Tag Archives: neurodivergence

Self-Worth and Advocacy

Embracing Self-Worth and Advocacy

Understanding and asserting your rights to accommodations, whether in educational settings or the workplace, is not just about ensuring you receive what you deserve; it’s about affirming your value and refusing to settle for less. It’s crucial to recognize that accommodations are not preferences or luxuries but essential requirements that enable equal opportunities and a level playing field for individuals with autism, ADHD, and other neurodivergent conditions.

The Significance of Saying ‘No’

Saying “no” to inadequate support and “yes” to your rights is a powerful stand against the marginalization of your needs. It’s an affirmation that your needs are legitimate and critical for your success and well-being. Embracing this stance is not about demanding special treatment; it’s about advocating for fairness and equality.

TheNeurodivergentBrain.org is your ally in this journey. It’s a treasure trove of knowledge that empowers you to understand your unique neurodivergence and articulate your experiences to those who need to hear it. This understanding is your toolset, equipping you with the language and confidence to communicate your experiences, assert your boundaries, and resist any attempt to diminish the importance of your needs.

The Essential Nature of Accommodations

Accepting anything less than what you rightfully deserve can be harmful, leading to a diminished quality of life and unmet potential. It’s essential to recognize that the accommodations you seek are not about rolling out the red carpet for you; they’re about ensuring you can engage, learn, and work effectively, just like anyone else.

Leveraging Knowledge: The Power of TheNeurodivergentBrain.org

Through TheNeurodivergentBrain.org, you’ll find information and inspiration—a guide to formulating a strategy that elevates your quality of life. It champions the idea that everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed and thrive, emphasizing that your quest for accommodations is both fair and necessary.

Everyone’s Right to Opportunity and Success

Let this be your rallying cry: Your needs are valid, your requests for accommodations are justified, and you deserve an environment that recognizes and supports your potential. Stand firm, advocate passionately, and never underestimate the transformative power of saying “no” to anything less than you deserve. Together, we can create a more inclusive and understanding world for all neurodivergent individuals.

The Steps to Filing a Complaint

Filing complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding civil liberties violations and with the Department of Education (DOE) for educational rights infractions is a crucial step in ensuring that your or your child’s rights are protected. Here’s a detailed guide on how to navigate these processes, including the importance of timely action.

Filing a Complaint with the Department of Justice (DOJ)


  1. Identify the Violation: Ensure that your situation constitutes a civil liberties violation under the jurisdiction of the DOJ, such as discrimination based on disability.
  2. Gather Documentation: Compile all relevant information, including any communication with institutions, documentation of the discrimination, and how the issue affects you or your child.
  3. Submit Your Complaint: Complaints can be filed online, by mail, or via fax.
  4. Follow Up: After submitting, you may be contacted for further information. Keep track of all communications.

Timeline: There’s no strict timeline, but acting swiftly ensures that evidence is fresh and helps in timely remediation of the issue.

Filing a Complaint with the Department of Education (DOE)


  1. Identify the Issue: Ensure the issue falls under the DOE’s purview, like failure to implement an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan accommodations.
  2. Prepare Your Complaint: Detail the specific issues, including dates, individuals involved, and any steps already taken to resolve the matter locally.
  3. File the Complaint: You can file a complaint online through the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Complaint Form.
  4. Wait for Investigation: The OCR will review your complaint and decide whether to investigate. During this period, they may require additional information from you.

Timeline: Complaints should be filed within 180 days of the incident. Prompt filing is crucial to prevent further harm and ensure a more effective investigation.

State-Specific Procedures

Every U.S. state has its own regulations and codes, including those related to IEP accommodations (often detailed in the state’s Administrative Code or Statutes). It’s vital to consult your state’s Department of Education website for specific procedures and timelines.

Use Adobe PDF Form Editor to save a stamp,avoid the aggravation of a printer, and quickly get it done and off your desk. Pro Tip: Reward yourself when you complete the task. Follow-through can be challenging when neurodivergent, so creative tactics are necessary to overcome them. Whenever you find yourself hesitant to complete the task, reward yourself after as a thank you to yourself for the hard work of following through. A reward can be a quick break outside, a power nap, or even a snack. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, just something that brings you joy.

International Guidelines

For those in other countries, the process can vary significantly. Here are a few examples:

Each country has its own agency for handling such complaints, so it’s essential to research the appropriate authority in your country.

Why Immediate Action is Imperative:

  1. Timeliness: Ensures evidence is current and accurate.
  2. Prevention: Stops ongoing discrimination or violation of rights.
  3. Remediation: Allows quicker resolution and restoration of rights.

Taking swift action when rights are infringed upon is crucial for rectifying the immediate issue and helps set a precedent for the respect and protection of civil liberties and educational rights.

One Last Note

It’s imperative to remember that seeking accommodations for autism, ADHD, or any other neurodivergent condition isn’t a matter of want or luxury. It’s about securing the fundamental requirement to learn, work, and participate in society on an equal footing. These accommodations are not special privileges; they are essential adjustments that ensure everyone has a fair chance to succeed and thrive, just like anyone else.

The journey towards securing these rights is not an expression of being unreasonable or whiny; it’s a justified demand for equality and inclusivity. Currently, the playing field is far from level, with individuals facing unnecessary penalties and barriers in educational and professional environments due to a lack of understanding and support.

This disparity highlights the urgent need for change, emphasizing that accommodations are critical in dismantling the obstacles that neurodivergent individuals face. It’s about creating a world where everyone, regardless of their neurological makeup, can achieve their full potential without being hindered by systemic inadequacies. Remember, advocating for necessary accommodations is a fair and just society for all.

Designated Drivers of Humanity

Autism and ADHD: The Essential Elements of Human Civilization

Autism and ADHD have long been viewed through a lens of difference, often misunderstood and misrepresented. However, these neurodivergent traits are not anomalies but essential components of human evolution and society. By applying Occam’s Razor—the principle that the simplest explanation is often the correct one—we can see that autism and ADHD are intrinsic parts of nature, designed for a reason. These conditions have been present for centuries, contributing significantly to human civilization through invention, design, and creativity.

The Role of Autistic and ADHD Individuals in History

Historically, life was less chaotic. There were no 24-hour news cycles, constant connectivity through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, or the relentless pressure of social media. In such an environment, the unique traits of autistic and ADHD individuals flourished. These individuals often spent their lives studying a single subject, driven by intense focus and passion, ultimately sharing their findings for the betterment of society.

Contributions through Centuries:

  • Innovation and Creativity: Many of the world’s greatest inventors, scientists, and artists displayed traits associated with autism and ADHD. Their ability to hyper-focus allowed them to make groundbreaking discoveries and create works of art that have shaped human culture.
  • Problem Solving: Autistic and ADHD individuals often possess exceptional problem-solving skills. Their different way of thinking enables them to approach problems from unique angles, leading to innovative solutions that others might overlook.
  • Attention to Detail: The meticulous nature of many autistic individuals has led to advancements in various fields, including mathematics, engineering, and the arts. Their ability to notice details that others miss has been crucial in making precise and accurate contributions.

Modern Challenges and the Need for Balance

In today’s world, the constant barrage of information and social expectations creates a challenging environment for autistic and ADHD individuals. The pressure to be social and constantly connected can be overwhelming, detracting from their ability to focus on their passions and make meaningful contributions.

The Modern Landscape:

  • Overstimulation: The modern environment is filled with stimuli that can be overwhelming for neurodivergent individuals. This overstimulation can hinder their ability to concentrate and innovate.
  • Social Pressure: The expectation to be social and extroverted is contrary to the natural inclinations of many autistic and ADHD individuals. This pressure can lead to stress and burnout, reducing their ability to contribute effectively.
  • Need for Supportive Environments: Creating environments that reduce overstimulation and allow for focus and creativity is essential. This includes quiet spaces, flexible work arrangements, and a culture that values diverse contributions.

The Designated Drivers of Humanity

Autistic and ADHD individuals serve a crucial purpose in human civilization. They are the drivers of progress, continuously creating and inventing. Their contributions are not just valuable but essential for the advancement of society. If we were all designed to be social butterflies, humanity would lack the depth of knowledge and innovation that these individuals bring.

The Bigger Picture:

  • Integral Part of a System: Just as a body needs different organs to function, society needs diverse minds to thrive. Autistic and ADHD individuals are integral to this system, providing the innovation and problem-solving skills necessary for progress.
  • Humanity’s Success: For humanity to be successful, there must be those who dedicate their lives to research and creation. These individuals ensure that we continue to advance, adapt, and overcome challenges.


Autism and ADHD are not disorders to be cured but natural variations to be celebrated. By recognizing the essential roles that autistic and ADHD individuals play in our society, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment. Embracing these differences and providing the right support can lead to a more innovative, creative, and successful human civilization.

Picky Eating

Understanding Picky Eating in Neurodivergent Individuals: A Deeper Look at the Causes and Effective Management Strategies

Picky eating is more than just a preference; for many neurodivergent individuals, it is a pervasive and sometimes debilitating aspect of their daily lives. Neurodivergence—encompassing a range of conditions including autism spectrum disorders and ADHD—often comes with a unique set of sensory sensitivities and neurological differences that can profoundly affect eating behaviors. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the neurological foundations of picky eating among neurodivergent populations, unraveling the complexities of how the brain processes sensory inputs and its impact on dietary choices. We will also provide thoughtful strategies that cater to the diverse educational and economic backgrounds of our global audience, ensuring that everyone can find value and applicability in the insights shared.

The Neurological Underpinnings of Picky Eating in Neurodivergence

  1. Enhanced Sensory Sensitivities: Neurodivergent individuals often experience sensory inputs more intensely than their neurotypical peers due to differences in how their brains process information. This heightened sensitivity can turn the texture of a food, such as the crunch of a carrot or the sliminess of an oyster, into a significant barrier to consumption. Foods that might seem innocuous to many can evoke strong negative responses based on their texture, smell, or even color.
  2. Anxiety and the Need for Predictability: For many neurodivergent people, the world can feel unpredictable and often overwhelming. This can translate into a strong desire for predictability and routine, which includes food choices. The uncertainty associated with trying new foods can trigger intense anxiety, leading to a reliance on a limited range of ‘safe foods’ that provide a sense of security and control.
  3. Executive Functioning and Mealtime Challenges: Difficulties with executive functioning are common in individuals with neurodivergence, such as ADHD. These challenges can manifest as forgetfulness or lack of attention to hunger cues, often leading to irregular eating patterns. Moreover, the intense focus on preferred activities can make the act of stopping to eat feel disruptive and unwelcome, resulting in preferences for quick, snack-like foods that don’t require a break from engaging tasks.
  4. Atypical Responses to Food Rewards: The brain’s reward systems, which typically help motivate food consumption by associating eating with pleasure, may operate differently in neurodivergent individuals. This atypical response can diminish the incentive to eat foods that do not provide immediate sensory satisfaction, reinforcing restrictive eating patterns.

Strategies to Support Diverse Eating Needs

Understanding these neurological factors offers a pathway to developing more effective strategies for managing picky eating in neurodivergent individuals. Here are some tailored approaches:

  1. Offering Empowering Choices: Providing a variety of food options that are already known and accepted can empower the individual, giving them a sense of control over their diet. This approach also helps mitigate anxiety around meal times.
  2. Slow and Steady Introduction of New Foods: Gradual exposure to new foods can help reduce sensory overwhelm. Introducing new items slowly, without pressuring the individual to eat them, allows them to become accustomed to the idea of different foods at their own pace.
  3. Customizing Food Presentation: Adapting the way food is prepared and presented can address specific sensory dislikes. For example, if mixed textures are problematic, serving food items separately might help. Additionally, preparing foods in visually appealing ways can encourage trying new foods.
  4. Creating a Predictable Eating Routine: Establishing and maintaining a consistent eating schedule can provide a comforting routine that reduces anxiety. Previewing what foods will be served and when can also help prepare the individual mentally for meals.
  5. Acknowledging and Respecting Sensory Boundaries: It’s important to recognize that some sensory aversions may never change, and pushing against these hard limits can lead to negative experiences and heightened mealtime stress.
  6. Enhancing the Mealtime Environment: Ensuring that the dining area is calm and free from overwhelming sensory stimuli can make eating a more pleasant experience. Simple changes like reducing background noise or adjusting lighting can have a significant impact.


By exploring the nuanced reasons behind picky eating in neurodivergent individuals and employing thoughtful, accommodating strategies, caregivers and support networks can enhance the mealtime experience. Understanding and patience, coupled with practical adjustments, can make a substantial difference in the lives of those facing these challenges, contributing to a more inclusive and supportive approach to neurodiversity in our communities worldwide.

Social Safety & Perception

Navigating Perception: The Quest for Safety

The experience of being perceived, mainly when the intentions of the observer are unclear, can be a significant source of anxiety and discomfort, especially for individuals who have faced misunderstanding, prejudice, or bullying in the past. This uncertainty about how others will receive and interpret one’s actions, appearance, or identity can lead to a pervasive sense of vulnerability and unsafety. The apprehension of not knowing whether the observer’s intent is benign, critical, or even hostile amplifies this discomfort, contributing to constant vigilance and stress.

The Anxiety of Being Observed

When individuals cannot gauge the intentions behind others’ perceptions of them, it can trigger a cascade of internal questioning and self-doubt. This may include concerns like:

  • “Will they misunderstand my actions or words?”
  • “Are they judging me negatively?”
  • “Will this lead to exclusion or bullying?”

Such questions reflect the internal turmoil caused by ambiguous social cues and the potential for adverse outcomes, including social rejection or aggression.

Interpreting Intent: A Complex Challenge

Feeling safe in social interactions is not merely about physical well-being but also encompasses emotional and psychological safety. When the intent behind being perceived is unknown, individuals may feel exposed and vulnerable, as if under a spotlight with uncertain consequences. This sensation can be particularly intense for those who have historically been marginalized, misunderstood, or bullied, such as individuals with neurodivergence, including autism.

Creating Safer Social Spaces

To manage the unease associated with being perceived, individuals may develop coping mechanisms or avoidance behaviours, such as:

  • Withdrawal from social situations to reduce the likelihood of being judged or bullied.
  • Over-analyzing their behaviour or appearance to try to control how they are perceived.
  • Seeking out environments or communities where they feel more understood and safe.

Empathy: The Key to Understanding

Creating environments where individuals feel safe and understood involves fostering empathy and promoting open, nonjudgmental communication. It is crucial to recognize the diversity of human experiences and the complexity of social interactions. Encouraging empathy and understanding can mitigate the fear associated with being perceived, helping individuals feel more secure about how others see them.


The experience of being perceived, especially with unclear intentions, can significantly affect one’s sense of safety and well-being in social contexts. Addressing this requires a collective effort to understand and accommodate the diverse ways people experience and navigate social perception. By cultivating environments of empathy, acceptance, and open communication, society can move towards reducing the anxiety and vulnerability that come with the uncertainty of being perceived.

Being Perceived in Autism Explained

Beyond the Surface: Understanding Autism and the Dynamics of Perception

Understanding Autism: Navigating Perception and Bias

Perception and the experience of being perceived can have distinct nuances for autistic individuals, shaped significantly by societal attitudes, biases, and stereotypes. Autistic people often navigate a world where their behaviors and ways of being are constantly scrutinized, misunderstood, or judged negatively. This external perception profoundly influences their self-perception and interactions with the world.

Understanding Perception in Autism

Perception involves processing sensory information in ways that can be vastly different from neurotypical individuals. This can lead to unique interpretations of social cues, facial expressions, and body language, central to social interaction and communication. Autistic people may perceive these cues in a more intense or diminished capacity, or they might focus on different aspects of the environment or interaction than their neurotypical counterparts do.

The Experience of Being Perceived

Being perceived, or the awareness of being observed and judged by others, carries significant weight for autistic individuals. The knowledge of existing negative stereotypes and biases toward autism often colours this awareness. Common misconceptions about autism can lead to a presumption of incapacity, emotional unavailability, or other negative traits that do not accurately reflect the individual’s abilities or inner world.

Learn more about the experience of being perceived here.

Impact of Negative Stereotypes and Bias

Negative stereotypes and biases can profoundly affect autistic individuals in several ways:

  • Social Isolation: Fear of judgment or misunderstanding can lead to social withdrawal, as autistic individuals might prefer to avoid situations where they feel their actions or words will be negatively perceived.
  • Self-esteem Issues: Constantly being perceived through a lens of bias or stereotype can erode self-confidence and self-esteem, making it challenging for autistic individuals to see their values and strengths.
  • Internalized Ableism: Exposure to negative stereotypes can lead to internalized ableism, where autistic individuals might begin to view their neurodivergence as something to be fixed or hidden rather than a natural variation of the human brain.
  • Barriers to Support: Stereotypes and biases can also create barriers to receiving appropriate support and accommodations, as the actual needs and capabilities of autistic individuals may be overlooked or misunderstood.

Reacting to Autism

Public reactions to autism can vary widely, but unfortunately, adverse reactions are all too common. These can range from overt discrimination and exclusion to subtler forms of bias, such as condescending attitudes or underestimating abilities. Witnessing or experiencing these reactions can reinforce the feeling of being an outsider and can exacerbate the challenges autistic individuals face in social integration and self-acceptance.

Moving Forward

Addressing the negative perceptions and experiences of being perceived requires a societal shift towards greater understanding, acceptance, and inclusion of neurodivergence. Education, advocacy, and representation are crucial in challenging stereotypes and biases. For autistic individuals, finding supportive communities where they can be understood and accepted for who they are is vital for fostering a positive self-image and confidently navigating the world.

In conclusion, the perception of autistic individuals and their experience of being perceived is intricately linked to societal attitudes towards autism. Overcoming the negative impacts of stereotypes and bias is essential for creating a more inclusive society where autistic people can live authentically and without fear of judgment.


Understanding Extroversion: From Brain Function to Neurodivergence

Extroversion is a fundamental dimension of human personality, often represented as one end of the introversion-extroversion spectrum in psychological theories, most notably in the Five-Factor Model (also known as the Big Five). Understanding extroversion involves delving into what distinguishes extroverts from introverts, how the brain functions in relation to this trait, and its manifestation within neurodivergent individuals, along with the associated challenges and benefits.

Extroversion vs. Introversion

An outward orientation of energy characterizes extroversion. Extroverts are typically described as friendly, assertive, and lively. They thrive on social interactions, are comfortable in groups, and often feel energized by being around other people. In contrast, introverts are inwardly oriented, often drained by extensive social interactions and requiring alone time to recharge. Introverts might prefer deep, one-on-one conversations to large gatherings and are more reserved in social situations.

Brain Functioning and Personality Trait

Dopamine System and Reward Sensitivity

Research has suggested that the brain’s dopamine system differences may underlie the extroversion-introversion dichotomy. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with reward and pleasure. Extroverts might have a dopamine system that responds more strongly to rewards, leading them to seek out stimulating social environments where these rewards (e.g., positive social interactions) are more likely.

Prefrontal Cortex Activity and External Stimulation

Furthermore, brain imaging studies have shown differences in the prefrontal cortex activity between extroverts and introverts. The prefrontal cortex is involved in social behaviour and decision-making. Extroverts may exhibit less activity in this region when processing external stimuli, suggesting they require more external stimulation to achieve the same arousal and pleasure as introverts.

Extroversion and Neurodivergence

In the context of neurodivergence, which includes conditions like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ADHD, and others, extroversion-introversion can present unique challenges and strengths. For example, a neurodivergent individual who is extroverted may still seek social interactions but face challenges in navigating them due to difficulties with social communication or sensory processing issues.

Unique Challenges for Neurodivergent Extroverts

  • Social Communication: Extroverted neurodivergent individuals might strongly desire social connections but struggle with nonverbal cues, turn-taking, or other aspects of social communication.
  • Sensory Overload: Engaging in highly stimulating social environments can lead to sensory overload for some neurodivergent individuals despite their extroverted nature.

Positives and Strengths in Neurodiversity

  • Social Motivation: Extroverted neurodivergent individuals may have a strong motivation to interact with others, which can drive them to develop compensatory strategies for navigating social situations.
  • Advocacy and Awareness: Their desire for social engagement can make extroverted neurodivergent individuals powerful advocates for themselves and others, raising awareness about neurodiversity.


Extroversion and introversion represent a complex interplay of behavioral tendencies, brain function, and environmental interactions. In neurodivergent individuals, extroversion may manifest with unique challenges, such as navigating social norms and managing sensory stimulation, but it also brings strengths like social motivation and the ability to advocate for neurodiversity. Recognizing and supporting the diverse needs and talents of both extroverted and introverted neurodivergent individuals is crucial for fostering inclusive environments where everyone can thrive.


NeuroEcon_L5_5_Social Reward

Social Reward Table of Contents: 00:38 – A Note on Methods in Social Neuroscience 02:23 – 08:56 – Sweet Revenge 16:30 – Rewarding social outcomes processed in brain reward system 17:12 – 17:36 – Rewarding social outcomes processed in brain reward system 17:40 – 18:11 – Social and monetary reward in the same subjects 20:44 – Overlap of social / monetary reward

Introvert VS Extrovert – The REAL Difference

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you usually prefer working alone or in a group? Do people usually make you feel comfortable or uncomfortable? We all have different strengths and weaknesses, and understanding this can help you build relationships. Extroverts are usually energized, outgoing, and talkative while introverts are reserved, shy, and prefer spending time alone.

2014 Personality Lecture 16: Extraversion & Neuroticism (Biology & Traits)

Extraversion and Neuroticism are two of the Big Five Personality traits identified through statistical means in the last forty years. However, as propensity to positive and negative emotion, what they represent can be usefully and straightforwardly mapped on to underlying biological systems governing approach and incentive reward, on the one hand, and threat and anxiety, on the other.

Openness to Experience

Embracing Novelty: A Guide to Openness in the Neurodivergent Mind

Openness, a spark of curiosity and creativity, stands as one of the Big Five personality traits. It paints a picture of a person’s readiness to dive into new experiences, soak in art, embrace various cultures, and welcome a world of ideas.

A Peek Into Openness

At its core, Openness to Experience is like being an explorer at heart. Imagine someone who:

  • Crafts worlds out of words, finding joy in the abstract and the yet-to-be.
  • Is a lifelong learner, driven by an insatiable curiosity about the world’s countless stories.
  • Sees art and beauty as soul food, feeling life more vividly through melodies and hues.
  • Approaches life’s questions with an open mind, ready to consider the road less traveled.
  • Lives richly, embracing a spectrum of emotions and deep reflections.

Openness in Daily Life

This trait doesn’t just decorate one’s personality; it shapes life paths, relationships, and self-growth.

  • Career and Creativity: Open individuals often find themselves in fields that feed their creativity and thirst for knowledge, like the arts or sciences.
  • Adapting to Change: Their love for exploration makes them naturals at adapting, turning them into assets in fast-paced or innovative settings.
  • Richer Relationships: Openness can deepen bonds through shared discoveries and emotional depth. Though, it’s worth noting, differences in openness levels can sometimes spark misunderstandings.
  • A Quest for Growth: It’s about a personal evolution, seeking to understand the self and the cosmos more intimately.

The Flip Side

Every coin has two sides. High openness might lead to:

  • Feeling swamped by endless possibilities.
  • Occasionally bumping into practical life’s less thrilling demands.
  • Being misunderstood by those who prefer the familiar over the novel.
  • The risk of always chasing the new, potentially overlooking the beauty of the now.

Openness Through a Neurodivergent Prism

Neurodivergence – encompassing conditions like ASD, ADHD, and dyslexia – introduces unique textures to the canvas of openness.

  • Passionate Pursuits: Many neurodivergent folks have deep, focused interests, showcasing remarkable openness within specific domains.
  • Innovative Thinking: They often bring fresh, creative solutions to the table, thanks to a unique perspective on the world.
  • A Different Sensory World: Heightened sensory experiences may translate into a profound appreciation for art and nature, akin to openness’s love for beauty.

Embracing Openness, Navigating Challenges

Embracing new experiences might look different for someone neurodivergent, balancing between the thrill of curiosity and the comfort of routine.

  • Honoring Special Interests: Integrating passionate interests with new explorations can make learning an adventure.
  • Creating Comfortable Newness: Introducing novelty in safe, structured ways can ease the anxiety of the unknown.
  • Celebrating Uniqueness: Valuing the distinctive ideas and creations neurodivergent minds bring helps foster a culture of openness and innovation.

Making Openness Accessible

Understanding and supporting openness in neurodivergence lights up paths to personal growth and collective enrichment. It’s about creating spaces where everyone’s explorative spirit can soar, respecting individual needs while celebrating shared human curiosity. After all, every mind holds a universe, and embracing openness invites us to discover them together.

2015 Personality Lecture 18: Openness – Creativity & Intelligence

Creativity and intelligence are both fundamental traits, part of Big Five Openness, and powerful determinants of innovation and general performance at complex tasks, respectively.

2015 Personality Lecture 18: Openness – Creativity & Intelligence Jordan B. Peterson

2017 Personality 19: Biology & Traits: Openness/Intelligence/Creativity II

AUDIO CORRECTED VERSION: In this lecture, I complete my discussion of Big Five trait openness to experience, which is the dimension composed of an amalgam of creativity and intelligence. I also discuss IQ: how it is measured, what it means, how powerfully it predicts long-term life success, as well as the highly skewed Pareto distribution of creative production.

2017 Personality 19: Biology & Traits: Openness/Intelligence/Creativity II Jordan B Peterson

Sensory Processing and Substance Abuse

Sobriety Straight Facts

ADHD and Substance Abuse: Studies have shown that adults with ADHD are approximately 1.5 times more likely to have substance use disorders than those without ADHD. Additionally, around 25% to 40% of adults with substance use disorders are estimated to have ADHD.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Substance Use: Research is more limited in this area, but one study suggested that young adults with ASD are 9 times more likely to have alcohol and substance use problems compared to their neurotypical peers.

Overstimulation with no coping mechanisms is an epidemic. Studies estimate that 25% of people in correctional facilities have ADHD.

Sensory Processing Challenges and Substance Use: Navigating the Path Between Overstimulation and Understimulation in Neurodivergent Individuals

Exploring the intricate relationship between sensory processing difficulties and substance use, particularly among neurodivergent individuals, reveals a nuanced interplay of self-medication practices, emotional regulation, and the quest for sensory equilibrium. This deeper understanding not only highlights the complexities inherent in sensory processing challenges but also underscores the imperative for comprehensive support mechanisms that prioritize understanding and addressing the root causes of sensory dysregulation.

Overstimulation and Substance Use: Navigating the Sensory Maze

  • Seeking Solace in Numbness: Individuals grappling with frequent overstimulation may resort to substances like alcohol or sedatives, aiming to mitigate the sensory onslaught. This numbing effect offers a reprieve, allowing for a semblance of normalcy in overwhelmingly sensory environments.
  • Emotional Equilibrium: The turbulence of emotions that accompanies overstimulation—ranging from anxiety to agitation—often leads individuals down the path of substance use as a means to regain emotional balance. Alcohol, for instance, becomes a tool to dull the sharp edges of anxiety, offering a fleeting sense of calm.
  • Alleviating Physical Distress: Overstimulation isn’t solely a sensory or emotional challenge; it manifests physically, prompting some to turn to pain medication as a salve for the sensory-induced discomfort.

Understimulation and the Quest for Sensory Fulfillment

  • The Pursuit of Sensory Richness: For those experiencing understimulation, stimulants’ allure lies in their capacity to amplify sensory experiences, fostering a connection to the environment that feels otherwise elusive.
  • Breaking the Monotony: The boredom of understimulation can drive individuals to use substances to inject novelty or excitement, challenging the sensory status quo.
  • Emotional Seeking: Similar to their overstimulated counterparts, individuals facing understimulation might engage with substances to craft an emotional landscape that their everyday sensory experiences fail to provide, chasing euphoria or a sense of well-being.

The Spiral into Substance Abuse

Leveraging substances as a coping strategy for sensory processing challenges is fraught with risks, including the potential for dependency and abuse. What begins as an attempt to manage sensory and emotional states can evolve into a cycle of reliance, where the absence of the substance leaves the individual feeling incapable of navigating their sensory world.

Concluding Thoughts: A Path Forward

The intricate dance between sensory processing challenges and substance use underscores the need for a nuanced approach to support, one that goes beyond symptom management to address the core of sensory dysregulation. It beckons a shift towards comprehensive strategies that embrace the complexity of neurodivergence, offering pathways to sensory integration that eschew reliance on substances. This journey, while complex, illuminates the possibility of a future where individuals are empowered to navigate their sensory experiences with resilience and grace.

Your journey is not alone; theneurodivergentbrain.org is a heartfelt initiative born from understanding the struggle against sensory overstimulation and its impact on daily life, especially regarding substance use. I have been there and was there for almost twenty years due to being constantly overstimulated. It is so much better now to manage my Autism and ADHD using everything I’ve shared on this site. I don’t want anyone ever to feel like I have felt, which is why I made this site.



No Description

Resource Blog for Sobriety
  1. ADHD and Substance Abuse: Studies have shown that adults with ADHD are approximately 1.5 times more likely to have substance use disorders than those without ADHD. Additionally, around 25% to 40% of adults with substance use disorders are estimated to have ADHD.
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Substance Use: Research is more limited in this area, but one study suggested that young adults with ASD are 9 times more likely to have alcohol and substance use problems compared to their neurotypical peers.
  3. Treatment and Support: Neurodivergent individuals with substance use disorders often require tailored support and interventions. The co-occurrence of substance abuse and neurodevelopmental disorders necessitates a comprehensive approach that addresses both issues concurrently.
  4. Resources for Substance Abuse:
    • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): SAMHSA provides a national helpline that offers free, confidential help for individuals facing substance abuse or mental health issues. Their website also includes a treatment locator tool. Website: www.samhsa.gov
    • National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): NIDA offers extensive research and educational materials on substance use and addiction, including resources specifically related to various populations. Website: www.drugabuse.gov
    • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA): These organizations offer support groups for individuals struggling with alcohol and substance use disorders, respectively. Websites: www.aa.org and www.na.org

Sensory Balance in Neurodivergence

Navigating Sensory Processing: Understanding and Managing Overstimulation and Understimulation in Neurodivergence

Sensory processing variations are a fundamental aspect of being neurodivergent. Individuals with neurodivergence often experience overstimulation and understimulation—states where sensory input either overwhelms or under-engages the brain’s processing capabilities. It’s crucial to recognize that these experiences are natural aspects of neurodivergence and not conditions that warrant shame, apology, or punishment.

The management of sensory sensitivities is an essential part of daily life for many neurodivergent individuals. Proper management helps maintain a balanced sensory environment and supports overall well-being. Factors such as stress, lack of sleep, or inadequate nutrition can deplete the body’s resources, making it more difficult to regulate sensory input effectively. This imbalance often leads to increased susceptibility to overstimulation, where even normal levels of noise, light, or activity can become unbearable, or to understimulation, where the environment fails to engage and stimulate effectively.

Being frequently overstimulated or understimulated serves as an indicator that one might be pushing beyond their limits. Recognizing these signs early on is vital for taking steps to adjust one’s activities and environment. Reducing commitments, incorporating breaks, and ensuring a supportive sensory environment are proactive strategies to find and maintain balance. By understanding and addressing these sensory experiences directly and compassionately, individuals can enhance their quality of life and engage more fully with the world around them.

Overstimulation and Understimulation, What is it?

Overstimulation occurs when an individual’s sensory input exceeds their brain’s ability to process and respond to the stimuli. This sensory overload can be particularly acute in neurodivergent individuals who may have atypical sensory processing abilities.

  1. Neurological Mechanisms: The brain’s sensory processing involves several key areas, including the sensory cortex, thalamus, and amygdala. When overwhelmed with excessive stimuli, the thalamus, which regulates sensory information to the cortex, becomes overloaded. This overload can disrupt the normal processing pathways, leading to an exaggerated response from the amygdala, which is involved in emotional processing. The heightened activity in the amygdala triggers anxiety, fear, or aggression as a defense mechanism.
  2. Physiological Responses: Accompanying these neurological reactions are physiological responses orchestrated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS responds to stress via the sympathetic nervous system, which prepares the body to ‘fight or flight.’ This response increases heart rate, redirects blood flow to essential organs and muscles, and releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These changes can manifest as physical symptoms such as an accelerated heart rate, sweating, and a feeling of being trapped or suffocated.

Understimulation: The Need for Sensory and Cognitive Engagement

Understimulation occurs when the environment does not provide enough sensory or cognitive input to engage the brain effectively. This can be particularly challenging for neurodivergent individuals who may require a different level or type of stimulation to maintain focus and function optimally.

  1. Neurological Underpinnings: The brain’s reward system plays a significant role in understimulation. This system, particularly the mesolimbic pathway, releases neurotransmitters like dopamine, which promote feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. In environments lacking sufficient stimulation, there is reduced dopamine release, leading to feelings of boredom and dissatisfaction. This can affect the prefrontal cortex (responsible for attention and decision-making), resulting in decreased engagement and productivity.
  2. Physical Manifestations: Physiologically, understimulation leads to decreased activity within the central nervous system, which may result in lethargy or low energy. The lack of engaging stimuli fails to prompt the physical responses usually triggered by dopamine release (such as increased energy and motivation), leading instead to restlessness or a need for physical movement to stimulate mental alertness.

Managing Overstimulation

Power Naps

Power naps offer a brief, restorative break from sensory input, helping to reset the brain’s sensory processing capabilities. Particularly useful for those overwhelmed by their environment, these short rests minimize external stimuli, allowing the central nervous system to decrease arousal levels and regain a state of balance. The rejuvenating effect of a nap can significantly improve cognitive function and emotional regulation upon waking.

Quiet Room Breaks

Establishing a quiet, sensory-friendly retreat is essential for individuals feeling overstimulated. This space, devoid of overwhelming sensory input, provides a safe haven for relaxation and recovery. For children, it’s vital to frame these breaks positively, emphasizing them as a routine part of self-care rather than a consequence. Adults too can benefit from designated quiet spaces in workplaces or at home, where they can voluntarily step back to mitigate sensory overload and prevent escalation of stress.

Managing Understimulation

Engagement Activities

Activities that intellectually or physically engage individuals can alleviate feelings of understimulation. Sports, puzzles, crafts, or interactive video games not only introduce beneficial sensory input but are also intrinsically rewarding. These activities should be adaptable to the individual’s age and interests to ensure they provide enough stimulation to be engaging without becoming a source of frustration.

Creative and Problem-Solving Challenges:

Tasks that require creativity and critical thinking are excellent for stimulating an understimulated brain. Whether it’s a DIY project, strategic games, or artistic pursuits, these activities activate multiple brain regions, enhancing neural connectivity and cognitive function. They help maintain cognitive vitality and can stave off feelings of boredom or disengagement.

Overstimulation Management Per Age Group

Infants (0-1 year)

Overstimulation Management:

  • Create a calm environment with dimmed lights and soft sounds.
  • Swaddling can provide a sense of security, reducing sensory input.
  • Regular, quiet cuddle times can help soothe an overstimulated infant.

understimulation Management:

  • Introduce age-appropriate sensory toys that engage sight, touch, and hearing.
  • Regular playtime on a baby mat with different textures and colours.
  • Interactive games like peek-a-boo stimulate engagement.

Toddlers (1-3 years)

Overstimulation Management:

  • Establish a quiet corner with comfortable pillows and favorite toys for downtime.
  • Use sensory bins with rice or pasta for a controlled sensory experience.
  • Ensure routine nap times to prevent sensory overload.

Understimulation Management:

  • Encourage active play, like running, jumping, or climbing, to engage their senses.
  • Provide puzzles or building blocks to stimulate cognitive and motor skills.
  • Engage in simple arts and crafts activities that allow for creative expression.

Preschoolers (3-5 years)

Overstimulation Management:

  • Implement a visual or auditory signal indicating when it’s time to transition to quiet activities.
  • Create a “sensory break” schedule with activities like playing with playdough or drawing.
  • Introduce deep breathing exercises or gentle stretching to encourage relaxation.

Understimulation Management:

  • Introduce interactive learning games that challenge cognitive skills.
  • Encourage imaginative play through dress-up or role-playing scenarios.
  • Offer opportunities for simple science experiments to spark curiosity and engagement.

School-aged Children (6-12 years)

Overstimulation Management:

  • Teach them to recognize signs of overstimulation and have a personal plan for taking breaks.
  • Encourage reading or listening to music as forms of quiet relaxation.
  • Provide a quiet workspace for homework or activities, free from distracting noises or visuals.

Understimulation Management:

  • Encourage participation in sports or extracurricular clubs to provide stimulating and engaging environments.
  • Introduce hobbies that align with their interests, like model building, coding, or painting.
  • Use educational apps and games to provide challenging and interactive learning experiences.

Teenagers (13-19 years)

Overstimulation Management:

  • Encourage the use of headphones with calming music or noise cancellation in noisy environments.
  • Promote mindfulness or meditation techniques to manage sensory input and stress.
  • Provide autonomy in creating their own space for solitude and decompression.

Understimulation Management:

  • Encourage involvement in community service or social groups to provide engagement and a sense of purpose.
  • Support exploring new hobbies or learning opportunities, like learning a musical instrument or a new language.
  • Promote setting personal goals in areas of interest to provide motivation and a sense of achievement.

Adults (20+ years)

Overstimulation Management:

  • Practice mindfulness or yoga to reduce sensory overload and increase self-awareness.
  • Create a structured daily routine to reduce unpredictable overstimulating situations.
  • Use aromatherapy or essential oils to create a calming sensory environment.

Understimulation Management:

  • Engage in challenging physical activities or exercise routines to stimulate both body and mind.
  • Pursue continuing education or personal development courses to stimulate intellectual engagement.
  • Join interest-based clubs or groups to provide social stimulation and shared experiences.

By tailoring strategies to manage overstimulation and understimulation to each age group, individuals can more effectively navigate their sensory world, promoting overall well-being and quality of life.

Understimulation vs Overstimulation

Navigating Sensory Extremes: Understanding Overstimulation and Understimulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD

Sensory processing is a critical component of how we interact with our environment. For individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), managing sensory input can be particularly challenging. Both conditions often involve unique sensory sensitivities that can lead to overstimulation and understimulation, impacting behavior, emotional well-being, and daily functioning. This article explores the concepts of overstimulation and understimulation, their neurological underpinnings, and their effects on individuals with ASD and ADHD. By deepening our understanding of these sensory states, we can develop more effective strategies to support those with sensory processing sensitivities, enhancing their ability to navigate their environments and improve their quality of life.


  • What it is: Overstimulation occurs when the brain receives more sensory input than it can handle. For example, a computer with too many programs open can start to slow down or freeze.
  • Why it happens: In individuals with ASD, the part of the brain that filters sensory information (the reticular activating system) may not work as effectively. This can cause what’s known as sensory overload.
  • What it feels like: Imagine being in a room where every light is flickering at a different speed, music is blaring from multiple sources, and you can feel every fabric of your clothing—all at once.
  • Common responses: This might make someone feel irritable or anxious. To cope, they might cover their ears, hide their eyes, or rock back and forth.

Examples of Overstimulation:

  1. A child at a birthday party becomes overwhelmed by the loud music and screaming, leading to a meltdown.
  2. An adult in a busy office space becomes stressed due to overlapping conversations and ringing phones, requiring frequent breaks.


  • What it is: Understimulation happens when there is not enough sensory input to keep the brain engaged. This is similar to how you might feel bored in a too-quiet environment.
  • Why it happens: When the brain doesn’t get enough stimulation, it can cause feelings of boredom or apathy. This could be due to lower activity in brain areas responsible for attention and alertness, like the prefrontal cortex.
  • What it feels like: Imagine sitting in a plain white room with no windows, doing nothing for hours. You might start feeling restless or look for something to do to keep your mind active.
  • Common responses: Someone might start tapping their feet, fidgeting, or seeking out sensory experiences to “wake up” their brain.

Examples of Understimulation:

  1. A student in a quiet, unengaging classroom may start daydreaming or doodling to keep themselves mentally stimulated.
  2. An adult working from home might find themselves repeatedly checking their phone or getting up to walk around.


Understanding overstimulation and understimulation is crucial, especially for those with sensory processing sensitivities like ASD. Recognizing the signs can help create a supportive environment that adjusts the level of sensory input to a comfortable range for each individual. Whether it’s using noise-cancelling headphones to reduce noise or providing engaging activities to prevent boredom, tailored strategies can significantly improve daily functioning and quality of life.

Overstimulation doesn’t always have to be in social situations…

Overstimulation occurs when sensory input exceeds an individual’s ability to process it effectively, leading to sensory overload.

  1. Social Settings: Social interactions often require rapid verbal and non-verbal cues, facial expressions, and body language processing. For individuals with ASD, these elements might be difficult to interpret, leading to overstimulation. Similarly, for people with social anxiety, the fear of being judged or scrutinized can trigger overstimulation.
  2. Noisy Environments (like grocery stores or schools): Noisy environments challenge the brain to focus on relevant sounds while filtering out background noise. This filtering process can be inefficient in individuals with sensory processing issues and overwhelming environments like busy stores or classrooms.
  3. Taking Tests: The pressure of performance, time constraints, and the need to recall information rapidly can overstimulate anyone, particularly those with anxiety or ADHD. The stress associated with these situations can exacerbate difficulties in concentration and processing.
  4. Navigating Traffic: Driving requires constant sensory input processing—visual signals, auditory signals from the radio or other cars, and the physical sensation of driving. This can be particularly taxing for someone who struggles with sensory integration.
  5. Masking in Social Settings: For individuals with ASD, ‘masking’—suppressing natural behaviours to conform to social norms—can be mentally exhausting. The sustained effort to appear neurotypical can lead to burnout and overstimulation by the end of the day.
  6. Suppressing Natural Behaviors (like fidgeting in ADHD): Fidgeting helps manage attention and focus for individuals with ADHD. Being forced to suppress such behaviors in structured environments like classrooms can lead to increased stress and overstimulation.

Brain’s Response to Overstimulation

The brain processes sensory information through pathways that help discern relevant stimuli from irrelevant background noise. In neurotypical individuals, this filtering is efficient. However, in conditions like ASD and ADHD, these pathways might not filter effectively, leading to an overload of information. The brain’s attempt to compensate for noisy environments or focus during stressful situations (like tests or social interactions) can exhaust cognitive resources, leading to symptoms like irritability, fatigue, and sometimes, shutdowns or meltdowns as coping mechanisms.

Understanding and managing overstimulation involve recognizing the signs of sensory overload and employing strategies such as sensory breaks, the use of noise-cancelling headphones, structured routines, and mindfulness practices that help regulate sensory input and maintain sensory balance.

Standardized Testing

The Mismatch: Standardized Testing and Neurodivergent Students

Standardized testing is a cornerstone for assessing student knowledge and academic progress in education. However, this one-size-fits-all approach often overlooks the unique needs and challenges neurodivergent students face. The dichotomy between standardized testing methods and the cognitive processes of neurodivergent individuals can lead to misinterpretation of their true abilities and potential. This article delves into the specific ways standardized tests fail to accommodate neurodivergent learners, examining the implications on understanding questions, the expectation of specific types of answers, the impact of dyslexia, and the difficulties associated with fine motor skills required in test-taking. We will also explore the profound long-term effects of negative labelling on self-concept and future opportunities for these students, emphasizing the need for a more inclusive and understanding approach to educational assessment.

Standardized testing is a common method for assessing students’ academic abilities and knowledge across a broad spectrum. However, this one-size-fits-all approach can pose significant challenges for neurodivergent individuals, such as those with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other neurological variations. The issues stem from the design of these tests, which often do not accommodate the diverse ways neurodivergent individuals perceive, process, and respond to information.

  1. Interpreting Questions: Neurodivergent individuals may interpret questions differently than their neurotypical peers. What seems straightforward to many can be ambiguous or confusing for someone with a different cognitive style. For instance, individuals on the autism spectrum might struggle with figurative language or vague instructions, taking questions very literally and potentially misunderstanding what is being asked.
  2. Expected Responses: Standardized tests usually have a specific answer format or expect a particular type of response. Neurodivergent students might understand the material but express their knowledge in ways that don’t align with the test’s expectations. For example, a student with ADHD might grasp a concept but fail to provide the concise, focused answer that the test demands.
  3. Reading Challenges: Dyslexia can make it particularly difficult to navigate standardized tests. The time pressure and the need to read and understand complex texts quickly can disproportionately disadvantage students with dyslexia, affecting their performance regardless of their actual understanding of the content.
  4. Motor Skills and Test Format: Some neurodivergent students have motor skill difficulties or coordination challenges that make it hard to fill in small answer circles or navigate the physical layout of a test. This technical difficulty can impact their scores and not reflect their academic abilities.

These challenges can lead to misrepresenting a neurodivergent student’s abilities and intelligence, often resulting in negative labelling. When students receive lower scores on these tests, they may be unjustly perceived as less capable or intelligent, which can have profound long-term effects:

  1. Self-Concept: Repeated experiences of failure or perceived failure on standardized tests can lead to a diminished self-concept. Students might internalize these negative labels, seeing themselves as less intelligent or capable, affecting their motivation, resilience, and willingness to engage in learning.
  2. Educational Tracking: Standardized test scores are often used to make decisions about tracking or placement in academic programs. Neurodivergent students, mislabeled by their test performances, might not get access to challenging or advanced courses, limiting their educational opportunities.
  3. Career Opportunities: The implications extend beyond school. Test scores can influence college admissions and scholarship opportunities. Misrepresentation of abilities through standardized testing can thus have a cascading effect, limiting future career and life opportunities for neurodivergent individuals.
  4. Mental Health: The stress and anxiety associated with standardized testing and the subsequent negative labelling can have lasting impacts on mental health. Students may experience increased anxiety, depression, and a sense of alienation, which can persist into adulthood.

Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach, including offering accommodations, developing alternative assessment methods, and fostering a broader understanding of neurodiversity in educational environments. By recognizing and valuing different ways of thinking and learning, the education system can better support all students in demonstrating their true capabilities.