The Neurodivergent Brain

Tag: brain function

  • Hyperactivity


    Understanding Hyperactivity: The Brain’s Need to Move

    Hyperactivity is a common trait observed in neurodivergent individuals, often manifesting as a need to fidget, move, or engage in physical activity. This article delves into the neurological basis of hyperactivity, exploring why the brain craves movement and how suppressing this need can lead to significant cognitive and physical discomfort.

    The Neurological Basis of Hyperactivity

    Hyperactivity is primarily associated with the brain’s dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, plays a crucial role in reward, motivation, and movement regulation. In individuals with ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions, dopamine levels are often dysregulated. This dysregulation can lead to an increased need for stimulation, which often manifests as hyperactivity.

    The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex

    The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is responsible for executive functions such as attention, decision-making, and impulse control. In neurodivergent individuals, the PFC may require additional stimulation to maintain optimal functioning. Movement and fidgeting can provide this necessary stimulation, helping to keep the PFC engaged and focused.

    The Scratch to Itch Analogy

    Imagine having an itch that you are unable to scratch. The longer you resist, the more intense and unbearable the sensation becomes. This analogy aptly describes the experience of needing to fidget. For neurodivergent individuals, the urge to move is similar to an itch that must be scratched. Holding still, especially in environments that demand prolonged attention like school or work, can drain cognitive energy and exacerbate feelings of restlessness and agitation.

    Cognitive Load and Hyperactivity

    Cognitive load theory explains how the brain processes and manages information. When the cognitive load is high, the brain can become overstimulated, leading to difficulties in processing and retaining information. For some individuals, moving or fidgeting helps manage this cognitive load by providing a physical outlet for excess neural activity. This movement can enhance focus and facilitate better information processing.

    Physical Discomfort and Hyperactivity

    Suppressing the need to fidget can lead to significant physical discomfort, resembling symptoms of restless leg syndrome. This discomfort can manifest as an intense itching sensation or a feeling of restlessness throughout the body(I am unsure how else to describe it). Movement alleviates this discomfort, especially for those who have not engaged in sufficient physical activity. For many, fidgeting is not merely a preference but a necessary response to physical and cognitive needs.

    Hyperactivity and Cognitive Function

    For some individuals, fidgeting is essential for cognitive function. The act of moving can help decode complex questions, understand underlying concepts, and engage in deeper thinking. When forced to sit still, the brain’s ability to function optimally can be compromised. This is because movement stimulates various brain regions, enhancing cognitive processing and focus.

    The Importance of Understanding Hyperactivity

    Understanding hyperactivity and its underlying causes is crucial for creating supportive environments in schools, workplaces, and other settings. Recognizing that movement is a legitimate need for many individuals can lead to more inclusive practices, such as allowing standing desks, flexible seating arrangements, and opportunities for physical activity throughout the day.

    By acknowledging and accommodating the need to fidget, we can help neurodivergent individuals thrive, enhancing their ability to focus, learn, and contribute meaningfully in various settings.

  • Extroversion


    Understanding Extroversion: From Brain Function to Neurodivergence

    Extroversion is a fundamental dimension of human personality, often represented as one end of the introversion-extroversion spectrum in psychological theories, most notably in the Five-Factor Model (also known as the Big Five). Understanding extroversion involves delving into what distinguishes extroverts from introverts, how the brain functions in relation to this trait, and its manifestation within neurodivergent individuals, along with the associated challenges and benefits.

    Extroversion vs. Introversion

    An outward orientation of energy characterizes extroversion. Extroverts are typically described as friendly, assertive, and lively. They thrive on social interactions, are comfortable in groups, and often feel energized by being around other people. In contrast, introverts are inwardly oriented, often drained by extensive social interactions and requiring alone time to recharge. Introverts might prefer deep, one-on-one conversations to large gatherings and are more reserved in social situations.

    Brain Functioning and Personality Trait

    Dopamine System and Reward Sensitivity

    Research has suggested that the brain’s dopamine system differences may underlie the extroversion-introversion dichotomy. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with reward and pleasure. Extroverts might have a dopamine system that responds more strongly to rewards, leading them to seek out stimulating social environments where these rewards (e.g., positive social interactions) are more likely.

    Prefrontal Cortex Activity and External Stimulation

    Furthermore, brain imaging studies have shown differences in the prefrontal cortex activity between extroverts and introverts. The prefrontal cortex is involved in social behaviour and decision-making. Extroverts may exhibit less activity in this region when processing external stimuli, suggesting they require more external stimulation to achieve the same arousal and pleasure as introverts.

    Extroversion and Neurodivergence

    In the context of neurodivergence, which includes conditions like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ADHD, and others, extroversion-introversion can present unique challenges and strengths. For example, a neurodivergent individual who is extroverted may still seek social interactions but face challenges in navigating them due to difficulties with social communication or sensory processing issues.

    Unique Challenges for Neurodivergent Extroverts

    • Social Communication: Extroverted neurodivergent individuals might strongly desire social connections but struggle with nonverbal cues, turn-taking, or other aspects of social communication.
    • Sensory Overload: Engaging in highly stimulating social environments can lead to sensory overload for some neurodivergent individuals despite their extroverted nature.

    Positives and Strengths in Neurodiversity

    • Social Motivation: Extroverted neurodivergent individuals may have a strong motivation to interact with others, which can drive them to develop compensatory strategies for navigating social situations.
    • Advocacy and Awareness: Their desire for social engagement can make extroverted neurodivergent individuals powerful advocates for themselves and others, raising awareness about neurodiversity.


    Extroversion and introversion represent a complex interplay of behavioral tendencies, brain function, and environmental interactions. In neurodivergent individuals, extroversion may manifest with unique challenges, such as navigating social norms and managing sensory stimulation, but it also brings strengths like social motivation and the ability to advocate for neurodiversity. Recognizing and supporting the diverse needs and talents of both extroverted and introverted neurodivergent individuals is crucial for fostering inclusive environments where everyone can thrive.


    No Title

    Social Reward Table of Contents: 00:38 – A Note on Methods in Social Neuroscience 02:23 – 08:56 – Sweet Revenge 16:30 – Rewarding social outcomes processed in brain reward system 17:12 – 17:36 – Rewarding social outcomes processed in brain reward system 17:40 – 18:11 – Social and monetary reward in the same subjects 20:44 – Overlap of social / monetary reward

    No Title

    Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you usually prefer working alone or in a group? Do people usually make you feel comfortable or uncomfortable? We all have different strengths and weaknesses, and understanding this can help you build relationships. Extroverts are usually energized, outgoing, and talkative while introverts are reserved, shy, and prefer spending time alone.

  • HyperFocus


    Hyperfocus in Autism and ADHD: A Double-Edged Sword

    Hyperfocus, a common trait observed in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is a state of intense concentration or absorption in an activity or subject to the exclusion of almost everything else. This phenomenon can be both a strength and a challenge, offering deep engagement with tasks or interests but also potential difficulties in shifting attention. Understanding hyperfocus involves exploring its mechanisms, neural basis, and its impact on daily life.

    How and Why Hyperfocus Happens

    In ADHD, Hyperfocus may counterbalance the typical symptoms of distractibility and impulsiveness. It is thought to happen when an individual finds an activity that is especially rewarding or stimulating. The brain’s reward system, particularly the dopamine pathways associated with motivation and pleasure, becomes highly engaged. This engagement can make it challenging to divert attention from the task at hand.

    In ASD: Hyperfocus is often linked to an intense and passionate interest in specific topics or activities. This intense concentration allows individuals with ASD to gather an extensive amount of knowledge or skill in their areas of interest. The exact cause of hyperfocus in ASD is not fully understood but is believed to be related to differences in brain structure and function, including those areas involved in focus, attention, and sensory processing.

    Where in the Brain It Happens

    Hyperfocus involves various brain regions, particularly those associated with attention, reward, and motivation. These include:

    • Prefrontal Cortex: Involved in decision-making, attention, and moderating social behavior.
    • Striatum and the Nucleus Accumbens: Parts of the brain’s reward system process hyperfocus activities’ rewarding aspects.
    • Dopaminergic Pathways are involved in reward, pleasure, and motivation, which are crucial for the engagement seen in hyperfocus.

    Differences in these brain regions and pathways, particularly in the regulation and processing of dopamine, are thought to contribute to the occurrence of hyperfocus in individuals with ADHD and ASD.

    Examples in Daily Life

    Hyperfocus can manifest in various ways in daily life, often depending on the individual’s interests or tasks they find absorbing:

    • An individual with ADHD might become so engrossed in a video game or a creative project that they lose track of time and neglect other responsibilities or commitments.
    • A person with ASD might spend hours researching a favorite topic, such as trains or a particular historical period, with impressive detail and depth.

    Misinterpretations of Hyperfocus

    Others can sometimes misunderstand the intense concentration of hyperfocus as inattentiveness or lack of interest in anything else. For instance:

    • Perceived as Not Listening: When hyperfocused, an individual may not respond to their name being called or to questions asked by others, which can be mistaken for ignoring the speaker.
    • Misinterpreted as Lack of Care: The inability to shift attention from the hyperfocus activity to engage in social interactions or perform expected tasks might be wrongly perceived as indifference or unwillingness to participate.

    Navigating Hyperfocus

    Understanding hyperfocus as a characteristic of ADHD and ASD is crucial for both individuals experiencing it and those around them. Strategies for managing hyperfocus include setting timers to remind transitioning out of hyperfocused states, creating structured schedules that include time for focused interests, and using hyperfocus constructively in educational or occupational settings.

    Recognizing the potential of hyperfocus while also being aware of its challenges can help in leveraging this trait as a strength, allowing individuals with ADHD and ASD to thrive in their passions and contributions.


    Hyperfocus symptom and internet addiction in individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder trait

    Frontiers | Hyperfocus symptom and internet addiction in individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder trait

    BackgroundHyperfocus symptom is the intense concentration on a certain object. It is a common but often overlooked symptom in those with attention-deficit/hy…

    Hyperfocus or flow? Attentional strengths in autism spectrum disorder

    Frontiers | Hyperfocus or flow? Attentional strengths in autism spectrum disorder

    The comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnoses is well established. An ASD diagnosis is asso…

    Hyperfocus symptom and internet addiction in individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder trait

    A d factor? Understanding trait distractibility and its relationships with ADHD symptomatology and hyperfocus

    People differ substantially in their vulnerability to distraction. Yet, many types of distractions exist, from external stimulation to internal thoughts. How should we characterize individual differences in their distractibility? Two samples of adult participants (total N = 1220) completed a large battery of questionnaires assessing different facets of real-world distractibility.


    ADHD & Hyper-Focus – Part I

    ADHD & Hyper-Focus This commentary examines the nature of and evidence for a frequently cited benefit of ADHD, especially in adults – that being “hyper-focusing (HF).” Despite its widespread belief, this relationship has not been explored much in the scientific literature, with less than 8 studies being identified.

    Russell Barkley, PhD ADHD & Hyperfocus Part 1


    Hi I’m Connor, I do tiktoks about ADHD. I have no idea what’s going on in the world. So um yeah. Like, subscribe, and follow me on tiktok @Connor DeWolfe ​

    Connor DeWolfe ADHD Hyperfocus ,Phases
  • Brain Connectivity

    Brain Connectivity

    Brain Connectivity and Its Electrical Nature

    The brain, a complex network of neurons, utilizes electrical and chemical signals to orchestrate its myriad functions. From simple reflexes to complex cognitive processes, the brain’s ability to process information swiftly and efficiently hinges on its sophisticated connectivity. Understanding the historical context, methods of study, and implications of brain connectivity not only enriches our comprehension of neural functions but also underscores the significance of neuroscience research.

    Historical Context of Brain Connectivity

    The exploration of brain connectivity has evolved significantly over centuries, beginning with the early anatomists who first mapped the gross structures of the brain. In the 19th century, advancements in microscopy allowed scientists like Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramón y Cajal to visualize neurons and their networks, laying the groundwork for modern neuroscience. These pioneers introduced the concept that individual neurons are the fundamental units of the brain, connected by synapses to form intricate networks.

    How Brain Connectivity is Studied

    Modern neuroscience employs a variety of techniques to study brain connectivity:

    Importance of Studying Brain Connectivity

    The study of brain connectivity is pivotal for several reasons:

    • Disease diagnosis and management: Understanding abnormal connections and network disruptions can help in diagnosing and treating neurological disorders like epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and autism.
    • Cognitive and behavioural insights: It illuminates the neural basis of behaviours and cognitive functions, such as learning, memory, and emotion.
    • Technological applications: Insights from brain connectivity research influence developments in artificial intelligence and neural engineering.

    The brain and electricity

    At the most basic level, the brain comprises neurons, or nerve cells, which communicate through electrical impulses and chemical signals. Each neuron connects to others at a synapse junction, where tiny bursts of chemicals (neurotransmitters) are released in response to electrical impulses. This process allows neurons to pass signals rapidly across the brain, enabling everything from reflex responses to complex thinking.

    How the Brain Uses Electricity

    The brain’s use of electricity is fundamental to its operation. Neurons create electrical signals that travel along their axons, fibre-like parts of the neuron that transmit signals to other neurons. This electrical activity is often measured in brain scans like EEG (electroencephalography), which can show the overall electrical activity of the brain and help diagnose conditions like epilepsy and other disorders.

    Neural Networks and Seeing

    When it comes to seeing, the brain’s visual cortex at the back processes the raw data from the eyes. Light hits the retina, where it is converted into electrical signals that travel through the optic nerve to the brain. The visual cortex and its associated networks interpret these signals as shapes, colours, and movements. This process involves multiple brain areas communicating through both electrical and chemical signals.

    The Role of Connectivity in Visual Processing

    Different parts of your brain must communicate seamlessly to recognize and respond to what you see. This communication relies on complex networks of neurons that connect various brain regions. These networks orchestrate activities from essential visual recognition to complex decision-making about visual information, such as identifying a familiar face or understanding a scene in a movie.

    The brain’s impressive capability to process visual information quickly and efficiently is a testament to its vast network of neurons’ highly coordinated activity and connectivity. Understanding this connectivity, primarily how neurons transmit electrical signals and communicate through chemical messages, is fundamental to neuroscience.

  • Cognitive Processing

    Cognitive Processing

    Cognitive processing refers to the mental activities of acquiring, understanding, remembering, and using information. It encompasses a wide range of mental processes, such as perception, attention, memory, language, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. The brain carries out these processes through complex neural networks and interactions between various regions.

    The brain engages in intricate cognitive processing mechanisms in social conversations to understand and navigate social interactions effectively. Some key processes involved include:

    1. Perception and attention: The brain processes sensory information from the environment, such as verbal and nonverbal cues from the conversation partner(s), to determine what is being communicated and to whom attention should be directed.
    2. Interpretation of social cues: Social conversations often involve interpreting subtle cues like tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and body language to understand the emotional state, intentions, and meaning of the speaker.
    3. Language comprehension and production: The brain comprehends the linguistic content of the conversation, including vocabulary, syntax, and semantics, to derive meaning and formulate appropriate responses.
    4. Theory of mind refers to the ability to attribute mental states—beliefs, intents, desires, emotions—to oneself and others and to understand that others may have beliefs, desires, intentions, and perspectives that are different from one’s own. Theory of mind is crucial for understanding others’ thoughts, feelings, and intentions in social interactions.
    5. Executive functions: These higher-order cognitive processes, such as planning, inhibition, working memory, and cognitive flexibility, are involved in managing and regulating social behavior, including initiating and maintaining conversation, monitoring and adjusting behavior based on social feedback, and resolving conflicts.

    Now, when comparing the cognitive processing mechanisms in neurotypical brains to those in autistic brains, there are some notable differences. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by difficulties in social communication and interaction, as well as restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. Some key differences in cognitive processing mechanisms in autistic brains include:

    1. Sensory processing differences: Autistic individuals may experience sensory sensitivities or differences in sensory processing, such as heightened sensitivity to noise, light, or touch, which can impact their ability to focus on social cues and engage in social interactions.
    2. Difficulty in interpreting social cues: Autistic individuals may have challenges in interpreting and responding to social cues, such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language, which can lead to difficulties in understanding others’ emotions, intentions, and perspectives.
    3. Theory of mind difficulties: While some autistic individuals may develop a theory of mind to some extent, others may have challenges in understanding and predicting others’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, affecting their ability to engage in perspective-taking and empathy in social interactions.
    4. Language and communication differences: Autistic individuals may exhibit differences in language development and communication, such as delayed speech or language pragmatics difficulties (e.g., using language appropriately in social contexts), impacting their ability to initiate and maintain social conversations effectively.
    5. Executive function challenges: Autistic individuals may experience difficulties with executive functions such as planning, organization, flexibility, and impulse control, which can affect their ability to adapt to changes in social situations, regulate their behavior, and navigate complex social interactions.

    Gebauer, L., Skewes, J., Westphael, G., Heaton, P., & Vuust, P. (2014). Intact brain processing of musical emotions in autism spectrum disorder, but more cognitive load and arousal in happy vs. sad music. Frontiers in neuroscience8, 192. 

    Gebauer, L., Skewes, J., Westphael, G., Heaton, P., & Vuust, P. (2014). Intact brain processing of musical emotions in autism spectrum disorder, but more cognitive load and arousal in happy vs. sad music. Frontiers in neuroscience8, 192. 

    Eagleman, D. (Ed.). (2018). Cognitive processing: What it is and why it’s important | BrainCheck. Cognitive Processing: What It Is and Why It’s Important.