Tag Archives: Brain connectivity

Systems Thinking

Understanding Autism Through the Lens of Systems Thinking and the Extreme Male Brain Theory

Simon Baron-Cohen‘s theories on autism, notably the Extreme Male Brain (EMB) theory and the Empathizing-Systemizing (E-S) theory, provide a valuable framework for understanding autism spectrum conditions (ASCs) in terms of cognitive profiles and potential interventions.

Key Elements of EMB and E-S Theories:

  • Extreme Male Brain Theory: This theory proposes that autism represents an extreme of the typical male cognitive profile, characterized by higher systemizing and lower empathizing abilities. This theory is supported by studies linking fetal testosterone levels with autistic traits.
  • Empathizing-Systemizing Theory: The E-S theory categorizes individuals based on their abilities to empathize (understand and respond to others’ emotions) and systemize (analyze or construct systems). Autistic individuals tend to have high systemizing but low empathizing capabilities.

Systems Thinking and Autism:

  • Definition and Application: Systems thinking involves understanding how parts of a system interact within the whole. For autistic individuals, this approach can help break down complex real-world scenarios into understandable components, reducing anxiety and improving coping mechanisms.
  • Daily Examples: From organizing physical objects systematically to engaging in hobbies that require detailed categorization or construction, signs of systemizing appear in various contexts throughout the life of someone with autism.

Using Systems Thinking to Manage Anxiety:

  • Addressing Connectivity Issues: Autistic individuals often face challenges with unpredictable social interactions. Systems thinking can help by providing structured ways to predict and manage these interactions, using tools like visual schedules or social stories to map out expected behaviors.
  • Predictability and Routine: Establishing and adhering to routines can minimize anxiety by making daily expectations clear and manageable.

Neurological Basis:

  • Research Insights: Differences in brain connectivity, such as variations in the prefrontal cortex and amygdala, underpin the distinct ways autistic individuals process information and react to their environments. This neurodiversity plays a crucial role in the propensity for systemizing.

Educational Implications:

  • Customized Learning Approaches: Understanding the systemizing strengths and empathizing challenges of autistic individuals can guide the development of educational strategies that cater to their learning style. For instance, teaching methods that systematically break down emotional cues or social interactions could be particularly effective.
  • Visual and Structured Learning Tools: Tools that leverage the autistic individual’s natural inclination towards systemizing, such as educational software or structured interactive lessons, can enhance learning and engagement.

By integrating Baron-Cohen’s theoretical insights with practical strategies tailored to the strengths and challenges of autistic individuals, educators, therapists, and caregivers can foster environments that enhance understanding and support for those on the autism spectrum. This approach not only respects their unique way of interacting with the world but also maximizes their potential for personal development and social integration.

Simon Baron-Cohen: Autism and the male brain

A Stockholm Psychiatry Lecture held by Professor Simon Baron-Cohen: “Is Autism an extreme of the male brain?”. Lecture held at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sept 26 2011. More lectures at http://www.youtube.com/psychiatrylectures . Join us on http://www.facebook.com/psychiatrylectures

Simon Baron-Cohen : Autism and the Male Brain

Autism: An evolutionary perspective, Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, 1st Symposium of EPSIG, 2016

First Symposium of the Evolutionary Psychiatry Special Interest Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Oct 4th 2016 in London. Lecture by Professor Simon Baron-Cohen from Cambridge University Autism Research Centre.

Autism: An Evolutionary Perspective Prof. Simon Baron Cohen

Cambridge Laboratory for Research into Autism

We investigate cognition, learning and perception in autism and aim to apply our findings to enhance the lives of autistic children and adults, particularly in the context of school, university and the workplace. Click here to read more about our research.

Autistic Brain Connectivity

Exploring Brain Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by unique patterns of brain connectivity that affect cognitive and social abilities. This introduction delves into the core aspects of neuroanatomy and neurotransmitter dynamics in ASD, emphasizing the localized over-connectivity and long-distance under-connectivity that define the disorder. These connectivity issues influence everything from sensory processing to social interactions and executive functions. Additionally, the imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters disrupts everyday neural communication, affecting how individuals with ASD process information and interact with the world.

Understanding the neurobiological foundations of ASD is essential for developing effective interventions and fostering societal acceptance. This exploration aims to clarify the neurological underpinnings of ASD and suggest directions for future research and inclusive practices.

Brain Mechanisms and Theoretical Models

  1. Neuroanatomy and Connectivity:
    • Local Over-Connectivity: In ASD, there is typically an excess of short-range connections within specific brain areas. This over-connectivity may lead to enhanced local processing at the cost of global integration, affecting functions like big-picture thinking or rapid context switching.
    • Long-Distance Under-Connectivity: Conversely, there’s often a lack of efficient connections between more distant brain regions. This under-connectivity can impair information integration across the brain, impacting complex cognitive functions, such as social cognition and executive function​​.
  2. Developmental Dynamics:
    • Developmental Disconnection Hypothesis: This hypothesis posits that the symptoms of ASD can be explained by disruptions in normal brain connectivity that occur during early development. This affects how brain networks form and function, leading to the characteristic features of ASD​​.
  3. Neurotransmitters and Signaling:
    • Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance: Neurochemical imbalances, particularly in the excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter systems (e.g., glutamate and GABA), can alter the overall brain connectivity. An imbalance can lead to neural circuits that are either overstimulated or not stimulated enough, which can affect information processing and behavioral responses.

Examples in Daily Life

  1. Sensory Sensitivities:
    • Due to over-connectivity in sensory processing areas, individuals with ASD might experience ordinary sensory input (like light, sound, or touch) as overwhelming or distressing. This can manifest as avoiding loud environments or certain textures in clothing.
  2. Social Interaction Challenges:
    • Under-connectivity in regions responsible for social processing, like the fusiform face area (responsible for face recognition) and other regions involved in understanding social cues, can make social interactions particularly challenging. Individuals with ASD may struggle with making eye contact, interpreting facial expressions, or understanding body language.
  3. Specialized Interests and Repetitive Behaviors:
    • The intense focus on specific interests and repetitive behaviors can be seen as coping mechanisms to manage the unpredictability of the world or to control sensory input in a manageable way.
  4. Adaptation and Learning:
    • Variability in connectivity may affect learning and adaptation. Tasks that require detailed focus, where local over-connectivity provides an advantage, may be areas of strength. Conversely, tasks requiring integration of multiple types of information or multitasking may be more challenging.

Understanding these connectivity patterns in ASD not only aids in developing more targeted interventions but also enhances our general comprehension of how diverse brain development can impact behavior and cognition.

Altered Neural Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Related Neuropsychiatric Conditions

Networks in the brain: mapping the connectome

Part of the cognitive neuroscience bitesize series. This is a follow-up of ‘basics of fMRI’ that considers exciting developments in mapping the human connectome. It covers basics of structural connectomics (diffusion tensor imaging) and functional connectomics (resting state, and task-based correlations of the BOLD signals), and introduces concepts such as small-world networks.

Networks in the brain: mapping the connectivity

Thomas Yeo: Human brain network organization across different timescales

The human brain is a complex system exhibiting multi-scale spatiotemporal organization. In this talk, I will provide an overview of my lab’s work on large-scale functional network organization across different timescales. First, I will present a biophysically plausible model of second-level fluctuation in the brain’s functional connectivity patterns.

Thomas Yeo

Infant to Toddler

Understanding Brain Development from Infancy to Toddlerhood

Brain development during infancy and toddlerhood is a fascinating and complex process involving various brain regions. Let’s delve into the intricate mechanisms driving this development.

Neural Growth and Pruning

At birth, a baby’s brain contains many largely unconnected neurons. However, during infancy, these neurons rapidly form synapses, the connections that allow communication between neurons. This process is influenced by both genetic factors and the child’s experiences. It’s important to note that during this period, the brain exhibits its highest level of neuroplasticity, meaning it can adapt and reorganize in response to experiences.

Pruning of Synapses

The brain undergoes pruning as the child grows and interacts with the environment. This involves eliminating seldom-used synapses, making the brain more efficient. Pruning continues into adolescence, shaping the neural circuitry to enhance meaningful connections while eliminating unnecessary ones.

Regions Involved The cerebral cortex, responsible for complex cognitive functions such as reasoning and decision-making, is particularly active during neural growth and pruning. Additionally, the limbic system, which plays a crucial role in emotional regulation, experiences significant changes during this period.


Process of Myelination

Myelination is the development of a fatty sheath called myelin around the axons of neurons. This sheath increases the speed of electrical signals between neurons, enhancing the brain’s ability to process information efficiently.

Timing and Significance

Myelination begins prenatally and continues into young adulthood, with the most significant changes occurring during the first two years of life. This period of intense myelination lays the foundation for the brain’s communication network.

Regions Involved While myelination occurs throughout the brain, certain areas undergo particularly significant changes. For instance, the corpus callosum, which connects the brain’s two hemispheres, experiences enhanced communication due to myelination. Additionally, sensory processing and motor skills development regions undergo substantial myelination during this period.

Critical Periods

Critical periods are specific times in early development when the brain is particularly sensitive to external stimuli. During these periods, the brain is primed to develop specific abilities, such as language, vision, and emotional attachment.

Language Development

The critical period for language development begins in infancy and extends into early childhood. During this time, the left hemisphere of the brain, particularly areas like Broca’s area (responsible for speech production) and Wernicke’s area (responsible for language comprehension), undergo rapid development, laying the foundation for language acquisition.

Visual Development

The visual cortex, located in the occipital lobe at the back of the brain, is highly receptive to visual stimuli during the first few years of life. This critical period is crucial for establishing foundational visual abilities like depth perception and object recognition.

Sensory and Motor Development

Early Development During early development, the primary sensory areas responsible for processing information from the environment and the motor areas accountable for initiating movement develop rapidly. This allows infants to start interacting with and understanding the world around them.

Neurodevelopmental Variations in Autism from Infancy to Toddlerhood

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) impacts brain development in unique ways that differ from typical developmental trajectories. This complex neurodevelopmental condition is characterized by challenges in social interaction and communication and restricted or repetitive patterns of behaviour or interests. Here’s an in-depth look at how brain development in children with autism may differ from infancy through toddlerhood.

Early Brain Development and Overgrowth One of the most significant findings in autism research is the early brain overgrowth that often occurs in children with ASD. Studies suggest that, unlike typical infants, many autistic infants may experience an accelerated brain growth rate during the first years of life. This rapid brain growth can result in an unusually large head circumference (macrocephaly) in some toddlers with autism.

Synaptic Development and Pruning In typical development, infants experience a surge in synapse formation followed by pruning, which refines brain function. In children with autism, however, both processes can be atypical. There is evidence suggesting excessive synapse formation and insufficient pruning in autistic brains. This could lead to an overload of neural connections that might not be effectively integrated. This lack of efficient pruning has been linked to difficulties in sensory processing, social interactions, and higher cognitive functions due to the noisy and less efficient neural networks.

Myelination Differences Myelination, the process by which brain cells are insulated with a myelin sheath, is crucial for efficient neural communication. In autism, the myelination process might be altered or delayed, affecting the speed and timing of nerve signals. This disruption can impact a range of functions, from basic sensory processing to more complex behaviours such as social communication and emotional regulation.

Development of Specific Brain Regions

  • Frontal Cortex: Typically involved in complex cognitive behaviour and social interactions, the frontal cortex in children with autism may show atypical development. This brain area may not integrate information as effectively as in neurotypical development, which can manifest in challenges with executive functions like planning, attention, and impulse control.
  • Temporal Regions: Involved in language and facial emotion recognition, the temporal areas in autistic children may develop differently, impacting their ability to process verbal cues and recognize emotional expressions.
  • Amygdala: Early overgrowth in the amygdala has been observed in young children with autism. The amygdala plays a crucial role in processing emotions; its early overgrowth might relate to the intense anxiety and emotional responses seen in some children with ASD.

Critical Periods In autism, the critical periods when the brain is particularly receptive to certain input types might be altered. For example, the critical period for language development may be affected, contributing to the common delays in speech and language skills observed in many children with ASD. Similarly, altered critical periods for sensory processing might explain the sensory sensitivities common in autism.

Social and Emotional Development Due to the atypical development of social brain circuits, infants and toddlers with autism might show less attention to social stimuli, such as faces or voices. This can lead to difficulties in social interaction, such as reduced eye contact, limited use of gestures, and challenges in developing peer relationships.

Cognitive Development: While some children with autism typically develop cognitive skills, others might show delays or uneven development. For instance, a child might have difficulties with problem-solving or flexibility in thinking but excel in memory or detail-focused tasks.

In summary, the development of an autistic infant to toddler involves unique pathways that affect various aspects of neurology and behaviour. These developmental differences underline the importance of early intervention and tailored support to address the specific needs of each child with ASD, enhancing their ability to engage with the world around them.


Almli, C. R., Rivkin, M. J., & McKinstry, R. C. (2007). The NIH MRI study of Normal Brain Development (objective-2): Newborns, infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. NeuroImage, 35(1), 308–325. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.08.058

Huang, H., Shu, N., Mishra, V., Jeon, T., Chalak, L., Wang, Z. J., Rollins, N., Gong, G., Cheng, H., Peng, Y., Dong, Q., & He, Y. (2013). Development of human brain structural networks through infancy and childhood. Cerebral Cortex, 25(5), 1389–1404. https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bht335

Scott, L. S., & Brito, N. H. (2022). Supporting Healthy Brain and behavioral development during infancy. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9(1), 129–136. https://doi.org/10.1177/23727322211068172

Nature,Nuture and Early Brain Development https://extension.missouri.edu/media/wysiwyg/Extensiondata/Pub/pdf/hesguide/humanrel/gh6115.pdf

DiPietro, J. A. (2000). Baby and the brain: Advances in child development. Annual Review of Public Health, 21(1), 455–471. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.publhealth.21.1.455

Bresnahan, M., Hornig, M., Schultz, A. F., Gunnes, N., Hirtz, D., Lie, K. K., … & Lipkin, W. I. (2015). Association of maternal report of infant and toddler gastrointestinal symptoms with autism: evidence from a prospective birth cohort. JAMA psychiatry, 72(5), 466-474.

Autistic Infant to Toddler Brain Development: A Detailed Overview

The journey of brain development from infancy to toddlerhood in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) presents unique patterns that diverge significantly from typical developmental trajectories. By examining these distinct characteristics, we can gain insight into the neurological underpinnings of ASD. This comprehensive exploration delves into the nuances of how autistic brains develop, shedding light on the complexities of this condition.

Early Brain Overgrowth in ASD

Observations and Implications

Children with ASD often experience a phase of accelerated brain growth during infancy and early childhood. This phenomenon is observable not only in the overall size of the brain but also in the enlargement of specific regions, including the frontal cortex and the temporal lobe. The frontal cortex is crucial for high-level cognitive functions such as decision-making and social behavior, while the temporal lobe plays a vital role in language comprehension and sensory processing.

Neuronal Density and its Effects

Research indicates that autistic children may have an increased number of neurons, particularly in the prefrontal cortex. This anomaly suggests a deviation in the brain’s developmental processes during prenatal stages. The surplus of neurons could potentially explain some behavioral and cognitive characteristics associated with ASD, such as heightened sensory perception and challenges in social interactions.

The Role of Synaptic Pruning in ASD

Understanding Pruning Anomalies

Synaptic pruning is essential for refining brain efficiency by eliminating redundant neural connections. However, in ASD, evidence points towards anomalies in this process, which may not be as thorough or effective as seen in neurotypical development. These differences are critical for understanding sensory sensitivities and information processing challenges in ASD.

Consequences of Atypical Pruning

Inadequate synaptic pruning in ASD could result in an overwhelming number of neural connections, leading to sensory overload and difficulties in environmental adaptation. Brain imaging studies have revealed unusual connectivity patterns, underscoring the atypical pruning process and its implications for individuals with ASD.

Myelination and its Variations in ASD

Myelination, the process of forming a protective sheath around nerve fibers, is crucial for efficient neural communication. In ASD, disparities in myelination might affect cognitive functioning and sensory processing, highlighting another layer of complexity in autistic brain development.

Critical Periods and Their Modification in ASD

Altered Developmental Windows

The critical periods for brain development, crucial for acquiring language and social skills, may follow different timelines in children with ASD. This alteration can lead to distinct pathways in skill development, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches in therapeutic interventions.

Cerebellar Development in ASD

The cerebellum’s involvement in ASD extends beyond its traditional role in motor control, encompassing cognitive and emotional processing. Alterations in cerebellar development might contribute to the diverse symptoms of ASD, offering a broader perspective on the condition’s impact.

Brain Connectivity: A Dual Perspective

The Complexity of Connectivity

Studies on brain connectivity in ASD have shown mixed patterns of under- and over-connectivity across different regions. Specifically, there is under-connectivity in areas associated with higher cognitive processing, such as the frontal lobe, and over-connectivity in regions related to sensory processing. These findings illustrate the complexity of neural communication in ASD, affecting a wide range of functions from sensory perception to social cognition.

Concluding Insights

Understanding the brain development of autistic infants and toddlers reveals a complex interplay of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors. These insights into early brain overgrowth, synaptic pruning, myelination, and altered critical periods pave the way for more effective interventions and support for individuals with ASD. By appreciating the unique developmental patterns in ASD, we can foster a more inclusive and understanding society that recognizes and nurtures the potential of every individual.


Kau, A. (2022, March 29). Amygdala overgrowth that occurs in autism spectrum disorder may begin during infancy. National Institutes of Health. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/amygdala-overgrowth-occurs-autism-spectrum-disorder-may-begin-during-infancy

van Rooij, D. (2016). Subcortical brain volume development over age in autism spectrum disorder: Results from the Enigma-ASD working group. Subcortical Brain Development in Autism and Fragile X Syndrome: Evidence for Dynamic, Age- and Disorder-Specific Trajectories in Infancy. https://doi.org/10.26226/morressier.5785edd1d462b80296c9a207

Regev, O., Cohen, G., Hadar, A., Schuster, J., Flusser, H., Michaelovski, A., Meiri, G., Dinstein, I., Hershkovitch, R., & Menashe, I. (2020). Association between Abnormal Fetal Head Growth and Autism Spectrum Disorder. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.09.20170811

Molani-Gol, R., Alizadeh, M., Kheirouri, S., & Hamedi-Kalajahi, F. (2023). The early life growth of head circumference, weight, and height in infants with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review. BMC Pediatrics, 23(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-023-04445-9

Chen, L.-Z., Holmes, A. J., Zuo, X.-N., & Dong, Q. (2021). Neuroimaging brain growth charts: A road to mental health. Psychoradiology, 1(4), 272–286. https://doi.org/10.1093/psyrad/kkab022

Xu, Q., Zuo, C., Liao, S., Long, Y., & Wang, Y. (2020). Abnormal development pattern of the amygdala and hippocampus from childhood to adulthood with autism. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 78, 327–332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocn.2020.03.049

The Autistic Brain

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Neurological Perspective

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects individuals in various ways, particularly in how they interact with the world. By examining the neurological underpinnings of ASD, we can better understand the challenges and strengths of those affected. This exploration delves into the roles of different brain regions and how they influence the lives of individuals with ASD.

The Prefrontal Cortex


  • Executive Functioning: Planning and executing complex tasks can be daunting due to difficulties with organizing and sequencing activities.
  • Decision-Making and Flexibility: Individuals with ASD often find it hard to adapt to new situations, reflecting a rigidity in cognitive flexibility that hampers swift decision-making.


  • Focused Concentration: The ability to hyper-focus on areas of interest can lead to exceptional expertise.
  • Detail Orientation: Enhanced pattern recognition and structured problem-solving skills emerge from a keen attention to detail.

The Amygdala


  • Emotional and Social Processing: Understanding and responding to emotional cues are often challenging, impacting social interactions and potentially increasing anxiety in social settings.


  • Empathetic Resonance: Many with ASD can form deep empathetic connections, debunking myths of emotional detachment.
  • Authentic Expression: Interactions’ straightforward and genuine nature provides a refreshing honesty in social contexts.

The Hippocampus

  • Memory Formation: Issues with creating and recalling contextual and personal memories can affect social interactions.
  • Detail Retention: A strong memory for details and facts, which is particularly beneficial in academic and specialized environments.

The Cerebellum

  • Motor Skills: Impaired coordination, balance, and fine motor skills may affect tasks requiring motor precision.
  • Pattern Recognition: The ability to recognize patterns is advantageous in areas such as music and mathematics.

The Temporal Lobe

  • Language Development: Speech and language development may be delayed, influencing social communication.
  • Visual-Spatial Skills: Many excel in tasks requiring visual-spatial intelligence, often using these skills creatively.

Integration via the Corpus Callosum

  • Information Processing: Difficulties in integrating information from different brain areas can hinder the execution of complex tasks.
  • Innovative Problem-Solving: Unique approaches to problem-solving are commonly seen, highlighting creativity.

Basal Ganglia

  • Focused Interests: An intense engagement with specific subjects can restrict interest diversity.
  • Expertise Development: Profound skill and knowledge accumulation often result from deep focus.


Understanding the impacts of ASD on various brain regions offers a balanced view of the neurological basis for both the challenges and strengths seen in individuals with ASD. This comprehensive perspective helps us appreciate the unique contributions and needs of those on the autism spectrum, promoting a more inclusive and supportive environment.

Brain Connectivity

Brain Connectivity and Its Electrical Nature

The brain, a complex network of neurons, utilizes electrical and chemical signals to orchestrate its myriad functions. From simple reflexes to complex cognitive processes, the brain’s ability to process information swiftly and efficiently hinges on its sophisticated connectivity. Understanding the historical context, methods of study, and implications of brain connectivity not only enriches our comprehension of neural functions but also underscores the significance of neuroscience research.

Historical Context of Brain Connectivity

The exploration of brain connectivity has evolved significantly over centuries, beginning with the early anatomists who first mapped the gross structures of the brain. In the 19th century, advancements in microscopy allowed scientists like Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramón y Cajal to visualize neurons and their networks, laying the groundwork for modern neuroscience. These pioneers introduced the concept that individual neurons are the fundamental units of the brain, connected by synapses to form intricate networks.

How Brain Connectivity is Studied

Modern neuroscience employs a variety of techniques to study brain connectivity:

Importance of Studying Brain Connectivity

The study of brain connectivity is pivotal for several reasons:

  • Disease diagnosis and management: Understanding abnormal connections and network disruptions can help in diagnosing and treating neurological disorders like epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and autism.
  • Cognitive and behavioural insights: It illuminates the neural basis of behaviours and cognitive functions, such as learning, memory, and emotion.
  • Technological applications: Insights from brain connectivity research influence developments in artificial intelligence and neural engineering.

The brain and electricity

At the most basic level, the brain comprises neurons, or nerve cells, which communicate through electrical impulses and chemical signals. Each neuron connects to others at a synapse junction, where tiny bursts of chemicals (neurotransmitters) are released in response to electrical impulses. This process allows neurons to pass signals rapidly across the brain, enabling everything from reflex responses to complex thinking.

How the Brain Uses Electricity

The brain’s use of electricity is fundamental to its operation. Neurons create electrical signals that travel along their axons, fibre-like parts of the neuron that transmit signals to other neurons. This electrical activity is often measured in brain scans like EEG (electroencephalography), which can show the overall electrical activity of the brain and help diagnose conditions like epilepsy and other disorders.

Neural Networks and Seeing

When it comes to seeing, the brain’s visual cortex at the back processes the raw data from the eyes. Light hits the retina, where it is converted into electrical signals that travel through the optic nerve to the brain. The visual cortex and its associated networks interpret these signals as shapes, colours, and movements. This process involves multiple brain areas communicating through both electrical and chemical signals.

The Role of Connectivity in Visual Processing

Different parts of your brain must communicate seamlessly to recognize and respond to what you see. This communication relies on complex networks of neurons that connect various brain regions. These networks orchestrate activities from essential visual recognition to complex decision-making about visual information, such as identifying a familiar face or understanding a scene in a movie.

The brain’s impressive capability to process visual information quickly and efficiently is a testament to its vast network of neurons’ highly coordinated activity and connectivity. Understanding this connectivity, primarily how neurons transmit electrical signals and communicate through chemical messages, is fundamental to neuroscience.