Tag Archives: inclusivity

Self-Worth and Advocacy

Embracing Self-Worth and Advocacy

Understanding and asserting your rights to accommodations, whether in educational settings or the workplace, is not just about ensuring you receive what you deserve; it’s about affirming your value and refusing to settle for less. It’s crucial to recognize that accommodations are not preferences or luxuries but essential requirements that enable equal opportunities and a level playing field for individuals with autism, ADHD, and other neurodivergent conditions.

The Significance of Saying ‘No’

Saying “no” to inadequate support and “yes” to your rights is a powerful stand against the marginalization of your needs. It’s an affirmation that your needs are legitimate and critical for your success and well-being. Embracing this stance is not about demanding special treatment; it’s about advocating for fairness and equality.

TheNeurodivergentBrain.org is your ally in this journey. It’s a treasure trove of knowledge that empowers you to understand your unique neurodivergence and articulate your experiences to those who need to hear it. This understanding is your toolset, equipping you with the language and confidence to communicate your experiences, assert your boundaries, and resist any attempt to diminish the importance of your needs.

The Essential Nature of Accommodations

Accepting anything less than what you rightfully deserve can be harmful, leading to a diminished quality of life and unmet potential. It’s essential to recognize that the accommodations you seek are not about rolling out the red carpet for you; they’re about ensuring you can engage, learn, and work effectively, just like anyone else.

Leveraging Knowledge: The Power of TheNeurodivergentBrain.org

Through TheNeurodivergentBrain.org, you’ll find information and inspiration—a guide to formulating a strategy that elevates your quality of life. It champions the idea that everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed and thrive, emphasizing that your quest for accommodations is both fair and necessary.

Everyone’s Right to Opportunity and Success

Let this be your rallying cry: Your needs are valid, your requests for accommodations are justified, and you deserve an environment that recognizes and supports your potential. Stand firm, advocate passionately, and never underestimate the transformative power of saying “no” to anything less than you deserve. Together, we can create a more inclusive and understanding world for all neurodivergent individuals.

The Steps to Filing a Complaint

Filing complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding civil liberties violations and with the Department of Education (DOE) for educational rights infractions is a crucial step in ensuring that your or your child’s rights are protected. Here’s a detailed guide on how to navigate these processes, including the importance of timely action.

Filing a Complaint with the Department of Justice (DOJ)


  1. Identify the Violation: Ensure that your situation constitutes a civil liberties violation under the jurisdiction of the DOJ, such as discrimination based on disability.
  2. Gather Documentation: Compile all relevant information, including any communication with institutions, documentation of the discrimination, and how the issue affects you or your child.
  3. Submit Your Complaint: Complaints can be filed online, by mail, or via fax.
  4. Follow Up: After submitting, you may be contacted for further information. Keep track of all communications.

Timeline: There’s no strict timeline, but acting swiftly ensures that evidence is fresh and helps in timely remediation of the issue.

Filing a Complaint with the Department of Education (DOE)


  1. Identify the Issue: Ensure the issue falls under the DOE’s purview, like failure to implement an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan accommodations.
  2. Prepare Your Complaint: Detail the specific issues, including dates, individuals involved, and any steps already taken to resolve the matter locally.
  3. File the Complaint: You can file a complaint online through the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Complaint Form.
  4. Wait for Investigation: The OCR will review your complaint and decide whether to investigate. During this period, they may require additional information from you.

Timeline: Complaints should be filed within 180 days of the incident. Prompt filing is crucial to prevent further harm and ensure a more effective investigation.

State-Specific Procedures

Every U.S. state has its own regulations and codes, including those related to IEP accommodations (often detailed in the state’s Administrative Code or Statutes). It’s vital to consult your state’s Department of Education website for specific procedures and timelines.

Use Adobe PDF Form Editor to save a stamp,avoid the aggravation of a printer, and quickly get it done and off your desk. Pro Tip: Reward yourself when you complete the task. Follow-through can be challenging when neurodivergent, so creative tactics are necessary to overcome them. Whenever you find yourself hesitant to complete the task, reward yourself after as a thank you to yourself for the hard work of following through. A reward can be a quick break outside, a power nap, or even a snack. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, just something that brings you joy.

International Guidelines

For those in other countries, the process can vary significantly. Here are a few examples:

Each country has its own agency for handling such complaints, so it’s essential to research the appropriate authority in your country.

Why Immediate Action is Imperative:

  1. Timeliness: Ensures evidence is current and accurate.
  2. Prevention: Stops ongoing discrimination or violation of rights.
  3. Remediation: Allows quicker resolution and restoration of rights.

Taking swift action when rights are infringed upon is crucial for rectifying the immediate issue and helps set a precedent for the respect and protection of civil liberties and educational rights.

One Last Note

It’s imperative to remember that seeking accommodations for autism, ADHD, or any other neurodivergent condition isn’t a matter of want or luxury. It’s about securing the fundamental requirement to learn, work, and participate in society on an equal footing. These accommodations are not special privileges; they are essential adjustments that ensure everyone has a fair chance to succeed and thrive, just like anyone else.

The journey towards securing these rights is not an expression of being unreasonable or whiny; it’s a justified demand for equality and inclusivity. Currently, the playing field is far from level, with individuals facing unnecessary penalties and barriers in educational and professional environments due to a lack of understanding and support.

This disparity highlights the urgent need for change, emphasizing that accommodations are critical in dismantling the obstacles that neurodivergent individuals face. It’s about creating a world where everyone, regardless of their neurological makeup, can achieve their full potential without being hindered by systemic inadequacies. Remember, advocating for necessary accommodations is a fair and just society for all.

Masking: A Social Rule

The Masking Rule: A Call for Authenticity in Society

The Unspoken Rule of Masking

In our society, masking has become an unspoken rule that everyone follows to some extent. This behavior, deeply ingrained in our social fabric, is the result of norms established by non-autistic individuals. For autistics, however, this rule feels foreign and uncomfortable. Unlike non-autistics, autistics don’t innately feel the need to hide their true interior because social constructs do not determine their behavior. Instead, they are guided by their personal will, doing as they please and feeling uneasy when forced to pretend and play along with societal expectations.

The Discomfort of Masking for Autistics

Masking, to many autistics, feels like lying. It goes against their nature, as they value honesty and transparency. For example, an autistic person might struggle with the expectation to smile and engage in small talk at a social gathering, finding it disingenuous and exhausting. This tendency to mask is rooted in a societal lack of accountability for personal actions. At the grocery store, at work, and in various social situations, we mask to be liked and included. This inclusion often hinges on conforming to others’ expectations of how we should act and behave, creating a cycle where personal preferences dictate acceptance.

The Societal Debate on Masking

Currently, society is engaged in a debate about the levels and rules of masking. Who should mask? When and where is it appropriate? Why do we do it? These questions arise because there is no universal agreement on the rules of masking. Each individual has their own preferences and expectations, leading to a lack of understanding and acceptance. For instance, at work, some might expect constant politeness and enthusiasm, while others might be more accepting of genuine expressions of frustration or fatigue.

Changing the Rules

But what if we changed the rules? What if we collectively decided that it’s okay to make mistakes, to say the wrong thing, or to have a bad day? What if we accepted that it’s okay to get a bad grade or be late to work? By lowering our expectations of each other and raising our acceptance, we can create a more inclusive society. Imagine a student who fails a test but is supported and encouraged to learn from the experience rather than being shamed. Or a colleague who admits they are having a tough day and is met with understanding rather than criticism.

Encouraging Authenticity

When we peel away the layers of masks accumulated over years, we reveal our truest selves. It’s okay to have many layers—everyone does. Perhaps it’s time for a new rule: unmask and be your true self. Imagine a team-building activity between autistics and non-autistics, where we encourage each other to drop the masks and embrace our genuine selves. By fostering an environment of understanding and acceptance, we can build a society that values authenticity over conformity.

A New Societal Norm

Together, let’s create a world where everyone feels comfortable being who they truly are, without the pressure to mask. Let’s make it okay to show our true interior, to make mistakes, and to be imperfect. Because when we do, we find that the truest version of ourselves is not only acceptable but truly remarkable. By embracing this new norm, we can move towards a society that values each person’s unique qualities and contributions, making it a better place for everyone.

Autism and Suicide


One of the main reasons I created this site is to help mothers connect with their autistic children and gain a better understanding of them. The bond between a mother and child is profoundly important, and a mother’s rejection can leave a lifelong wound that never heals. Autism is often misunderstood, leading to unnecessary pain and suffering for those on the spectrum.

The high rates of suicide among autistic individuals is a clear indicator that things need to change.

By fostering understanding and acceptance, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate society. This site is dedicated to supporting that mission, providing resources and insights to help bridge the gap between autistic individuals and their loved ones. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every autistic person feels valued, understood, and loved.

The Hidden Struggle: Understanding High Suicide Rates Among Autistic Individuals

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex and multifaceted condition, characterized by unique cognitive processes, sensory sensitivities, and communication styles. Despite these distinct differences, autistic individuals are often pressured to conform to societal norms that do not accommodate their needs. This relentless demand for compliance can have severe mental health repercussions, contributing to alarmingly high suicide rates within the autistic community.

Personal Insights on Compliance, Acceptance, and Misunderstanding

One of the most pervasive challenges faced by autistic individuals is the constant expectation to comply with neurotypical standards for behavior and communication. For many autistics, the struggle to be accepted and loved hinges on their ability to mask their true selves and conform to the expectations of those around them. This pressure often begins at home, where rejection—whether direct or indirect—can deeply affect an autistic individual’s sense of self-worth.

  • Rejection from Families: The expectation to conform is not limited to external societal pressures; it often starts within the home. Autistic individuals may face direct rejection from family members who do not understand or accept their differences. Indirect rejection can also occur when families, despite well-meaning intentions, encourage behaviors and interests that align with neurotypical norms, inadvertently invalidating the autistic person’s true self. This lack of acceptance and understanding within one’s own family can be profoundly isolating and damaging.
  • Misinterpretation of Actions: One of the most significant challenges autistic individuals face is the misinterpretation of their actions. Because autistics process social interactions differently, their behaviors are often perceived by non-autistics as having social malintent. Neurotypical individuals, anchored by their social constructs, may view autistic actions as deliberately provocative or antisocial. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Autistic individuals do not act with malintent; they are not trying to make people angry or to appear superior. The cognitive load of compensating for social impairments is immense, leaving no capacity for such strategic behavior.

The Truth About Autistic Behavior

Autistic individuals are genuine in their actions and words. They express what they feel and see without manipulation or hidden motives. However, non-autistics often project their own social complexities onto autistics, assuming similar layers of social maneuvering. This projection results in unfair judgments and further isolation for autistic individuals, who are simply trying to navigate a world that feels inherently dissonant to them.

Additional Challenges and Compliance

  • Suppressing Special Interests: Autistic individuals often have deep, passionate interests that provide them with immense joy and fulfillment. However, they are frequently told to talk about something else, to give others a chance to speak, or to engage in activities that they do not enjoy. This suppression of their true interests and passions can lead to a sense of isolation and invisibility.
  • Behavioral Expectations: The pressure to behave in a way that is deemed acceptable by neurotypical standards can be overwhelming. From childhood through adulthood, many autistics are taught to hide their natural behaviors, to refrain from stimming, and to conform to social norms that do not accommodate their sensory and cognitive needs.
  • Masking Autism: Masking, or camouflaging autistic traits to fit in, is a common coping mechanism. However, it comes at a significant cost. Constantly pretending to be someone you are not is exhausting and can lead to severe mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. The feeling of being unlovable and unacceptable in one’s true form is a profound and painful experience that many autistic individuals endure daily.

Statistical Evidence and External Research

The statistics on suicide rates among autistic individuals are stark and alarming. Studies have shown that autistic people are significantly more likely to experience suicidal thoughts and behaviors compared to the general population. According to research published in the journal Autism Research, the rate of suicide attempts among autistic adults is nearly four times higher than that of the general population (Cassidy et al., 2014).

Additional Factors Contributing to High Suicide Rates

Several other factors contribute to the high suicide rates among autistic individuals:

  • Invisible Disability Bias: Autism is often an invisible disability, meaning that autistic individuals can look and act like everyone else, making their struggles less apparent. This invisibility can lead to a lack of understanding and empathy from others, exacerbating feelings of isolation and despair.
  • Sensory Overload: The modern world is filled with sensory stimuli that can be overwhelming for autistic individuals. Environments such as crowded grocery stores, noisy workplaces, and bustling public spaces can lead to chronic sensory overload, contributing to heightened stress and mental fatigue.
  • Communication Barriers: Autistic individuals often struggle with understanding implied language and non-verbal cues. This communication barrier can lead to misunderstandings, social rejection, and feelings of inadequacy. The inability to express oneself fully and be understood by others can deepen the sense of isolation.
  • Lack of Adequate Support: Many autistic individuals do not receive the support they need to navigate daily life. Existing accommodations are often insufficient, focusing on minimal adjustments rather than creating environments that truly support neurodiverse needs.


The high suicide rates among autistic individuals are a stark reminder of the need for greater understanding, acceptance, and support. Society must move beyond token gestures and weak accommodations to embrace true inclusivity. This involves recognizing and valuing the unique ways in which autistic individuals think, communicate, and experience the world. By fostering environments that support neurodiverse needs and by embracing autistic individuals as they are, we can help reduce the mental health burden and create a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Words and Pictures

Beyond Words: Understanding and Respecting Autistic Communication Styles

It’s crucial to understand that autistic individuals often think and process the world in fundamentally different ways than non-autistic individuals. For many autistics, thinking in pictures or using visual and sensory experiences is a natural and efficient way to navigate life. This visual thinking is not inferior; it’s simply different.

When therapies and interventions insist that autistic individuals must use words and communicate in ways that are more comfortable for non-autistics, it can feel oppressive and disrespectful. It’s as if the unique, natural ways in which autistic minds work are being dismissed or devalued.

Historical Context of Forced Assimilation

Throughout history, there have been numerous instances where dominant groups have imposed their ways of life on others, often with devastating consequences. For example, during the era of colonialism, indigenous populations were often forced to abandon their languages, traditions, and ways of life in favor of the colonizers’ customs. This resulted in a loss of cultural identity and significant psychological trauma for many indigenous communities.

A more recent example is the forced assimilation policies in the United States and Canada, where indigenous children were taken from their families and placed in residential schools. These schools aimed to “civilize” the children by erasing their native languages and cultures. The long-term impact of these policies has been profound, contributing to intergenerational trauma and the erosion of indigenous cultures.

Scientific Insights into Neurodiversity

Research into neurodiversity underscores the importance of respecting different cognitive styles. Studies have shown that autistic individuals often have enhanced visual and spatial skills, which can be a significant advantage in various fields, such as art, engineering, and computer science (Grandin, 2006). Dr. Temple Grandin, a prominent autistic advocate, has written extensively about how her visual thinking has been instrumental in her success.

Forcing autistic individuals to conform to non-autistic communication styles without considering their natural preferences can be seen as a form of compliance training rather than genuine support. It’s akin to saying, “You must fit into our mold, or you’re not acceptable,” which can be deeply harmful and invalidating.

The Need for Mutual Respect

True inclusivity and support should be about finding a middle ground where both neurotypical and neurodivergent ways of thinking and communicating are respected and valued. Instead of demanding that autistics change to fit into a non-autistic world, we should seek to understand and integrate autistic communication styles. This approach fosters mutual respect and acknowledges the richness that diverse ways of thinking bring to our world.

The philosophy of neurodiversity advocates for the recognition and respect of different neurological conditions as natural variations of the human genome. This perspective encourages society to accommodate these differences rather than trying to “fix” or “normalize” them (Singer, 1998).


Imposing non-autistic communication methods on autistic individuals without mutual compromise echoes the dark chapters of history where conformity was enforced at the expense of cultural and individual identity. By recognizing and valifying neurodiverse communication styles, we move towards a more inclusive and empathetic society.


  • Grandin, T. (2006). Thinking in Pictures, Expanded Edition: My Life with Autism. Vintage.
  • Singer, J. (1998). Odd People In: The Birth of Community amongst People on the Autistic Spectrum: A Personal Exploration of a New Social Movement based on Neurological Diversity.

The Art of Dismantling

The Intricate Joy of Dismantling: Understanding Through Disassembly

For those of us with a penchant for exploration, particularly within the autistic community, the world is akin to a vast puzzle, each component beckoning with secrets of its design and function. This isn’t merely a hobby; it’s a profound engagement with the world, allowing for an in-depth understanding and manipulation of one’s surroundings. This post delves into why dismantling objects is more than just a curiosity for autistic individuals—it’s a necessary part of interacting with and understanding our environment.

Why We Dismantle

Central to many autistic individuals’ engagement with the physical world is a cognitive trait known as systemizing. Systemizing compels one to analyze, hypothesize, and derive the underlying rules that govern systems. It’s a drive to see the order in the chaos, to predict outcomes based on observed patterns. For me, and many others, dismantling is our way of systemizing—of making sense of how things work, hands-on.

Taking things apart helps to satiate our need to see how components interact, revealing the direct cause and effect that can be so elusive in social interactions and more abstract contexts.

Systemizing: A Core Strength

Research into autism has increasingly highlighted the importance of systemizing tendencies among autistic individuals. This cognitive style explains why activities such as dismantling old electronics, taking apart mechanical toys, or analyzing computer components are not just pastimes but essential processes for understanding our environment.

By engaging with these activities, we gain a sense of control and predictability. In a world that often feels overwhelming and incomprehensibly complex, understanding the tangible, physical components of everyday items can provide comfort and clarity.

Supporting Our Explorative Drive

Supporting an autistic individual’s explorative drive can be as simple as providing the right tools for discovery. Sourcing mechanical items no longer in use—like clocks, radios, or even broken appliances from junk yards or thrift stores—can be incredibly beneficial. These materials offer safe and appropriate outlets for dismantling, allowing for educational exploration without risk to other household items.

Providing specific items for dismantling also means preserving the integrity of other household appliances and gadgets. It’s a thoughtful gesture that recognizes the need for exploration while maintaining household harmony.

Learning from the Past

Many of history’s great inventors and thinkers exhibited strong systemizing traits from a young age. Figures like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, known for their groundbreaking contributions to science, engaged deeply with physical and mathematical principles during their formative years. This historical pattern underscores the potential that lies in nurturing the natural curiosities and cognitive strengths of autistic individuals.

Embracing Our Natural Tendencies