepts of synaptic pruning, cognitive load theory, and the significance of routine and sameness in autism. We compare the compensatory abilities of individuals with varying IQ levels, considering the role of cognitive processing speed and capacity in managing autism-related impairments. We also explore the impact of fatigue, illness, hunger, sensory overload, and comorbidities on these compensatory mechanisms.



  • Learning in Layers: Autistic individuals benefit from building their understanding in incremental steps, where each new layer builds on previous knowledge (Bölte et al., 2014).
  • IQ and Cognitive Processing Speed: Higher IQ is associated with faster and more efficient cognitive processing (Deary et al., 2010).
  • Compensation Mechanisms: Individuals with higher IQ can better compensate for autism-related impairments due to superior problem-solving and adaptive abilities (Happe & Frith, 2006).
  • Impact of Fatigue and Other Factors: Fatigue, illness, hunger, or sensory overload reduce cognitive processing capacity, leading to diminished compensatory abilities and more pronounced autistic symptoms (Courchesne et al., 2011).
  • Comorbidities: Additional conditions like ADHD and dyslexia further reduce the brain’s available cognitive resources, necessitating greater energy for compensation (Gillberg, 2010).
  • Environmental Factors: Routine and sameness reduce cognitive load by providing structure and predictability, essential for autistic individuals (Vanegas & Davidson, 2015).

Hypothetical Scenarios:

High IQ Individual with Autism Only:

  • Compensatory Ability: High due to faster processing speed and greater cognitive capacity.
  • Impact of Fatigue and Other Factors: Significant reduction in compensatory ability, leading to increased autism-related impairments when fatigued, ill, hungry, or overstimulated.
  • Learning in Layers: Allows for structured learning and incremental understanding, enhancing the ability to compensate for impairments.

High IQ Individual with Autism and Comorbidities (e.g., ADHD, Dyslexia):

  • Compensatory Ability: Reduced compared to individuals with autism only, due to the need to compensate for multiple conditions.
  • Impact of Fatigue and Other Factors: Greater reduction in compensatory ability, leading to more pronounced impairments. The brain’s “battery life” is shorter due to the increased energy demand from multiple conditions.
  • Learning in Layers: Helps manage cognitive load by breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.

Low IQ Individual with Autism Only:

  • Compensatory Ability: Lower due to slower processing speed and reduced cognitive capacity.
  • Impact of Fatigue and Other Factors: Compensatory ability remains relatively stable as baseline compensatory mechanisms are already limited.
  • Learning in Layers: Crucial for building understanding and managing cognitive load.

Low IQ Individual with Autism and Comorbidities (e.g., ADHD, Dyslexia):

  • Compensatory Ability: Severely limited due to lower cognitive capacity and the need to manage multiple conditions.
  • Impact of Fatigue and Other Factors: Minimal reduction in already limited compensatory abilities.
  • Learning in Layers: Essential for maintaining any level of understanding and functioning.


Cognitive Load and Learning in Layers

  • High IQ: Allows individuals to adapt quickly, develop complex strategies, and utilize advanced problem-solving skills. Learning in layers supports these abilities by providing a structured approach to understanding (Deary et al., 2010).
  • Low IQ: Individuals may struggle with slower adaptation and limited compensatory strategies. Learning in layers is vital for building understanding incrementally (Happe & Frith, 2006).

Environmental Factors

  • Routine and Sameness: Reduce cognitive load by providing predictability and structure. This is particularly important for autistic individuals who benefit from a stable environment (Vanegas & Davidson, 2015).
  • Impact of Fatigue, Illness, Hunger, and Sensory Overload: These factors can significantly impact cognitive resources, reducing the ability to compensate for impairments. The brain prioritizes basic survival and efficiency, further limiting compensatory abilities (Courchesne et al., 2011).

Synaptic Pruning and Cognitive Load Theory

  • Synaptic Pruning: Differences in synaptic pruning in autistic individuals can affect neural efficiency. Learning in layers helps accommodate these differences by allowing incremental understanding (Huttenlocher, 2002).
  • Cognitive Load Theory: Managing cognitive load is crucial for autistic individuals. Learning in layers and a structured environment help reduce cognitive demands, enabling better compensation for impairments (Sweller, 1988).

Fight-or-Flight Response When routine and consistency are not maintained, the autistic brain can enter a state of fight-or-flight for self-preservation:

  • Fight-or-Flight Mode: The brain perceives inconsistency as a threat, triggering a stress response that focuses on survival rather than learning (Kern et al., 2007).
  • Impaired Learning: No meaningful learning happens during this time because the brain is unable to process new information effectively. The focus shifts entirely to managing the perceived threat.
  • Increased Anxiety: The lack of routine and predictability increases anxiety and stress, making it even harder for the brain to function normally and return to a state where learning can occur (Van Hecke et al., 2009).


The autistic brain, like any human brain, strives for balance and symbiosis. It functions as a learning machine that requires precise conditions to operate optimally. Understanding the importance of routine and consistency in the context of learning in layers is crucial for supporting autistic individuals. A structured, predictable environment helps the autistic brain filter out unnecessary data, build reliable patterns, and retain information more effectively. By minimizing disruptions and maintaining a stable routine, we can create an optimal learning environment that allows the autistic brain to thrive and develop its full potential.

Key Takeaways

  • Learning in Layers: Breaks down complex tasks into manageable steps, building understanding incrementally.
  • Routine and Consistency: Essential for filtering out unnecessary data and reinforcing learning.
  • Environmental Stability: Reduces cognitive load, enhances memory retention, and supports fine-tuning of the brain’s understanding of its surroundings.
  • Fight-or-Flight Mode: Disruptions to routine can trigger stress responses, preventing effective learning and increasing anxiety.
  • Balance and Symbiosis: The autistic brain, like a computer, needs precise conditions to operate effectively, highlighting the need for consistency and stability in the learning environment.


  • Bölte, S., Westerwald, E., Holtmann, M., Freitag, C., & Poustka, F. (2014). Autistic traits and autism spectrum disorders: The clinical validity of two measures presuming a continuum of social communication skills. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41(1), 66-72.
  • Courchesne, E., Campbell, K., & Solso, S. (2011). Brain growth across the life span in autism: Age-specific changes in anatomical pathology. Brain Research, 1380, 138-145.
  • Deary, I. J., Penke, L., & Johnson, W. (2010). The neuroscience of human intelligence differences. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 11(3), 201-211.
  • Gillberg, C. (2010). The ESSENCE in child psychiatry: Early symptomatic syndromes eliciting neurodevelopmental clinical examinations. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31(6), 1543-1551.
  • Happé, F., & Frith, U. (2006). The weak coherence account: Detail-focused cognitive style in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 36(1), 5-25.
  • Huttenlocher, P. R. (2002). Neural Plasticity: The Effects of Environment on the Development of the Cerebral Cortex. Harvard University Press.
  • Kern, J. K., Geier, D. A., Sykes, L. K., Geier, M. R., & Deth, R. C. (2007). Are ASD and ADHD a continuum? Preliminary evidence from a large-scale population study. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 19(4), 239-247.
  • Sweller, J. (1988). Cognitive load during problem solving: Effects on learning. Cognitive Science, 12(2), 257-285.
  • Van Hecke, A. V., Mundy, P. C., Acra, C. F., Block, J. J., Delgado, C. E. F., Parlade, M. V., … & Pomares, Y. B. (2009). Infant joint attention, temperament, and social competence in preschool children. Child Development, 78(1), 53-69.
  • Vanegas, S. B., & Davidson, D. (2015). Investigating distinct and related contributions of weak central coherence, executive dysfunction, and social deficits to autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(3), 831-844.

By recognizing and implementing these principles, we can better support the learning and development of autistic individuals, helping them navigate their world with greater ease and confidence.

Autism By Design

The Role of Self-Organizing Neural Activity in Autism Development

A recent study published in Nature Communications and covered by Medical Xpress demonstrates the brain’s remarkable ability to self-organize during early development. This international research collaboration between the University of Minnesota and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies reveals that the cortex can transform unstructured inputs into organized patterns of activity independently.

Study Overview

The researchers focused on the developing cortex of juvenile ferrets before they gained visual experience. Using advanced techniques such as optogenetics (to control neuron activity with light) and calcium imaging (to visualize neuron activity), they observed how the cortex self-organizes into modular patterns.

Key Findings

  1. Self-Organization of Cortical Activity:
    • The cortex can create structured activity patterns from unstructured inputs, a process that happens within the brain itself without needing external information.
    • These patterns have a characteristic size and shape, suggesting a natural preference for certain organizational structures.
  2. Local Excitation and Lateral Inhibition (LE/LI) Mechanism:
    • The study supports the LE/LI mechanism, where local excitation (neurons stimulating their neighbors) and lateral inhibition (neurons suppressing more distant neighbors) lead to the formation of these patterns.
    • This mechanism allows for a balance between stability and flexibility in brain activity.
  3. Independence from External Inputs:
    • Even when visual inputs were blocked, the brain continued to form these patterns, indicating that they are a product of internal brain processes.
    • Blocking internal connections within the cortex stopped the formation of patterns, showing that these internal connections are crucial.
  4. Similarity to Spontaneous Activity:
    • The patterns seen with controlled light stimulation were similar to those observed during spontaneous brain activity, suggesting a common underlying process.

Implications for Autism

These findings provide insight into the fundamental processes of brain development and suggest a new perspective on autism:

  1. Autistic Brain Development:
    • The study implies that the brains of autistic individuals might be “programmed” to develop certain patterns of activity differently or more intensely.
    • This could explain why autistic individuals process information and perceive the world uniquely.
  2. Natural Pace of Development:
    • Allowing autistic brains to develop at their own pace, without external pressure to conform to typical developmental timelines, might support better integration and functionality.
    • This aligns with the idea that autistic individuals may benefit from environments that reduce stress and accommodate their natural developmental trajectories.
  3. Educational and Therapeutic Approaches:
    • Educational strategies could be tailored to support slower, individualized learning paces, fostering a more inclusive and effective learning environment for autistic students.
    • Therapies that enhance natural developmental processes, rather than forcing conformity, could be more beneficial.

Challenging Misconceptions

The Medical Xpress article discussing this study mentions “…. that any perturbations to these small-scale interactions can dramatically change the function of the brain, which may impact sensory perception and possibly contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders like autism.”

As an autistic individual, this research suggests the opposite. It shows that the brain has an inherent plan for development, and deviations from typical development could be more about environmental impacts than a fundamental flaw in the brain’s design.

However, this article turned the focus from a cool brain discovery to another autism cause study, which it wasn’t. Using Autism as click bait not only feeds the bias surrounding autism but its terrible read as a Autistic person.

Imagine living in a world where everywhere you turn EVERYONE believes the same awful things about a condition they know nothing about and then they want to make sure there is no more of you in the future! Its gross.


The study underscores the importance of understanding and respecting the natural developmental processes of the brain. For autistic individuals, this means recognizing and supporting their unique developmental needs. By creating environments that allow autistic brains to develop at their own pace, we can promote better integration into society and enhance their overall well-being.

In essence, the findings suggest that the brain’s ability to self-organize is a critical aspect of development. For autistic individuals, this natural process might require more time and a supportive environment to unfold fully. Embracing this perspective could lead to more effective educational and therapeutic strategies, ultimately fostering a more inclusive society.

Research team demonstrates cortex’s self-organizing abilities in neural development

Published in Nature Communications, an international collaboration between researchers at the University of Minnesota and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies investigated how highly organized patterns of neural activity emerge during development. They found the cortex of the brain can transform unorganized inputs into highly organized patterns of activity-demonstrating self-organization.

Mulholland, H.N., Kaschube, M. & Smith, G.B. Self-organization of modular activity in immature cortical networks. Nat Commun 15, 4145 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48341-x


Self-Hypnosis and Anxiety Reduction

Harnessing Self-Hypnosis for Restful Sleep

As a Divergent individual, I’ve woven a unique tapestry of nighttime rituals that guide me into the realm of sleep. With the aid of self-hypnosis apps and the synchronized harmonies of Hemi-Sync, I quiet the often persistent hum of my mind. This combination of guided meditation and auditory entrainment works in concert with my brain’s wiring. It provides the structured relaxation my senses crave, embracing the suggestibility that lulls me into peaceful slumber. Embracing these techniques nightly has ushered in a transformative shift in my overall well-being, nurturing a more positive and restful existence.

Self-hypnosis facilitates relaxation and sleep, particularly beneficial for the autistic brain, by guiding it into a hypnotic state of heightened focus and suggestibility. Techniques like deep breathing and visualization reduce physical and mental tension, allowing for the bypassing of critical conscious analysis and engaging the subconscious to accept positive sleep-inducing suggestions. This process can ease sensory sensitivities and anxiety, aiding in the transition to restful sleep through the creation of new neural pathways that encourage calming thoughts and behaviors.

Self-Hypnosis for Sleep: Soothing the divergent Brain

Self-hypnosis is a technique that allows individuals to guide themselves into a hypnotic state, which is characterized by heightened focus, relaxation, and suggestibility. Here’s how it works in the context of calming an overactive or tired autistic brain for sleep:

Entering the Hypnotic State:

  1. Relaxation: Self-hypnosis typically begins with relaxation techniques. Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualizing a peaceful scene can help ease physical tension and quiet the mind.
  2. Concentration: The individual focuses their attention on a specific thought, image, or sensation, which helps to narrow their conscious awareness and increase receptivity to suggestion.
  3. Induction: Through self-directed suggestions or affirmations, the individual deepens their hypnotic state, often by imagining descending stairs or moving deeper into their visualized scene.

Brain’s Reception to Suggestion:

  1. Bypassing the Critical Conscious: In a hypnotic state, the conscious, more analytical part of the brain becomes less active, allowing suggestions to bypass the usual critical thinking processes.
  2. Subconscious Engagement: Suggestions are more readily accepted by the subconscious mind, which is non-analytical and more influential in behavior and emotions.
  3. Neuroplasticity: The brain’s neuroplasticity allows the formation of new neural pathways, making the suggested changes in thoughts, feelings, or behaviors more likely to be integrated and acted upon.

Effective Use for Sleep in Autistic Individuals:

  1. Calming the Mind: Self-hypnosis can quiet the often busy autistic brain, reducing the overstimulation that can make sleep difficult.
  2. Routine: Establishing self-hypnosis as part of a bedtime routine can signal the brain and body that it’s time to wind down, providing a sense of predictability and safety, which is especially beneficial for autistic individuals.
  3. Suggestive Imagery: Using positive, sleep-inducing suggestions like imagining the body feeling heavy and warm, or visualizing a safe, comfortable place, can encourage a state conducive to sleep.
  4. Addressing Sensory Sensitivities: Hypnotic suggestions may include the visualization of a sensory-friendly environment, which can create a mental space that feels safe and free from overwhelming sensory input.
  5. Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Suggestions aimed at easing anxiety and stress can help manage some of the emotional barriers to sleep that are common among individuals with autism.

Self-hypnosis can be a powerful tool for those with autism to manage their sensory and cognitive overstimulation, especially when trying to sleep. By harnessing the brain’s suggestibility, self-hypnosis promotes relaxation and eases the transition into sleep, leading to a more restful state.