Tag Archives: role modeling in parenting

Social Skills and Autistic Toddlers

Guiding Little Explorers: Nurturing Social Skills in Autistic Toddlers With Heart and Understanding

Helping little ones with autism grow their social skills is all about kindness, patience, and seeing the world through their eyes. Think of it like this: we’re guiding them on a friendly adventure through everyday life, where each interaction is a chance to explore and learn. Here’s how we can do it with heart and understanding, using strategies that fit with their unique way of making sense of things around them.

Speaking With Care, Not Baby Talk

Imagine chatting with a little friend about the leaves rustling in the wind or the softness of a cat’s fur. We use a warm, friendly voice like talking to any other curious mind, without the “goo-goo-ga-ga.” It’s all about showing respect for their smarts and helping them clearly grasp what we say.

Saying What We Mean, and Clearly.

Think of a time you’re building a tower of blocks together. Instead of just stacking them silently, we say, “Let’s put this blue block on top of the red one to make our tower taller.” It’s like giving them a map to follow along, showing them the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of what we’re doing together, step by step.

Storytelling Our Day, With a Beginning, Middle, and End

Every activity, from snack time to playtime, has its own little story. “First, we’ll make some sandwiches for lunch, then we’ll eat them together, and after that, we’ll clean up.” It’s about setting the stage for what’s happening next, so surprises don’t catch them off guard. It makes the day a series of stories they can look forward to and understand.

Making the World Less Scary and More Understandable

By talking through our routines and why things happen a certain way (“We wear coats outside because it’s chilly, and it keeps us warm”), we’re like tour guides in a familiar, safe world. It turns scary unknowns into predictable adventures.

Connecting Dots With Words

Describing what we’re doing, like washing hands (“We use soap to make our hands clean from germs”) or waiting our turn (“We wait for our friend to finish the slide, so everyone has a turn to play”), helps connect the dots. It’s like drawing a picture in their mind of how social cues and interactions work.

Growing Confidence One Step at a Time

When our little ones start seeing the rhythm and reasons in social situations (“If I say ‘please,’ I might get a turn with the toy”), they dip their toes into social waters more confidently each time. It’s about building a bridge for them, from watching the world to being an active, happy part of it.

In a nutshell, guiding autistic toddlers in social skills is all about clear, kind communication that makes sense of their social world. Walking through life together and narrating the journey with simple explanations and relatable examples, we’re building a scaffold for understanding, participation, and joy in social settings. It’s a journey filled with learning, growth, and shared smiles.

Embracing Etiquette: A Systematic Approach to Social Skills for Autistic Minds

As someone who has always found solace in the structured embrace of rules, I’ve come to appreciate the intricate dance of social etiquette not just as a set of formalities but as a lifeline in navigating the complex web of human interactions. Growing up, my fascination with columns like Dear Abby and Miss Manners wasn’t just casual reading; it was a deep dive into a world where social expectations were clearly outlined, where every question had a thought-out answer, and where the confusion of human behaviour was distilled into understandable, manageable parts. This love for rules, for the clarity they bring to the chaos of daily life, is something I’ve carried with me, and it’s something I believe can profoundly benefit individuals on the autism spectrum, especially when learning social skills.

The Clear Path of Etiquette

Etiquette, with its long history and detailed codification of behaviours, presents a fascinating framework for understanding social interactions. It’s not about stiff formalities or outdated rituals; it’s about the underlying principles of respect, consideration, and clarity in communication—timeless values. For those of us on the spectrum, the allure of etiquette lies in its predictability and the systematic way it can be learned and applied. It’s akin to having a map in a foreign land; it guides us through unfamiliar territory and offers a sense of security in knowing there’s a right way to proceed.

Predictability and Structure

One of the core strengths of using etiquette as a teaching tool for social skills is its inherent predictability. This aspect cannot be overstated for autistic individuals, for whom the unpredictability of social exchanges can be a source of significant anxiety. Understanding that there are specific, socially accepted ways to handle introductions, conversations, and even dining, transforms the bewildering array of possible actions into a set sequence of steps that can be learned, practised, and mastered.

A Systematic Approach to Social Learning

The systematic nature of etiquette, with its rules and guidelines, appeals directly to the autistic mind’s tendency towards structured thinking. It allows for a systematic approach to what many perceive as the art of social interaction—an art that becomes more of a science through the lens of etiquette. Each rule, each piece of advice from the etiquette manuals of yesteryears and today, serves as a building block in constructing a comprehensive understanding of how to interact with others in a manner that’s respectful and appropriate.

The Rational Behind the Rules

Another aspect of etiquette that resonates with me, and likely with many others on the spectrum, is the logic and history behind its rules. Understanding the ‘why’ is as important as knowing the ‘what.’ Etiquette isn’t a random collection of dos and don’ts; it reflects societal values and the importance of fostering harmonious interactions. This historical and rational foundation can provide a deeper appreciation for the rules, making them more meaningful and easier to internalize.


For autistic individuals, navigating the social world can sometimes feel like deciphering an unknown language without a dictionary. Etiquette offers that dictionary—a comprehensive, structured guide to social interactions that demystifies the complexities of human behavior. By embracing the systematic study of etiquette, we’re not just learning how to act in various social situations; we’re gaining a toolkit for understanding and engaging with the world in a way that respects both ourselves and others. In a world where the rules of social engagement can seem elusive and ever-changing, etiquette provides a stable foundation, a set of guidelines that not only facilitate social interaction but also celebrate the depth and breadth of human connections.

The Keystone of Consistency: Setting Rules for Autistic Children

In nurturing an autistic child, establishing rules can be a cornerstone of creating a structured environment that fosters security and understanding. However, an often overlooked aspect of this process is the absolute necessity of consistency—not just in enforcing rules but in adhering to them ourselves. This adherence isn’t merely about maintaining order; it’s about building trust, understanding, and a sense of fairness that is crucial for children with autism, who may perceive the world differently due to variations in understanding social constructs and hierarchy.

The Importance of Leading by Example

When we set rules for our children, we essentially lay down a blueprint of expected behaviours. But here’s where it gets pivotal: autistic children, with their keen observation skills and reliance on predictable patterns, are susceptible to discrepancies between what is said and what is done. They may not inherently grasp the concept of social hierarchy or the notion that adults, by being parents, have different rules. This isn’t about defiance; it’s about a different understanding of the world—one where equality in rule-following is expected.

Understanding Theory of Mind and Its Impact

Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to understanding that others have thoughts, beliefs, desires, and perspectives different from one’s own. Some autistic individuals may find this concept challenging, which means they might not automatically assume that parents or caregivers have a ‘right’ to enforce rules they do not follow. This is where the ‘do as I say, not as I do’ approach falls short. For a child with autism, this disparity can be confusing and can be perceived as an inconsistency or even unfairness, leading to frustration and behavioural challenges.

The Consequences of Inconsistency

When rules are applied unevenly, or when caregivers exempt themselves from the rules they set, it sends a mixed message. This inconsistency can be deeply unsettling for an autistic child, who relies on clear, predictable patterns to make sense of their environment. It’s not seen just as a breach of rules but as a fundamental unfairness—an aggression against the order and predictability they depend on. This perception of unfairness can lead to distress, resistance, and behavioral issues, as the child struggles to reconcile the discrepancy between expectations and reality.

Building Trust Through Consistency

The key to avoiding such pitfalls lies in aligning our actions with our words. By following the same rules we set for our children, we not only reinforce the behavior we wish to see but also underscore the integrity of our guidance. This congruence between what we say and do is a powerful model for our children, teaching them the value of the rules themselves and the principles of fairness, trustworthiness, and respect.


As we navigate the complexities of raising children with autism, let us remember that the effectiveness of our guidance is deeply intertwined with our commitment to consistency. In a world that can often seem unpredictable and overwhelming, our steadfast adherence to the rules we set provides a beacon of reliability and fairness for our children. By embodying the standards we advocate, we lay the groundwork for a relationship built on mutual respect and understanding, paving the way for our children to thrive in a world they can predict and trust.