The Neurodivergent Brain

The Self.

The Quest for the Authentic Self: Reflections on Neurodivergence and the Journey of Self-Discovery

If you trade your authenticity for safety, you may experience the following: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, rage, blame, resentment, and inexplicable grief.

Brene Brown

In the labyrinth of human existence, the quest for the self emerges as a fundamental odyssey. This existential expedition beckons each soul to discover its essence beyond the superficial layers of societal roles and expectations. This journey, marked by introspection and external experiences, gains a unique dimension in neurodivergence, where the path to self-discovery is not only about finding one’s place in the world but also about understanding and embracing the intrinsic nature of one’s mind.

What We Are and How We Got Here

At the core of our being lies the self, a complex amalgamation of thoughts, emotions, experiences, and consciousness. Philosophers through the ages—from Plato and Aristotle to Descartes and Kant—have grappled with the concept of the self, often arriving at more questions than answers. Are we the sum of our memories and experiences, or is there a more profound, immutable essence that defines us? In the realm of neurodivergence, these questions take on a poignant significance. Neurodivergent individuals navigate the world with brains that process information differently from the neurotypical majority, often leading to a profound sense of otherness and invisibility.

The journey to self-discovery for the neurodivergent is intertwined with the struggle to understand and accept these differences. For many, the path is littered with challenges—misdiagnosis, societal misunderstanding, and the constant pressure to conform to a norm that feels alien. Yet, it is also a path of profound self-awareness and resilience. The journey involves peeling away the layers of societal expectations to uncover the authentic self beneath—a self that operates on a unique wavelength, sees the world through a different lens, and possesses a distinct way of being.

The Importance of Finding and Living as Our True Authentic Self

Living authentically as a neurodivergent individual is an act of courage and liberation. It means honouring one’s unique way of experiencing the world and embracing the diversity of thought and perception that neurodivergence brings. The importance of this authenticity cannot be overstated, for it is the foundation of true happiness and fulfilment. To live authentically is to reject the mask of conformity, to cease viewing oneself through the prism of neurotypical standards, and to value and express one’s innate differences.

The magic of finding oneself, particularly for those who have spent long periods feeling invisible or misunderstood, is akin to discovering a hidden treasure within. It is a moment of epiphany, a realization that one’s perceived weaknesses are, in fact, sources of strength and uniqueness. This revelation often comes through many experiences—some painful, some enlightening, but all integral to shaping one’s identity.

Embracing the Journey and Living Our Best Lives

The journey of self-discovery, especially for the neurodivergent, is not a linear path but a spiral of coming to terms with oneself, encountering setbacks, and emerging stronger and more self-aware. It is a journey marked by the quest for understanding, acceptance, and the right to be different. Living our best lives as our authentic neurodivergent selves means celebrating diversity in thought and being, advocating for acceptance and inclusion, and recognizing the beauty in the tapestry of human minds.

In conclusion, the philosophical quest for the self, particularly in the context of neurodivergence, is a profound journey towards understanding, acceptance, and authenticity. It challenges us to question the conventional, embrace our innate diversity, and live in a way that honours our true selves. As we navigate this journey, we uncover the essence of who we are and the universal truth that in diversity, there is beauty, and in authenticity, there is freedom.

The Authentic Self

Philosopher Robert Ehman looks at the familiar topics of personal identity, morality, sexuality, love, and death from a new perspective: that of the unique, irreplaceable value of each individual self as distinguished from the anonymity of our impersonal world. Ehman defines the authentic self as…

The Authentic Self By Robert R. Ehman