The Neurodivergent Brain

Visitor Questions

Question 1

I have seen a child who is very aggressive and do not focus her teacher and class fellow even they hit the class fellow and bit her head if teacher will not follow her he loudly cry and bit his feet

Being aggressive, or any behavior like the above would be a indicator of being overstimulated. When a autistic is overstimulated to the extent that they are aggressive, it needs to be cared for immediately.
– remove the child/teen/adult from the area to a quiet room. A quiet room would have things in it that can be done in solitude.
-We need to bring the individual to the present. When a autistic is in that deregulated state they are UNABLE to process their environment accurately. In a dis-regulated rage state the brain is not able to communicate its needs or wants. Nor can it communicate its feelings. The brain is in a feral state. Basic human instincts are all that is happening in that moment. No executive functioning is happening. Nothing. NADA.
-A individual gets to a rage state if they have been trying to communicate to the person they are with a feeling, need, or want. Autistic’s are terrible at communicating feelings,needs,and wants. Not because we don’t have them, its just difficult to communicate visual thoughts into verbal words. Especially if we are TIRED, HUNGRY, or OVERSTIMULATED. Translating thoughts into words takes ALOT OF BRAIN WORK, and if we are tired, hungry, or overstimulated we just don’t have the energy to do it well. Sometimes we can. Sometimes we can’t. Its just how it is.

So if the person the Autistic is with –

a-isn’t listening
b-is projecting putting feelings or thoughts onto the Autistic person
c-gaslighting us – saying you never said it, or it wasn’t like that – we have great autobiographical memory. you guys don’t.
d. You are a do as I say not as I do person
e- Not paying attention to the over stimulation cues like fidgeting, or crabbiness etc.

A child/teen/adult doesn’t get to rage just like that- A child who is aggressive like mentioned above has been overstimulated for a VERY LONG TIME. Being overstimulated is physically uncomfortable. It feels like my skin is crawling sometimes. Noises hurt my ears. Its terrible.

A child in this state is in desperate need of love and time to nap and play. Learning takes a lot of cognitive processing. Especially when we are younger and still learning to manage the extra external stimuli. If a child is meltdowns, tantrums, a adult is crabby or agitated- this is a indicator of DOING TOO MUCH and we need to take a break.

Adult autistics have to take breaks too!! Autism needs to be managed in order to be at 100%. You have to take care of yourself. Naps are so important here. You are basically plugging your brain into the charger like a cell phone. No shame in that! The best F1 Race cars need a lot of care to run efficiently. Autistic are no different.

The quiet place –

Painting, drawing, board game, books, tablet- LEGOS! Old computer to take a part. Any activity that can be done solo works. It helps calm the mind. Then. ONLY then when the mind is calm, can we talk about rules, behavior. NOT SHAMING!! Don’t shame!! Just explain WHY we behave in school or wherever. Explain the details , like feelings and schedules… all the things you leave out when talking to non autistics, that is the stuff you say to autistics. All the in between steps and stuff.

Sorry- I didn’t use chat gtp here and my word bank sucks today. I’m tired.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need me to clarify anything!



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