Tag Archives: sensory input

Input Processing

I found this book at the thrift store today, and it even had the good parts already underlined in pencil for me. Its a great book!

States of Consciousness

States of Consciousness, a classic by world authority Charles T. Tart, is a basic understanding of how the mind is a dynamic, culturally biased, semi-arbitrary construction and system. A systematic exploration of how and why altered states can come about and their possibilities. As a student of h…

Unlocking the Secrets of Consciousness: How Charles Tart’s “States of Consciousness” Illuminates Autistic Sensory Processing

In Charles Tart’s “States of Consciousness,” the concept of “Input-Processing” is one of the major subsystems of consciousness. This subsystem automates the selection and abstraction of sensory input, allowing us to perceive only what is considered “important” based on personal and cultural standards​​.

Input-Processing Subsystem: Importance and Function


The Input-Processing subsystem is crucial because it helps manage the vast amount of sensory information we receive, ensuring that we are not overwhelmed by irrelevant data. This subsystem filters incoming sensory stimuli, highlighting what our brain deems significant while disregarding the rest. This process is highly automated, operating below the level of conscious awareness most of the time.

Importance in Daily Functioning

  1. Efficiency in Perception: By filtering sensory inputs, the Input-Processing subsystem allows us to focus on what is immediately relevant, enhancing our ability to respond effectively to our environment. For example, while walking down a busy street, this subsystem helps us notice traffic signals and pedestrian movements rather than being distracted by every single sound or visual stimulus.
  2. Cultural and Personal Relevance: The criteria for what is considered important are influenced by both personal experiences and cultural norms. This means our perceptions are tailored to what we need to function within our specific cultural context, aiding in social interactions and adherence to societal norms.
  3. Adaptation and Survival: On a more fundamental level, the Input-Processing subsystem is essential for survival. By quickly identifying and prioritizing potential threats or opportunities, this subsystem helps us navigate our environment safely and efficiently.

Parallels to Autistic Perception

In autism, sensory processing can often be atypical, leading to differences in how sensory input is filtered and prioritized:

  1. Hyper- and Hypo-Sensitivity: Many autistic individuals experience either heightened sensitivity (hyper-sensitivity) or reduced sensitivity (hypo-sensitivity) to sensory stimuli. This can mean that the Input-Processing subsystem may either filter out too little, resulting in sensory overload, or too much, leading to missed important cues.
  2. Different Criteria for Relevance: The standards for what is deemed “important” sensory input can differ significantly from neurotypical norms. Autistic individuals might focus intensely on details that others might overlook and find overwhelming stimuli that others can easily ignore.
  3. Impact on Daily Life: These differences in sensory processing can significantly impact daily functioning. For instance, in a noisy environment, an autistic person might struggle with overwhelming auditory input that their Input-Processing subsystem cannot filter out efficiently. This can lead to anxiety, stress, and a need for sensory accommodations to create a more manageable environment.

Teaching and Understanding: A Precursor to ABA

Tart’s exploration in “States of Consciousness” predates the development of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and offers insights into sensory processing that can be seen as inadvertently teaching how to experience the world in an “autistic” way. By delving deeply into how sensory input is processed and filtered, Tart’s work can help neurotypical individuals understand and perhaps even adopt certain aspects of autistic sensory experiences as a means of self-discovery and personal growth.

Finding Oneself Through Sensory Awareness

Tart’s systems approach suggests that by understanding and manipulating our sensory input processing, we can achieve altered states of consciousness that lead to self-discovery. This is akin to experiencing the world as an autistic person might, with heightened awareness of sensory details and a different prioritization of stimuli. Such an approach can broaden one’s understanding of consciousness and the human experience, offering a path to deeper self-awareness and personal insight.


Tart’s detailed exploration of how the mind processes and filters sensory input provides valuable insights for understanding autistic sensory experiences. Recognizing the variability in sensory processing and the potential for overload can help appreciate the challenges faced by autistic individuals. This understanding can inform strategies to create supportive environments that minimize sensory distress and enhance well-being. Tart’s work essentially teaches elements of autistic sensory processing as a method for finding oneself, predating ABA and highlighting the importance of sensory awareness in personal development.

Anchoring Bias and Autism

Anchoring Bias and Autism: The Impact of Cognitive and Social Constructs on Autism Research

Anchoring bias occurs when initial information or assumptions disproportionately influence subsequent judgments and decisions. In autism research, this often manifests as interpretations and interventions based on neurotypical standards, potentially misaligning with the unique needs of autistic individuals.

Impact on Research and Intervention Approaches The application of anchoring bias in autism research has influenced diagnostic and assessment frameworks and the development of therapeutic interventions, such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Traditionally, ABA has emphasized the acquisition of social skills, aligning autistic behaviours with neurotypical norms rather than focusing on the intrinsic strengths and needs of autistic individuals.

The Consequences for the Autistic Community One significant outcome of this biased approach is the predominant focus of ABA therapy on social skills training, which do not align with the primary developmental needs of autistic individuals. Research suggests that autistic brains may benefit more from systemizing approaches. This method helps make sense of overwhelming sensory and cognitive input before addressing social skills. Introducing social skills prematurely may overload the cognitive processing capabilities of autistic individuals, potentially hindering or stunting their natural developmental trajectory.

Systemizing Before Socializing The emphasis on premature social skills training through ABA might have inadvertently neglected the development of systemizing skills, which are crucial for autistic individuals to effectively manage and interpret their environments. Systemizing allows for a structured understanding of environmental inputs, essential before tackling social interactions’ more abstract and unpredictable nature.

The Need for a Shift in Research and Practice

  • Reevaluation of ABA Therapy: There is a growing call within the community to pause and critically evaluate the long-term effectiveness and impact of ABA therapy on autistic development. This reevaluation should consider whether the focus on social adaptability has been at the expense of more critical cognitive and sensory processing skills.
  • Further Studies to Address Anchoring Bias: Additional research is needed to confirm whether anchoring biases have led to ineffective or potentially harmful intervention strategies. This research should aim to redefine autism intervention from a perspective that values autistic ways of interacting with the world as different but not deficient.
  • Inclusion of Autistic Voices in Research: Incorporating insights from autistic individuals, including researchers, can provide a more accurate representation of autism. This inclusion helps to ensure that research and therapies are designed with an understanding of autistic experiences and needs.

Conclusion Acknowledging and addressing the influence of anchoring bias is crucial for advancing autism research and intervention strategies. By reassessing the role and outcomes of therapies like ABA, the research community can better support the neurological diversity of the autistic population. The ultimate goal should be to develop interventions that respect and enhance the natural learning processes of autistic individuals, rather than conforming them to an external standard of normalcy.

Understimulation vs Overstimulation

Navigating Sensory Extremes: Understanding Overstimulation and Understimulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD

Sensory processing is a critical component of how we interact with our environment. For individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), managing sensory input can be particularly challenging. Both conditions often involve unique sensory sensitivities that can lead to overstimulation and understimulation, impacting behavior, emotional well-being, and daily functioning. This article explores the concepts of overstimulation and understimulation, their neurological underpinnings, and their effects on individuals with ASD and ADHD. By deepening our understanding of these sensory states, we can develop more effective strategies to support those with sensory processing sensitivities, enhancing their ability to navigate their environments and improve their quality of life.


  • What it is: Overstimulation occurs when the brain receives more sensory input than it can handle. For example, a computer with too many programs open can start to slow down or freeze.
  • Why it happens: In individuals with ASD, the part of the brain that filters sensory information (the reticular activating system) may not work as effectively. This can cause what’s known as sensory overload.
  • What it feels like: Imagine being in a room where every light is flickering at a different speed, music is blaring from multiple sources, and you can feel every fabric of your clothing—all at once.
  • Common responses: This might make someone feel irritable or anxious. To cope, they might cover their ears, hide their eyes, or rock back and forth.

Examples of Overstimulation:

  1. A child at a birthday party becomes overwhelmed by the loud music and screaming, leading to a meltdown.
  2. An adult in a busy office space becomes stressed due to overlapping conversations and ringing phones, requiring frequent breaks.


  • What it is: Understimulation happens when there is not enough sensory input to keep the brain engaged. This is similar to how you might feel bored in a too-quiet environment.
  • Why it happens: When the brain doesn’t get enough stimulation, it can cause feelings of boredom or apathy. This could be due to lower activity in brain areas responsible for attention and alertness, like the prefrontal cortex.
  • What it feels like: Imagine sitting in a plain white room with no windows, doing nothing for hours. You might start feeling restless or look for something to do to keep your mind active.
  • Common responses: Someone might start tapping their feet, fidgeting, or seeking out sensory experiences to “wake up” their brain.

Examples of Understimulation:

  1. A student in a quiet, unengaging classroom may start daydreaming or doodling to keep themselves mentally stimulated.
  2. An adult working from home might find themselves repeatedly checking their phone or getting up to walk around.


Understanding overstimulation and understimulation is crucial, especially for those with sensory processing sensitivities like ASD. Recognizing the signs can help create a supportive environment that adjusts the level of sensory input to a comfortable range for each individual. Whether it’s using noise-cancelling headphones to reduce noise or providing engaging activities to prevent boredom, tailored strategies can significantly improve daily functioning and quality of life.

Overstimulation doesn’t always have to be in social situations…

Overstimulation occurs when sensory input exceeds an individual’s ability to process it effectively, leading to sensory overload.

  1. Social Settings: Social interactions often require rapid verbal and non-verbal cues, facial expressions, and body language processing. For individuals with ASD, these elements might be difficult to interpret, leading to overstimulation. Similarly, for people with social anxiety, the fear of being judged or scrutinized can trigger overstimulation.
  2. Noisy Environments (like grocery stores or schools): Noisy environments challenge the brain to focus on relevant sounds while filtering out background noise. This filtering process can be inefficient in individuals with sensory processing issues and overwhelming environments like busy stores or classrooms.
  3. Taking Tests: The pressure of performance, time constraints, and the need to recall information rapidly can overstimulate anyone, particularly those with anxiety or ADHD. The stress associated with these situations can exacerbate difficulties in concentration and processing.
  4. Navigating Traffic: Driving requires constant sensory input processing—visual signals, auditory signals from the radio or other cars, and the physical sensation of driving. This can be particularly taxing for someone who struggles with sensory integration.
  5. Masking in Social Settings: For individuals with ASD, ‘masking’—suppressing natural behaviours to conform to social norms—can be mentally exhausting. The sustained effort to appear neurotypical can lead to burnout and overstimulation by the end of the day.
  6. Suppressing Natural Behaviors (like fidgeting in ADHD): Fidgeting helps manage attention and focus for individuals with ADHD. Being forced to suppress such behaviors in structured environments like classrooms can lead to increased stress and overstimulation.

Brain’s Response to Overstimulation

The brain processes sensory information through pathways that help discern relevant stimuli from irrelevant background noise. In neurotypical individuals, this filtering is efficient. However, in conditions like ASD and ADHD, these pathways might not filter effectively, leading to an overload of information. The brain’s attempt to compensate for noisy environments or focus during stressful situations (like tests or social interactions) can exhaust cognitive resources, leading to symptoms like irritability, fatigue, and sometimes, shutdowns or meltdowns as coping mechanisms.

Understanding and managing overstimulation involve recognizing the signs of sensory overload and employing strategies such as sensory breaks, the use of noise-cancelling headphones, structured routines, and mindfulness practices that help regulate sensory input and maintain sensory balance.