Tag Archives: Brain

Unlocking Autism Intelligence: The DNA Blueprint

Looking Beyond Traditional IQ Testing

Intelligence, traditionally measured by IQ tests, has been a topic of both intrigue and controversy. IQ tests, designed to measure cognitive abilities such as reasoning, problem-solving, and understanding complex ideas, have been criticized for not encompassing the broader spectrum of human intelligence. This is particularly relevant for individuals with neurodivergent conditions, such as autism, where IQ tests may not accurately reflect true cognitive abilities. Recent advancements in genetic research, including Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and the calculation of Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS), offer new insights into the genetic underpinnings of intelligence that might overcome some limitations of traditional testing.

The Limitations of Traditional IQ Tests for Autistic Individuals

Traditional IQ tests often fail to capture the unique cognitive profiles of autistic individuals, who possess distinct strengths and challenges that are not adequately assessed by these standardized measures. Such tests are typically biased towards certain types of intelligence and may not encompass the diverse cognitive processes of autistic individuals. For example, while many autistic individuals excel in pattern recognition—identifying complex sequences and anomalies within data—they might struggle with the verbal or abstract reasoning components commonly found in traditional IQ tests.

Autistic individuals often perceive the world and solve problems in ways that conventional tests do not measure. For instance, while they might quickly discern patterns or systems in visual or numerical data, the format of traditional IQ tests, which often rely heavily on understanding verbal instructions, can pose a significant barrier. This format can be especially challenging for those who interpret language literally or have difficulty grasping the abstract concepts presented in the questions.

Moreover, the repetitive pattern recognition tasks in standard IQ tests can lead to disengagement and boredom for autistic test-takers. Autistic individuals frequently engage deeply with subjects of interest but may disengage when faced with repetitive tasks that lack apparent purpose or fail to stimulate their interest. This disengagement does not indicate a lack of ability but rather a mismatch between the test format and their learning and engagement styles.

Autistic individuals often have a vivid visual thought process, thinking in images rather than words. This cognitive style can lead to remarkable capabilities in art, design, engineering, and data analysis, where visual processing is key. However, traditional IQ tests, focusing on verbal and quantitative reasoning, might not capture these visual-spatial strengths. Furthermore, articulating their thought processes in words during a verbal reasoning test can be daunting for those who naturally think in pictures, leading to underestimating their true intellectual capabilities.

These factors suggest that traditional IQ testing frameworks may not only underestimate the intellectual capacities of autistic individuals but also fail to recognize and value the unique ways in which they perceive and interact with the world. As we seek to understand and support the cognitive development of autistic individuals, it becomes crucial to develop more inclusive and representative assessment methods that acknowledge and leverage their distinct cognitive profiles.

Genetic Insights into Intelligence

Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) scan the genome to find genetic markers associated with traits, including intelligence. By comparing DNA from individuals with varying levels of cognitive abilities, researchers identify specific genetic variants that correlate with IQ scores. These studies have revealed that intelligence is a polygenic trait influenced by many genes rather than a single gene.

From GWAS data, researchers calculate Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS), which aggregate the effects of numerous genetic variants to predict the likelihood of certain traits, including cognitive abilities. This method offers a potential alternative to traditional IQ tests by providing insights based on genetic makeup rather than performance on specific tasks.

Ethical Considerations

While the genetic exploration of intelligence opens new avenues for understanding cognitive abilities, it also brings ethical challenges. Concerns include privacy, consent, and the potential misuse of genetic information for discrimination or eugenics. Furthermore, the implications of predicting intelligence based on genetics are profound, raising questions about determinism and free will.


The genetic exploration of intelligence through GWAS and PRS offers promising alternatives to traditional IQ tests, especially for understanding the diverse cognitive profiles of autistic individuals. However, these methods must be approached with caution, keeping ethical considerations at the forefront. As we advance our understanding of the genetic bases of intelligence, it is crucial to use this knowledge responsibly to support and enrich the lives of all individuals, regardless of their neurotype.

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DNA Analyst Training : DNA IQ Extraction

DISCLAIMER: Material and information presented in this video is historic and may not reflect current forensic science standards. Always follow your agency or department’s Standard Operating Procedures. For up-to-date learning opportunities, visit our website at https://gfjc.fiu.edu Part of the free online training for DNA Analysts at the NFSTC – http://www.nfstc.org/pdi/

DNA IQ Extraction

The Neuroscience of Intelligence: Dr. Richard Haier

There is almost nothing more important to understand about people than intelligence. It can be measured more accurately than anything else in the social sciences. It differs tremendously and importantly between individuals. It is the single most important determinant of life success. It’s very existence, however, remains subject to substantive debate, most of it highly politicized.

Jordan B Peterson The Neuroscience of Intelligence: Dr. Richard Haier

iQ-Check Easy Deepwell Extraction Protocol Training

For more information, visit http://www.bio-rad.com/yt/25/TechSupport-iQ-Check A powerful alternative to reference methods, iQ-Check Real-Time PCR Kits are designed for fast, qualitative detection of major pathogens in food and environmental samples. These kits are optimized for use with Bio-Rad real-time PCR detection systems. This video provides a tutorial on how to perform the easy deep well DNA extraction protocol.

iQ-Check Easy Deepwell Extraction Protocol Training

Language and ADHD

Brain Mechanisms in ADHD and Their Impact on Language

Language processing in individuals with ADHD involves complex interactions between attentional systems, executive functions, and neurobiological mechanisms, significantly affecting both language understanding and production. This article explores these underlying mechanisms and their manifestations in daily life.

Key Areas Affected:

  • Frontal Lobe and Executive Function: The frontal lobe is vital for planning and organizing thoughts. In ADHD, reduced activation in this region can impair these abilities, complicating tasks like constructing coherent narratives or engaging in extended conversations.
  • Attentional Networks: ADHD involves anomalies in the brain’s attentional networks, which affect both sustained and shifting attention. These challenges can make it difficult to focus on relevant linguistic information, complicating tasks like following conversations or reading in distracting environments.
  • Temporal and Parietal Lobes: These areas are crucial for processing auditory information and language comprehension. Disruptions here can slow spoken language understanding, affecting verbal interactions and academic learning.
  • Neurotransmitter Systems: Neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine play roles in regulating attention and executive functions. Imbalances in these systems can affect crucial cognitive abilities needed for complex language tasks.

Everyday Challenges:

  • Conversational Difficulties: Individuals may struggle to track long conversations, miss details, or have trouble with group discussions.
  • Following Instructions: Tasks involving multi-step instructions can be challenging. For example, individuals might only remember parts of instructions given sequentially.
  • Reading and Writing: Sustaining attention while reading can be difficult, often requiring rereading for comprehension. Similarly, writing demands significant planning and sustained attention, which can be taxing.
  • Social Interactions: Misinterpretations of social cues or delayed processing of verbal and nonverbal signals may lead to misunderstood social interactions.

Support and Strategies:

  • Environmental Modifications: Creating quiet, distraction-free spaces can improve focus on verbal and written tasks.
  • Technological Aids: Using apps or devices that organize tasks and provide reminders can be helpful.
  • Structured Routines: Establishing predictable routines can reduce cognitive load and ease language processing.
  • Professional Support: Speech therapy can enhance language skills, while ADHD coaching and cognitive-behavioural therapy can improve coping mechanisms for attention and executive function challenges.


Understanding the complex relationship between ADHD-related brain mechanisms and language processing is crucial for developing effective strategies to support individuals with ADHD. Enhancing our understanding and support strategies can improve communication skills, academic performance, and quality of life for those affected.

Language and the Autistic Brain

Understanding Language Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) encompasses a wide range of neurological and developmental disorders that affect how people communicate, interact socially, and perceive the world around them. Language deficits are a common aspect of ASD, but they vary widely among individuals. Understanding these deficits, the variables that affect them, including environmental and genetic factors, and strategies to support language development in autistic individuals requires a multifaceted approach.

Language Deficits in Autism

Language deficits in autistic individuals can manifest in several ways, including delays in speech development, difficulties with expressive and receptive language, challenges with pragmatics (the social use of language), and atypical speech patterns such as echolalia (repeating what others say). Some may be non-verbal or minimally verbal, while others can have extensive vocabulary but struggle with using language in a socially appropriate manner.

Brain Mechanisms

The underlying brain mechanisms associated with language deficits in autism involve multiple brain areas. Neuroimaging studies have shown differences in the structure and function of the brain in individuals with autism, particularly in areas related to language and social cognition, such as the frontal and temporal lobes and the amygdala. These differences can affect the way autistic individuals process language and social information. For example, the integration of auditory and visual information, crucial for language development, may be processed differently by autistic individuals, impacting how they learn to communicate.

Genetic and Environmental Variables

Both genetics and the environment play roles in the development of autism and its associated language deficits. Genetic factors can influence the structure and function of the brain, affecting language development. Family studies and twin studies have highlighted the heritability of autism, suggesting a strong genetic component.

Environmental factors, including the language environment in which a child grows, also significantly impact language development in autistic children. Engaging autistic children in language-rich interactions, explaining the steps of essential daily activities, and providing a supportive and understanding environment can significantly aid their language development.

The Role of Environment in Language Learning

The language learning environment is crucial for autistic children. Daily life examples include parents and caregivers explaining routine activities in simple, clear steps, engaging in joint attention activities (where the child and adult focus on the same object or event), and using visual supports to aid understanding. These practices can help autistic children make sense of their environment and its associated language, fostering language development despite the slower pace.

The Importance of Patience and Understanding

It is essential to understand that just because an autistic child is not speaking at the age of three does not mean they will remain nonverbal. Language development can continue into adolescence and adulthood, with many individuals making significant gains. The pace of language learning in autistic individuals can be slow, not only due to the cognitive load of processing and managing sensory issues but also because the motivation and priorities for communication might differ from those of non-autistic individuals.

Speaking and Communication in Autistic Individuals

For some autistic individuals, speaking may not be as crucial as it is for non-autistic people. Alternative forms of communication, such as sign language, picture exchange communication systems (PECS), or electronic communication aids, can be equally valid and meaningful ways of interacting with the world. Recognizing and valuing these alternative communication methods is essential for supporting autistic individuals in expressing themselves and connecting with others.

In daily life, this understanding translates to creating inclusive environments where different forms of communication are recognized and valued. For example, educators and peers being open to and trained in alternative communication methods can significantly impact an autistic individual’s ability to participate fully in social and educational settings.

In conclusion, language deficits in autism are influenced by a complex interplay of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors. Understanding these elements and adopting a patient, flexible, and supportive approach to communication can significantly aid language development and social integration for autistic individuals.

Kotila, A., Hyvärinen, A., Mäkinen, L., Leinonen, E., Hurtig, T., Ebeling, H., Korhonen, V., Kiviniemi, V. J., & Loukusa, S. (2020). Processing of Pragmatic Communication in ASD: A video-based Brain Imaging Study. Scientific Reports, 10(1)

Lartseva, A., Dijkstra, T., & Buitelaar, J. K. (2015). Emotional language processing in autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8.

Harris, G. J., Chabris, C. F., Clark, J., Urban, T., Aharon, I., Steele, S., McGrath, L., Condouris, K., & Tager-Flusberg, H. (2006). Brain activation during semantic processing in autism spectrum disorders via functional magnetic resonance imaging. Brain and Cognition, 61(1), 54–68.

 Tanigawa, J., Kagitani-Shimono, K., Matsuzaki, J., Ogawa, R., Hanaie, R., Yamamoto, T., Tominaga, K., Nabatame, S., Mohri, I., Taniike, M., & Ozono, K. (2018). Atypical auditory language processing in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Clinical Neurophysiology, 129(9), 2029–2037.

Kana, R. K., Sartin, E. B., Stevens, C., Deshpande, H. D., Klein, C., Klinger, M. R., & Klinger, L. G. (2017). Neural networks underlying language and social cognition during self-other processing in autism spectrum disorders. Neuropsychologia, 102, 116–123.

Chen, B., Linke, A., Olson, L., Kohli, J., Kinnear, M., Sereno, M., Müller, R., Carper, R., & Fishman, I. (2022). Cortical myelination in toddlers and preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder. Developmental Neurobiology, 82(3), 261–274

Language and The Brain

Insights into Language Processing in the Brain

Language processing is an intricate brain function involving a sophisticated network of regions, neural pathways, and developmental stages. This complex process is crucial for communication and has been extensively studied across various disciplines, including neuroscience, psychology, and linguistics. This exploration delves into the brain regions involved, the developmental timeline of language skills, and the mechanisms underpinning language processing.

Language is a fundamental aspect of human interaction and cognition, pivotal for communication and cognitive development. Understanding how the brain processes language involves identifying specific brain areas responsible for different language functions, examining how these areas develop over time, and exploring the underlying neurobiological mechanisms that facilitate language comprehension and production.

Brain Regions Involved in Language Processing

  • Broca’s Area: Broca’s area is found in the frontal lobe and is essential for speech production and grammatical processing. Damage here can cause Broca’s aphasia, characterized by halting speech and a struggle to form complete sentences, though comprehension generally remains intact.
  • Wernicke’s Area: Located in the temporal lobe, this region is crucial for understanding spoken and written language. Wernicke’s aphasia results from damage to this area, leading to fluent but often meaningless speech and significant comprehension difficulties.
  • Angular Gyrus: This region is involved in translating written words into verbal form and interpreting metaphors and other abstract language concepts.
  • Auditory Cortex: Situated in the temporal lobe, this area is vital for processing sounds, enabling the recognition and interpretation of speech patterns.
  • Motor Cortex: Coordinates the muscles involved in speech production, playing a direct role in the articulation and physical aspects of speaking.
  • Arcuate Fasciculus: This bundle of nerve fibres is critical for connecting Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas, facilitating smooth coordination between speech production and comprehension.

Development of Language in the Brain

Language development is a dynamic and ongoing process:

  • Infancy (Birth to 3 Years): Infants initially respond to a wide range of phonemes, gradually narrowing to those of their native language(s). Early language milestones include babbling, first words, and simple sentences.
  • Childhood to Adolescence: During these years, children experience rapid vocabulary expansion and the refinement of grammar. The brain enhances its efficiency in language processing through various neural adaptations.
  • Adulthood: Adults continue to refine language skills and can acquire new languages or specialized vocabularies. Neuroplasticity plays a key role in the brain’s ability to adapt to new linguistic challenges.

Mechanisms of Language Processing

  • Neural Plasticity and Myelination: The brain’s plasticity allows for the ongoing development of new neural connections, crucial for learning new aspects of language. Myelination helps speed up neural transmissions, enhancing the brain’s ability to process complex linguistic information.
  • Synaptic Pruning refines brain function by eliminating weaker synaptic connections, streamlining neural pathways involved in language processing.
  • Hemispheric Specialization: Typically, the left hemisphere becomes more dominant for language tasks, although this specialization can vary based on individual differences and bilingualism.
  • Neurotransmitters: Dopamine and acetylcholine, among others, are involved in memory and learning processes that underpin language development.


Understanding language processing in the brain requires a multifaceted approach that considers the roles of specific brain regions, the developmental trajectory of language capabilities, and the underlying neurobiological mechanisms. The interplay of genetic, environmental, and neurophysiological factors shapes how language is processed, making it a rich field of study in neuroscience. By continuing to explore these complex dynamics, researchers can better understand how we acquire and use language and how to address language-related disorders effectively.



Understanding Dyslexia and Emphasizing Strengths

Dyslexia, a common learning difference characterized by challenges in reading, spelling, and decoding words, should not be viewed as an indicator of a person’s IQ or overall academic potential. It is important to recognize that dyslexia is not synonymous with a lack of intelligence or ability. In fact, dyslexia often occurs in individuals who demonstrate strong abilities in areas such as problem-solving, creative thinking, and spatial reasoning.

When communicating a diagnosis of Dyslexia or possible diagnosis, it is crucial to focus on the strengths and potential of the individual rather than just the challenges. With the right tools and strategies, the difficulties associated with dyslexia can be effectively managed, allowing individuals to thrive in both academic and non-academic pursuits. By shifting our focus to the unique abilities and talents that persons with dyslexia often possess, we can foster a more positive and supportive environment that encourages success and builds confidence.

Understanding Dyslexia: Types, Indicators, and Strategies

Dyslexia is a complex and multifaceted learning disorder that affects individuals across different ages, showcasing a variety of challenges and strengths. Despite being characterized by difficulties in reading and writing, it is not an indicator of intelligence. Individuals with dyslexia often exhibit normal to high intelligence but face specific challenges related to language processing. This overview will explore the different types of dyslexia, key indicators to watch for in children and adults, and effective strategies to manage this condition.

Types of Dyslexia

  1. Phonological Dyslexia:
    • The most common form is characterized by difficulty in phonological processing, which includes manipulating and identifying sounds within words. This type affects reading accuracy and fluency.
  2. Surface Dyslexia:
    • Individuals struggle with visual recognition of words, leading to difficulties in reading words that cannot be sounded out phonetically, such as irregular or exception words.
  3. Rapid Naming Deficit:
    • Associated with difficulties in retrieving phonological information quickly and accurately. This impacts the ability to rapidly name letters, numbers, and colours, affecting reading fluency.
  4. Double Deficit Dyslexia:
    • It involves phonological processing and rapid naming impairments, leading to significant reading and spelling challenges.
  5. Visual Dyslexia:
    • While less commonly recognized, this type involves difficulties remembering and processing visual information about words, often leading to letter reversals and poor spelling.

Indicators of Dyslexia

In Children:

  • Delayed speech development and difficulty in rhyming words.
  • Struggles with learning the alphabet, numbers, and days of the week.
  • Difficulty in understanding the sounds within words (phonemic awareness).
  • Frequent reading errors, including mispronunciations, omissions, and substitutions.
  • Reluctance towards reading and writing tasks.

In Adults:

  • Continued difficulty with reading aloud and silent reading.
  • Challenges in spelling, often making frequent and basic errors.
  • Slow reading rate and poor comprehension of complex texts.
  • Avoidance of tasks involving extensive reading or writing.
  • Difficulty in learning a foreign language.

Strategies for Managing Dyslexia

  1. Multisensory Learning Approaches:
    • Techniques that integrate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements can enhance understanding and retention, particularly effective in teaching phonics and spelling.
  2. Structured Literacy Programs:
    • Programs that emphasize systematic and explicit instruction in phonology, orthography, syntax, semantics, and morphology are beneficial.
  3. Use of Technology:
    • Text-to-speech and speech-to-text software can alleviate reading and writing burdens, making text more accessible.
  4. Professional Support:
    • Working with specialists such as dyslexia tutors or speech-language therapists can provide tailored interventions and support.
  5. Continuous Practice and Exposure:
    • Regular reading activities tailored to the individual’s level of proficiency can improve fluency over time.


While presenting notable challenges, dyslexia also comes with unique strengths that can be leveraged in various fields requiring out-of-the-box thinking and problem-solving skills. By understanding the different types of dyslexia and recognizing the signs early, parents and educators can implement effective strategies that cater to the specific needs of individuals with dyslexia. With the right support and accommodations, those with dyslexia can excel academically and professionally, turning potential obstacles into avenues for success.

Essential Accommodations for Individuals with Dyslexia in Educational and Workplace Settings

Accommodations for individuals with dyslexia are crucial in both educational and workplace settings to ensure they can perform to the best of their abilities without being hindered by their learning differences. These accommodations are designed to reduce or eliminate the obstacles that dyslexia presents, allowing individuals to access information and demonstrate their knowledge effectively. Here’s a breakdown of effective accommodations for students and employees with dyslexia:

Accommodations in School

  1. Extended Time:
    • Allow extra time for reading and writing tasks, tests, and exams to compensate for the slower processing speed associated with dyslexia.
  2. Alternate Formats:
    • Provide textbooks and other materials in digital format that can be used with text-to-speech software. This can include audiobooks or books with large print.
  3. Technology Aids:
    • Use of assistive technology such as speech-to-text and text-to-speech software, and digital organizers can help manage writing tasks and note-taking.
  4. Simplified Instructions:
    • Give directions in small, manageable steps and verbally as well as in writing to ensure understanding.
  5. Preferential Seating:
    • Place the student near the teacher or the board to help them focus better and receive additional support if needed.
  6. Testing Accommodations:
    • Administer oral exams or allow verbal responses to test questions. Use of multiple-choice tests can also reduce the need for extensive writing.
  7. Spelling and Grammar:
    • Allow the use of spell-check and grammar aids during writing tasks and do not grade spelling for content-heavy assignments unless it is the focus of the task.
  8. Reading Assistance:
    • Provide a reader for exams, or allow the use of reading software that includes a scanning and reading feature.

Accommodations at Work

  1. Written Material in Alternative Formats:
    • Similar to educational settings, provide work-related reading materials in accessible formats such as audio or electronic texts that are compatible with assistive technology.
  2. Technology Supports:
    • Equip the workplace with advanced software like text-to-speech and speech-to-text programs, and provide training on how to use them effectively.
  3. Task Management Tools:
    • Implement the use of electronic organizers, project management tools, or apps that help manage deadlines and keep track of tasks.
  4. Flexible Communication Methods:
    • Allow for verbal instructions and meetings to discuss complex information that would typically be written, and confirm understanding through follow-up emails.
  5. Modified Workstation:
    • Customize the employee’s workstation for optimal organization and efficiency. This could include dual monitors for easier reading and document comparison.
  6. Time Management:
    • Provide flexibility in deadlines when possible to compensate for slower reading and processing speeds.
  7. Professional Development and Support:
    • Offer ongoing training and access to professional development that includes strategies for working with dyslexia, and ensure access to mentoring or coaching if needed.


The implementation of these accommodations helps to level the playing field for individuals with dyslexia by minimizing the impact of their challenges while capitalizing on their strengths. Schools and workplaces that actively engage in providing these accommodations not only aid in the success of individuals with dyslexia but also foster an inclusive environment that values diversity and the unique contributions of each individual.


Advocating for Students in Public Schools International Dyslexia Association
Dyslexia FAQ – Yale Dyselxia

The ADHD Brain

Exploring ADHD: Symptoms, Brain Mechanisms, and Impact on Daily Life

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a consistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. ADHD is identified across various settings, such as in home, school, or work environments, and its symptoms can lead to significant challenges in daily life. Understanding ADHD involves looking at its symptoms, the underlying brain mechanisms, and the impacts on daily functioning.


ADHD symptoms are divided into two main categories:

  1. Inattention: Includes difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities, failure to follow instructions, disorganization, avoidant behavior towards tasks requiring sustained mental effort, losing things necessary for tasks, easily distracted, and forgetfulness in daily activities.
  2. Hyperactivity and Impulsivity: Encompasses fidgeting, leaving one’s seat in situations when remaining seated is expected, running or climbing inappropriately, inability to play quietly, being “on the go,” talking excessively, blurting out answers, difficulty waiting turns, and interrupting or intruding on others.

These symptoms must be present for at least six months to a degree inconsistent with developmental level and directly negatively impact social and academic/occupational activities.

Brain Mechanisms

Research into ADHD has identified several key areas and mechanisms in the brain that are thought to contribute to the symptoms of the disorder:

  • Neurotransmitter Systems: ADHD is associated with dysregulation in neurotransmitter systems, particularly dopamine and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters are crucial for attention, motivation, pleasure, and reward. Imbalances can affect the brain’s ability to filter distractions, sustain attention, and control impulses.
  • Prefrontal Cortex (PFC): The PFC, involved in executive functions such as attention, decision-making, and impulse control, shows reduced activity in individuals with ADHD. This reduction can contribute to difficulties in organizing tasks, managing time, and inhibiting inappropriate behaviors.
  • Basal Ganglia: This group of nuclei is involved in movement and decision-making. Abnormalities in the basal ganglia, including structural differences and altered neurotransmitter activity, have been linked to the regulation issues of hyperactivity and impulsivity in ADHD.
  • Cerebellum: While traditionally associated with motor control, the cerebellum also plays a role in attention and executive functioning. Alterations in cerebellar volume and activity have been observed in individuals with ADHD, contributing to difficulties with coordination and possibly attention regulation.
  • Default Mode Network (DMN): The DMN is more active when the brain is at rest and not focused on the outside world. In ADHD, there’s an issue with the suppression of the DMN during tasks, leading to inattention and distractibility.

Impact on Daily Life

ADHD can significantly impact various aspects of daily life, including:

  • Academic/Work Challenges: Difficulty organizing tasks, following instructions, and completing work can lead to underperformance in academic or occupational settings.
  • Social Difficulties: Hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention can strain relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Individuals with ADHD may have trouble with social cues, waiting their turn in conversations, and may come off as intrusive or inattentive.
  • Self-Esteem Issues: Chronic feelings of failure, criticism from others, and struggles with self-regulation can lead to low self-esteem and anxiety.
  • Executive Functioning Problems: Challenges with planning, time management, and goal-directed behavior can make daily life seem chaotic and overwhelming.
  • Risky Behaviors: Adolescents and adults with ADHD may exhibit more risky behaviors, such as reckless driving, substance use, and impulsivity in decision-making.


Management of ADHD typically involves a combination of medication, psychotherapy, educational support, and behavioral interventions. Medications, like stimulants (e.g., methylphenidate, amphetamines) and non-stimulants (e.g., atomoxetine), are effective in managing symptoms for many people by targeting neurotransmitter systems. Psychotherapy can help with coping strategies, social skills, and emotional regulation, while educational interventions address academic challenges.

Understanding ADHD in depth requires a comprehensive view that includes its neurological underpinnings, the challenges posed by its symptoms, and the strategies for managing its impact on daily life. Through targeted interventions and support, individuals with ADHD can lead successful and fulfilling lives.

ADHD Study

New research from the University of Central Florida shows children with ADHD need to fidget only when using executive brain functions – like watching a math video, rather than a Star Wars clip. Read the full story here: http://today.ucf.edu/adhd-kids-can-still-theyre-not-straining-brains/ Follow UCF on social!

The Neurobiology of ADHD

Dr. Anthony Rostain, Ph.D., gives a good overview on the neurobiology of ADHD. (Source: Online class on ADHD, Cousera, Week 5, http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/news/penn-offer-free-online-class-adhd)

Webinar: Imaging the ADHD Brain

Dr Tim Silk, Associate Professor of Psychology at Deakin University, discusses the key findings from his research on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Tim discusses the key findings from the Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project (NICAP) as well as the complexities and challenges in collecting MRI data to understand the developing brain.

ADHD Overview

This lecture is intended as an overview of major advances of the past decade in understanding the nature, causes, life course, and management of ADHD in children and teens. It provides an overview of many of the most important topics on the disorder concerning nature, diagnostic criteria, subtypes, prevalence, comorbid disorders, life course impairments, etiologies, the empirically supported treatments, disproven remedies, parent counseling, parent training, school management, and medication management.

The Brain and Its Functions

The Brain 101

The human brain, a complex organ, orchestrates myriad functions that define our thoughts, behaviours, and experiences. Its study, neuroscience, has evolved significantly over the centuries, providing deeper insights into its intricate operations and profound influence on individual and societal levels.

History of Neuroscience

Early Foundations:

  • Ancient Insights: The journey into understanding the brain began with ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, who recognized the brain’s role in sensation and function.
  • Greek Contributions: Hippocrates, the father of medicine, posited that the brain was the center of intelligence, a revolutionary idea at the time.

Renaissance to Enlightenment:

  • Anatomical Discoveries: Advances during the Renaissance, particularly through the detailed anatomical drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, propelled forward our understanding of brain anatomy.
  • Philosophical Perspectives: Thinkers like René Descartes introduced concepts of dualism, discussing the relationship between the mind and the physical brain.

Modern Developments:

  • Localization of Functions: Studies by Paul Broca and others in the 19th century brought about a greater understanding of brain function localization.
  • Technological Advancements: In the 20th century, the invention of tools like EEG and later MRI and PET scans revolutionized our ability to study and visualize the brain in action.

The Brain’s Major Structures and Their Functions

Interactive Brain | How the brain works & the impact of injury

Take an interactive journey to see how the brain works and what impact an injury can have

Interactive Brain (Has parts that light up!)


  • Function: The largest part of the brain, responsible for higher cognitive functions including reasoning, emotions, decision-making, and voluntary physical actions.
  • Structure: Composed of two hemispheres (left and right), it features a highly wrinkled surface with folds (gyri) and grooves (sulci) to increase surface area, enhancing processing capabilities.
  • Sub-parts: Includes the frontal lobe (judgment, problem-solving), parietal lobe (sensory information processing), temporal lobe (auditory processing and memory), and occipital lobe (visual processing).


  • Function: It is essential for motor control, fine-tuning movements, balance, coordination, and cognitive functions like attention and language.
  • Structure: Located beneath the cerebrum at the back of the skull, optimized for precise neural processing.


  • Function: It maintains vital life functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure and facilitates the flow of messages between the brain and the body.
  • Structure: Comprises the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.

Limbic System:

  • Function: Supports emotions, behaviour, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction, crucial for emotional responses and memory formation.
  • Components: Includes the amygdala (emotion processing), hippocampus (memory and navigation), thalamus (sensory and motor signal relay), and hypothalamus (hormonal and autonomic function regulation).


The Brain’s Comprehensive Role: The brain is central to our neurological functions and to our existence as conscious, thinking beings. Its complex structures and myriad functions allow us to interact with, perceive, and understand the world around us. Through continuous advancements in neuroscience, we gain insights not only into health and disease but also into the very fabric of what makes us human.

The Brain Book: Development, Function, Disorder, Health

The Brain Book: Development, Function, Disorder, Health [Ashwell BMedSc MB BS PhD, Ken, Restak M.D., Richard] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Brain Book: Development, Function, Disorder, Health

The Brain Book by Professor Ken Ashwell